
My Mischievous Hands Can't Resist -  いたずらな手は我慢ができない
Kubo, a university student who works at an adult goods store, is extremely curious about adult toys. One day, the store manager gets sick and Sugiura, a man who had piqued Kubo's interest when he'd been at the store before, comes to cover for him. While stocking shelves, Sugiura picks up a vibrator, and when Kubo casually teases him about using one, the usually expressionless Sugiura gets red and flustered. ......His subtle sensuality... Does that mean......? Taking a chance while they're alone in the back, Kubo pushes Sugiura against the wall, and...! Brought to the brink by a whirring toy! A wet 'n' wild love story between a simple-minded, arrogant student and a hot-and-cold prince! (from Renta!)
いたずらっこの征服論 / The Mischievous Child’s Conquest Strategy
Ayase Michiya est un playboy qui a toujours une nouvelle fille à portée de main, mais l'attention dont il a besoin et de manière inattendue est celle de son meilleur ami, Satori Kouta.
いとこ同士 -  When Love Comes Abruptly -  When Love Comes Too Abruptly
Quoted from Slash-kun's review: "The reissue of the author's old works from mainly her djs (1991-1995). The short series of the cool romance between two cousins who love each other with a little guilt feeling. And three short stories (Stylish comedy like current author's taste. Hero finds his uncle after a long separation but the guy is not same man as his uncle.../ The forbidden relationship between hero and his young uncle-in-law seems to change after the birth of the baby of hero's sister.../ Re-issue of short story from "My beautiful green Palace". The researcher visits again the village of Merman legend to meet the mysterious guy / Kakioroshi - additional newly written sequel of the series. Cousins enjoy barbecue with their colleagues of their office)."
A Canvas of Spun Yarn -  Itomeguri no Sobyou -  いとめぐりの素描
Trois filles sur le point de terminer leurs études secondaires, chacun contemplant ses rêves et ses aspirations d’enfant. Cette fois-ci, des échantillons de broderies de différents lieux et époques font échos aux rêves et à la vie des filles qui les ont créées. Les histoires, passées et présentes, s’entrelacent comme si elles étaient tissées par des fils.
Itonaga a été victime d'intimidation au collège parce qu'il avait des yeux exceptionnellement petits, ce qui le rendait progressivement maladroit socialementEN PAUSE
7 years ago she received a goldfish at a summer festival. The goldfish is named after her beloved Jin. But Jin, her childhood friend, will be leaving home. At the time, those words were uttered unexpectedly...
いとしのアネリ -  Itoshi no Nneli. -  Itoshi no Anneli
Kana n'est pas disons "normale", c'est une fantôme.Elle va vivre avec un jeune garçon une relation amoureuse qui est du coup un peu spéciale... découvrez l'histoire de ces deux jeunes personnages dont la vie est à la fois ordinaire et atypique.
Meet Yutaka Hanagasaki, 20 years old and a gardener at the theme park Fuegaoka. Meet Merun-chan, the mascot of Fuegaoka, with lots of popularity. Hanagasaki just so happens to secretly like her, but can never work up the courage to even talk to her, always admiring her from afar like a flower. A sweet story of how Hanagasaki works up the courage and becomes closer to Merun!
Dear, My Doctor! -  My Sweet Doctor -  愛しのマイドクター!
The bright young actor Sunao Makita is starring in a hit medical TV drama. His director makes him interview a surgeon called Naoki Himematsu, but when Sunao shows up, he receives the opposite of a warm welcome and is outright rejected. Over time, Dr. Himematsu's cold yet kind personality slowly warms up to Sunao's tenacity and persistence. Will Sunao figure out how to get through to the surgeon's heart!? He wants to see more of the doctor's cute side! This is a medical romance featuring an attractive actor with the personality of an excited puppy, and the calm, collected doctor he loves!
いとしのニーナ, 亲爱的妮娜, Itoshi no Niina, My Lovely Nina, Nina My Love
One afternoon, Atsushi's best friend from childhood, Masa, informs him, "I kidnapped Niina Aota." Niina, whose popular nickname is "Nina", is the girl Masa fell in love with at first sight on the train attending school. Atsushi found it unexpected and hard to believe, until he heads over to Masa's apartment and discovers that Nina has really been kidnapped....
