
黑貓用尾巴來撒嬌 -  黒猫はしっぽで甘える
From Bakeneko Scanlations: "When we met, I fell in love with you..." The novelist Sakaguchi was troubled. When Sakaguchi took in a weak kitten, the high schooler Kazuya, who comes to the his house to visit the cat, suddenly confessed. He thought it was just childish nonsense, but while usually being quiet, the Kazuya who is confesed his love awkwardly while his ears became red, seemed cute to Sakaguchi. But... adult love also entails sex, right? The love between the rough novelist and clumsy high schooler.
黒檻姫と渇きの王; La princesse de la cage noire et le roi assoiffé
Sethia est prisonnière d'un roi sans pitié dont le passe-temps est de la tourmenter. Sous son masque de monarque autoritaire, le roi cache pourtant une réelle sensibilité.
Kurosagi: The Black Swindler, The Black Swindler, 诈欺猎人, Cheating Hunter
黒鷺死体宅配便, Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, Kurosagi's Corpse Delivery Service, The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
Your body is their business! Five young students at a Buddhist university, three guys and two girls, find little call for their job skills in today's Tokyo...among the living, that is! But all that stuff in college they were told would never pay off--you know, channeling, dowsing, ESP--gives them a direct line to the dead...the dead who are still trapped in their corpses and can't move on to the next reincarnation.The five form the Kurosagi ("Black Heron”-their ominous bird logo) Corpse Delivery Service: whether suicide, murder, accident, or illness, they'll carry your body wherever it needs to go to free your soul! The kids from Kurosagi can smell a customer a mile away--it's a good thing one of the girls majored in embalming!
我才不会对黑崎君说的话言听计从 -  黒崎くんの言いなりになんてならない
Yuu est une fille simple qui veut changer lors de son entrée au lycée. Elle tombe amoureuse du gars sexy que l'on surnomme "Le prince blanc", mais d'une certaine façon, elle garde un œil sur le gars super sadique connu en tant que "Démon noir" ?!
The impeccable butler of the Phantomhive household is famous by now. But wait… something is a bit off with this story… Baa?
黒執事 dj - One's dear One - 
Black Butler : Sebastian x Ciel
黑衣小姐 -  黒装のミストレス -  Kokusou no Mistress
Hirasaka Itsuki semble être attaqué par une apparition qu'il est le seul à voir.Une fille lui vient en aide, Riri, supposément morte dans une explosion depuis 8 ans...
くろよめ, Kuro Yome, My Pretty Bride
A series of inter-related short stories including:01-04: Kuroyome05-06: Metoraba07: Mitsuko-san's Agony08: Fuji-sensei's Lie
Dans un japon médiéval fantasmé, un jeune home, Kuro, et son compagnon Benkei fuient la guerre et les poursuivants qui en veulent à la vie de Kuro. Ils trouvent refuge chez une mystérieuse jeune femme, Kuromitsu, qui vit dans une demeure reculée au milieu des montagnes.En échange de son hospitalité, celle-ci a seulement une condition : ne jamais regarder dans la chambre à l'arrière de la maison, qui est sa chambre à coucher...
くるぶし骨 -  Ankle Bone
Ishikawa, being a klutz, is home for Golden Week, and Yamaguchi is going to nurse him back to health... sort of? The sweet couple is back and enjoying their first holiday together!
狂い咲きの花 -  Demon Flowers -  Flowers Out of Season
From Tokyopop: Long ago, when Japanese gods descended upon humans, their mixed offspring inherited supernatural powers...and the name "Kuruizaki no Hana." Now, those of the Demon world are rising up to wipe out these offspring - led by the cool and confident assasin, Ushitora. He's worshipped as a deadly professional, but when he falls in love with one such gifted boy, Masato, everything changes. Ushitora betrays his people, instead sacrificing himself to a life on the run, in order to care for Masato and a spirited orphaned girl named Nao.
胡桃の中 -  In the Box -  In the Walnut -  Reflection of de Chirico
The story of the characters of In the Walnut is actually a spin off a oneshot that was published in Keijijyou na Bokura (Our Everlasting) volume 2. What do a gallery owner, Hideo Tanizaki, and a young, naïve filmmaker, Sohei Nakai, have in common? Well, both of them are 24 years old – that’s a good start. They both graduated from the same art school – that can’t hurt either. The fact that Tanizaki has a penchance for art forgery is just one “minor” difference between the two that Tanizaki hopes to rectify pretty quickly.
くるりくる! -  Kururi from the Sea! -  Kururi of the Sea!
From the Central Park Media catalog: "Sexy fantasy jam-packed with beautiful maidens! Kururi is a beautiful girl who lives in a mystical undersea kingdom who comes to the surface world in search of thrills and adventure. It's one sexy, hilarious adventure after another in this fast-paced epic!"
Kururun Rieru Change! -  Kururun Real Change! -  Kururun? Rieru Change! -  Lieru's Love Power -  くるるんっ☆りえるチェンジ!
