
くちびる下さい, Please Kiss Me
My dream of a fairy tale kiss, dashed.
Sweet Poison On Our Lips -  唇に甘い毒
Waku Yuu et Tatewaki Jin forment le groupe CROSS. Yuu est un peu frivole et se laisse séduire facilement par tout ce qui passe. Alors quand il affirme à Jin qu'il l'aime, ce dernier se méfie. Qu'est-ce que tout cela signifie réellement ?
Aya Kakurai, suite à des réprimandes après un horrible événement, a décidé de devenir "invisible" aux yeux des autres et donc de s'isoler. Les seules personnes capables de voir la véritable personnalité d'Aya est sa famille. D'ailleurs, sa passion est le dessin et la peinture et elle souhaite pouvoir en faire en son métier plus tard. Un jour, la classe entends l'arrivée d'un nouvel étudiant tout droit revenu de France : Aimu Sada, garçon resplendissant à la chevelure blonde, qui n'hésite pas à faire dans l'extravagance et la surprise quand il se présente. Voyant qu'il s'assoit à côté d'elle, Aya pressent ce qui va arriver malgré tous ses efforts pour se cacher derrière son livre : il lui demande de lui faire visiter l'école. N'ayant pas d'autres choix après voir vu une facette "effrayante" du garçon, elle accepte. Mais Aimu va se rendre compte de son comportement et va faire en sorte de savoir ce qu'il se cache derrière cette façade...
くちびるに透けたオレンジ, Kuchibiru ni Saketa Orange
When a transfer student arrives from Tokyo, Chizuru immediately develops a crush. Surprisingly, the beautiful and stylish transfer student joins Chizuru's group of friends. Will a closer relationship develop between Chizuru and Kanae?
Nazuna a une immense aversion pour les hommes parce que son père est parti à cause d'une liaison. Elle commence à croire que tous les garçons aiment les grands professeurs. La relation entre elle et son ami d'enfance, Keisuke, va droit vers le malaise quand il dit quelque chose à propos de leur professeur de chant ! Peuvent-ils toujours avoir la même relation entre eux ?
くちびるためいきさくらいろ -  A Kiss, Love, and a Prince -  Cherries for Your Lips -  Even if We're Not Friends -  If I Kiss Her Ring Finger -  Kiss, Sigh and Cherry Blossom
Collection of 7 short stories revolving around an all-girl's school. From Lililicious: • Tomodachi ja Nakute mo (Even if We're Not Friends) - "Even if We're not Friends," is about two girls who were friends in junior high but end up going to different high schools. • Tengoku ni Ichiban Chikai Natsu (The Summer Closest to Heaven) - Tells the story of a ghost who accidentally possesses a girl, then takes advantage of the situation to interact with the woman she loves. • Kiss to Koi to Oujisama (A Kiss, Love, and a Prince) - Takes place in the same setting as "Even if We're Not Friends," but centers around different characters. The main character is kissed by her sempai, who is playing opposite her in the school play, and freaks out because she always imagined her first kiss would be with a boy, preferably a dashing prince. • Itsuka no Kono Koi (This Love from I Can't Remember When) - Tells the story of one girl's unrequited love. • Kuchibiru ni Cherries (Cherries For Your Lips) - Tells the story of a girl who's in love with her best friend. • Kusuriyubi ni Kiss Shitara (If I Kiss Her Ring Finger) - Nana wants to take things farther with Hitomi, but Hitomi doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile, Nana's failed her midterms, and she uses the make-up tests as an excuse to avoid Hitomi. • Honto no Kimochi (Real Love) - Michiru confesses her love to her sempai and asks her out. • Chocolate Kiss Kiss - comes after "If I Kiss Her Ring Finger." Valentine's Day is coming up, bringing both sweet and sad memories for Nana and Hitomi. • Wishing on the Moon - comes after "Chocolate Kiss Kiss." Can Nana and Hitomi manage to balance their relationship with the other demands on their time?
Kissing Witches -  口移しの魔女たち
[*][url=]Mangaka's Twitter[/url]
Momozu est un "Hare Otoko" casanier et mal fagoté que le beau temps semble suivre partout, tandis que Toyotama est un "Ame Otoko" gai et sportif qui, lui, est constamment suivi par les orages. Quand les deux se rencontrent et que Toyotama convainc Momozu qu'ils devraient rejoindre un club de randonnée en montagne ensemble, c'est un cas total d'attraction d'opposés !
空中庭園 -  Floating Garden -  Kuuchuu Teien -  Garden in the Sky
This is Sahaquel, a beautiful country surrounded by the vast blue sea where the south wind blows softly on your cheek throughout the year. One day, Aisha, who worked in the red-light district was bought by Karim, the illegitimate son of a rich Elhazard merchant family, who happened to be in the area attending some business. However, no roles were given to Aisha after his redemption, not even the role of Karim’s lover (which is what he was supposed to be). Despite being confused about this, Aisha vowed to devote his everything for Karim’s sake…
クドわふたー -  库多wafter -  Kudo Wafuta -  Kudo Wafutaa
くだみみの猫 -  狐耳巫女媚猫娘 -  管耳猫
Neneko was a "hikikomori" girl who was afraid of her surroundings because she was possessed by a "Kuda-fox". One day, she received a letter asking her, 'Will you come to our clinic to work as a miko?' Looking for a clue on how to exorcise the "Kuda-fox", Neneko started working at the clinic that specialises in exorcising evil spirits. Miko x Shikigami x Bindings! The bindings-type master servant love comedy begins!
件の黒猫; Black Cat of Matter; Black Cat of the Aforementioned; Kudan no Kuraneko
Après avoir secouru Maya, le descendant du Dieu Chat, blessé au court d'une première mission avortée, Yujiro commence à ressentir un désir intense pour le superbe félin. Mais Yujiro sait-il que Maya a, au court de sa mission, perdu les précieuses cloches divines ? Découvrez ici une belle histoire d'amour qui franchit le frontière des genres.
クドキ, クドキ 新訳歌舞伎絵巻, Kudoki, Kudoki: A New Translation of Kabuki, Kudoki: Shinyaku Kabuki Emaki, Yuki & Kiku, Yuki to Kiku - "Banchou Sarayashiki" yori
A collection of kabuki stories including• Yuki to Kiku - "Banchou Sarayashiki" yoriKiku, whose father has been executed for theft, is taken in by the sympathetic Lord and Lady Aoyama. Though Kiku wishes to live a "proper" life, she is accused of stealing the one thing that Lady Aoyama treasures the most...


L'histoire d'amour d'un robot féminin nommé Kudrayvka possédant un "coeur" et de son technicien Sergei.
傀儡, Puppet
"Find the doll maker, and take the puppet!" That was the cryptic message that was sent to Nimiya when her grandfather passed away. Yet the mission is not as straightforward as it seems. Just who is behind the Shikigami insurgence, and what are they after? And will Nimiya and the electrician be able to stop them before it's too late?
Puppet Senki -  傀儡戦記
An unprecedented high fantasy anthology project
喰いタン, Kui-Tan, Kuitan, The Case Files of the Gourmand Detective, Vua ăn phá án
“Holmes Agency” is a private detective office known as the “Big-Eating” Detective Office. Seiya Takano, who is known for have a huge appetite, gets assigned to this office as the new leader. Ryosuke Noda and Ryoko Izumi, both also having a big appetite work under Seiya. Murder, robbery, and kidnapping - many incidents occur around them. And the three solve each of the many cases in a most surprising way - their appetite results in marvelous speculations! They eat at the murder scene. They eat on the track. They even eat dog food! They keep on eating and eating, not even listening to the witness. Everywhere they go, they eat and eat and eat! And every time after finishing, the criminal appears. KUITAN is the words “Big-Eating” and Detective combined together. “Real Gourmet” plus “Real Mystery”. The big-eating detectives are on the run, solving cases from their deep knowledge about food.
Dining Bar Akira -  Kuimono Dokoro Akira -  Kuimonodokoro Meiraku -  Kuimono Dokoro Meiraku -  Kuimonosho Akira -  くいもの処明楽
Akira, 32ans, est le manager du Bar Restaurant Akira". Bien qu'il ne soit jamais sortit avec un homme, il commence à y réfléchir sérieusement lorsque son collègue de 26 ans, Torihara, lui avoue les sentiments qu'il a pour lui. Commence alors pour Akira une lutte acharnée entre le fait de garder sa fierté d'homme plus âgé intacte, et la découverte d'une relation avec un homme plus jeune que lui... Tout ça ne sera pas facile pour lui puisque les deux hommes travaillent ensemble au restaurant...
クジャクの教室, Kujaku no Kyōshitsu, Kujaku no Kyoshitsu, Kujyaku no Kyoushitsu, Peacock Classroom
くじびきアンバランス -  くじびき♥アンバランス -  Kujibiki♥Unbalance
From Del Rey: Chihiro has been cursed with bad luck all his life, but all that changes when he wins a mysterious lottery that earns him a spot at the prestigious Rikkyoin High School, a strange place where everything is decided by chance - even who gets appointed to the student council. Although Chihiro has drawn the winning ticket, this is no ordinary honor. Each day the student-council members must risk their lives to save the school from various forces of evil.