Je suis Kasuga Lieru !J'ai changé d'école pour aller dans une école de riches, le collège Outou, mais peut-être que je ne ressemble pas aux élèves de là-bas avec ma force surhumaine ?! Mais si j'utilise le "Kururun Heart Touch" qu'un (Chat ?) salarié nomméNyakamura-san venu d'un autre monde m'a donné, je pourrais me transformer en n'importe quoi !Peut-être qu'avec ça, Tsubaki-kun, le président du conseil des élèves,me remarquera ?
Kusanagi sensei wa Tamesa Rete Iru -  Kusanagi-sensei ha Tamesa Rete Iru -  草薙先生は試されている
15 years ago, Kusanagi-sensei gave up her love (♀). Now, her lost love's daughter is her student?! As she wavers under the pressure of her student's relentless attacks, Kusanagi-sensei's (♀/36) era of trial begins!
No More Need For Chains
Kusatta Kyoushi no Houteishiki dj - Encore -  腐った教師の方程式 encore
Masayoshi fall ill, he has fever. His state of health reveal an unexpected side of his personality and Atsushi take care of him.
Kusatta dj - Mix10
After Arisawa ganks all of Shibata-sensei's high school photos, he has...interesting dreams.Originally released as a doujinshi, this short has been collected in volume 2 of Not Ready!? Sensei and in volume 3 of the reprinted editions of Kusatta.
腐った教師の方程式 -  Bad Teacher's Equation (English) -  Equation of a Degenerate Teacher -  Kiss me, Teacher (German) -  Kusatta -  Rotten Teacher's Equation (English)
A boy changes schools to be near his childhood crush. Mistaken identities and numerous love triangles ensue. Atsushi Arisawa enrolls at Jougaouka High School to be near Masami Shibata (Ma-chan) who was his childhood crush. Unbeknownst to Atsushi, however, Masami no longer works at the school and his brother, Masayoshi is now the nurse. Atsushi mistakes Masayoshi for Masami and is horrified because to him, it appears that Masami's personality has done a complete 180. Add to the fact that Atsushi's friend, Kouji Inagaki is totally in love and constantly trying to make-out with him, Atsushi's life at Jougaoka is hell until he starts thinking that maybe the new Ma-chan isn't so bad after all and that, maybe he actually likes the way Ma-chan is now. Until of course, he finds out that Masayoshi isn't Masami.
クソ漫画ぶくろ, Shitty Manga Bag
A collection of illogical plot lines.
Kuso Zako Choroine Nishiga Hachi -  クソザコチョロイン西賀蜂
Kuso Zako Choroine Nishiga Hachi -  クソザコチョロイン西賀蜂
Damn Vampire-Chan -  Kusozako Kyuketsuki-chan -  クソザコ吸血鬼ちゃん
Short stories about an unfortunate vampire girl.
Kuzumi can't you read the atmosphere? (English) , 久住くん 空気読めてますか? (Japanese)
(Manga 4-koma) RÉSERVÉ PAR LA 4-koma Team et la APScan ( Manga fini en 8 tome )
くすりゆびひめ, 戒指中的王子, Kusuri Yubi Hime, Kusuriyubihime, Ring Finger Princess
Houjou Hinaki is a young girl who has in her possesion a ring, a gift from her father. Anyway, this ring is not an usual one. When she kisses it, a young noble man named Sae appears in front of her and grants all her wishes. However, Sae is trapped in the ring and can't tolerate much time outside and together with Hinaki and her freaky schoolmate Yume-senpai, tries to find out a way of how he can escape from the ring's prison.
The Pharmacist's Monologue -  药屋少女的呢喃 -  약사의 혼잣말
Une jeune femme du nom de maomao est enlevée et vendue au harem de la cour impériale.L'histoire ne fait que commencer pour cette femme docteur/héroboriste du quartier des plaisirs, tandis que des rumeurs circulent sur la courte espérance de vie des nouvelles nées de l'empereur.Sa curiosité et sa soif de connaissances la pousse a agir.Pour satisfaire sa curiosité la jeune femme va enquêter sur l'origine de ces tragédies ! Quel changement apportera-t-elle à la cour impériale... ! ! ?
戒指中的王子 -  Ring Finger Princess -  The Secret Prince in My Ring
Houjou Hinaki est une jeune fille possédant un anneau, cadeau lui venant de son père. Cependant ce n'est pas un anneau ordinaire. Quand elle l'embrasse, un jeune noble, Sae, apparaît devant elle et lui accorde tous ses souhaits. Toutefois, Sae a été piégé par l'anneau et ne peut tolérer de rester plus longtemps avec Hanaki et Yume-sempai, un camarade de classe vraiment bizarre. Il recherche désespérément une manière de sortir de la prison de l'anneau.
A kindly shoemaker becomes the Earth Princess' exclusive shoemaker.