クジラにキスする日 -  The Day I Kissed a Whale
High-school senior Nana seeks to photograph a whale in dedication to her dead boyfriend.
Deux hommes maladroits et attachants. Une fois face à face, Younosuke et Suzunari, tous deux héritiers de tailleurs de longue date, se jettent immédiatement des sarcasmes désagréables. Jusqu'au moment où Younosuke pensait que leur relation allait durer éternellement, on lui arrange un rendez-vous pour un mariage... Voudriez-vous découvrir cette relation entre deux jeunes tailleurs... ?
クマさんと一緒 -  Together with Mr. Bear
A little girl Rin and her bear protector happen upon Sayuri, a survivor of the zombie apocalypse. Rin seems to be living an idyllic life in her lone mountain home, but how is it that she and Mr. Bear have managed to go unnoticed by the zombie hordes?
A collection of Kumanami Sae's Oneshots.[url=]Author's Pixiv[/url][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
Да -  я паук -  и что же? -  蜘蛛ですが、なにか? -  Aš Voras -  Ir Kas Iš To? -  So I'm A Spider -  What About It?
Une lycéenne japonaise est arrachée à notre monde, pour renaître dans un autre, mais en tant qu'araignée ! Plongée au milieu d'un donjon peuplé de monstres tous plus redoutables les uns que les autres, elle devra utiliser avec intelligence les compétences propres à son espèce pour devenir plus forte et écraser ses rivaux.
雲のグラデュアーレ, Graduale Der Wolken, Graduale of the Clouds, Kumo no Guradyuarae, Kumo no Guradyuare, L'Escadrille des nuages (French)
The country called Yukifune is now in an age of air travel, and a group called Saratros exists during these times. Armed with blimps and gliders, what is the Sarastros' true nature, and what is its purpose?Meanwhile, the army's watch for the Saratros takes a mysterious turn... and soon, Koto, the girl with the golden hand, will deal with the world as she makes her way out of the huge fighting stage!
云之彼端 約定的地方, 雲のむこう、約束の場所, The Place Promised in Our Early Days
In an alternate history of the aftermath of World War II, Japan has been cleaved in half, with the south—Honshu and the other islands—allied with the United States and the northern island Hokkaido annexed by the enigmatic Union. It was on Hokkaido that a mysterious tower had been built, a strand of metal reaching up out of the atmosphere, visible from the northern tip of Honshu. In 1996, three teenagers, Hiroki, Takuya and Sayuri, make a pact—they will build an experimental aircraft, almost invisible to surveillance, cross over to Hokkaido and unlock the secrets of the tower. Their dream was never realized, because Sayuri was sent to Tokyo for treatment after she fell into a coma. It is now three years later. The rosy illusions of youth have fallen away, but not the unbreakable strength of the trio’s promise. The truth of the tower will be uncovered, and with it, the link between it and Sayuri’s mysterious, carefully tended condition.This is a manga version of the film the Place Promised in Our Early Days
Kumo no Ue de Kiss Shiyou -  Kumo no Uede Kiss wo Shiyou -  Let's Kiss Above the Clouds -  雲の上でキスをしよう
1-2) Kumo no Uede Kiss wo ShiyouYoung, earnest flight attendant finds himself attracted by the dashing pilot... whose charm also makes the young uke insecure. Will this sex-based relationship survive? Also, why is the dashing pilot kissing someone else after sleeping with the uke?3-4) Zettai FukujuuOn the outside Nachi is a student living with his cousin Shinya for free in exchange he's the "maid". What no one knows, not even his friend Kanda, is that he's also Shinya's sex partner. With Shinya's rude, arrogant behavior to Nachi how long will this "master" and "servant" relationship last? How long will Nachi be able to keep the truth about his relationship from Kanda?5) Kumo no Uede Kiss wo Shiyou extra
くーねるまるた, Ku-neru Maruta, Kuuneru Marta, Kuuneru Maruta
Marta is a friendly, happy Portuguese girl who lives in Japan. She loves Portuguese food and often breaks into dance. The story begins when an uncertain delivery man brings a package of Portuguese ingredients to Marta's apartment, where she is hanging out in a swimsuit. [tethysdust]
At Jinpu mountain Chinmi Tao Ryuen is a student at the Korin temple. Every one at the temple sees him as the weakest, even the younger students don't show any respect for him and makes fun of him as soon as they get the chance. But when he suddenly is in the Bout challenge(this Bout of the champions is intended to choose the best student to receive a special lesson later on) and the other challenger is the powerful Kuen. After a shocking one sided fight Chinmi Tao wins. After the fight Chinmi Tao is called to see the master, and receive shocking news about what is happening in the country...