Une histoire d'amour qui se déroule dans les temps féodaux. Tachibana, fille d'un haut fonctionnaire, a été chargée par sa défunte tante, de prendre soin de sa fille Sakura. Sakura doit persévérer dans l'univers difficile de la noblesse et faire face à de nombreux défis qui pourraient l'éloigner de Tachibana. Est-ce que l'amour éternel que Tachibana éprouve pour Sakura sera suffisant pour la protéger ?
愛しをとめ~君がこころは~; Itoshi wo Tome - Kimi ga Kokoro wa; Itoshi wo Tome: Kimi Ga Kokoro Wa
Une histoire d'amour qui se déroule dans les temps féodaux. Tachibana, fille d'un haut fonctionnaire, a été chargée par sa défunte tante, de prendre soin de sa fille Sakura. Sakura doit persévérer dans l'univers difficile de la noblesse et faire face à de nombreux défis qui pourraient l'éloigner de Tachibana. Est-ce que l'amour éternel que Tachibana éprouve pour Sakura sera suffisant pour la protéger ?

Itoshii Hito

Itoshii Hito (SAKU Minori) -  My Love (SAKU Minori) -  いとしいひと
Homare is a buyer of family-friendly products who loses a potential client when they hear a rumor he's gay. Feeling frustrated, he stops by a bar on his way home and meets an attractive man named Junpei. Taking a seat next to Junpei at the counter, Homare starts to talk about work and confesses that he's gay. Not only is he accepted warmly, but he discovers that Junpei is also gay... but both of them have a deep fear of emotional commitment. As they grow closer to one another, will fear get in the way of finding true happiness in love? This is a tender and sensual story of how to give love and how to be loved in return. (From Renta!)
Itoshii, Toikoto -  いとしい、ということ -  可愛就是這麼一回事 -  愛情、這東西 -  所謂愛情
Koyama Tomoaki is a handsome and reserved employee of a major company. One day, the efficient and reliable junior in his team, Saiki Keiichi, gets sick and Koyama goes to visit him at home. At work, Saiki is always stylish and nearly perfect, but unexpectedly, at home he is the complete opposite! The events of that evening change the superior and subordinate relationship between the two. Koyama is scared of loss and never lets strangers get close to him, but when he realizes that Saiki only has eyes for him, his feelings waver...
いとしきボディガード -  Ridge: The Avenger
Dara helps her godfather, Harrison, with his campaigns for a U.S. presidential election. Being blessed with beauty and intelligence, she soon gains popularity as Harrison's poster girl. But it also means she is a target of political enemies. Therefore, Harrison hires one of the best bodyguards for her-- Ridge Jackson. Dara is stunned when she sees his shadowy gold eyes. How seductive he is... Isn't it more dangerous to be with this sexy guy than to be a target of political rivalry?
Itou-kun Doesn't Know About Love -  伊藤くんは 恋を知らない。
The new transfer student, Itou Kazuki, comes with a secret, hidden behind his bandage...When Itou-kun, clueless in love, meets Yoshiuchi Aika, clumsy romantic, what will become of this unconventional couple?
伊藤さん, Ito-san
A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour.
The tale of a boy whose crotch glows when he gets excited.
Always My Santa!
In the story, a girl called Mai appears before a boy who happens to hate Christmas. As it turns out he was born on December 24 and thus was named Santa, causing him to hate the holiday. Moreover, as a child, he never had any festive occasions, such as birthday parties. With the power of Christmas, Mai is given the mission to improve his luck and change his views for the better.
いつでも自宅に帰れる俺は、異世界で行商人をはじめました - 
"Exploitée en permanence au travail, Amata Shirou quitte son emploi et s'installe chez sa grand-mère. Lorsqu'il découvre qu'elle est reliée à un autre monde, il envisage de créer une entreprise de vente de produits japonais : l'histoire d'un homme qui s'enrichit grâce à son talent en convertissant la monnaie de l'autre monde en yens japonais, etc.
いつでも自宅に帰れる俺は、異世界で行商人をはじめました -  Peddler in Another World: I Can Go Back to My World Whenever I Want -  I Can Always Go Home, so I Started as a Peddler in Another World -  მე ყოველთვის შემიძლია სახლში წასვლა, ამიტომ დავიწყე როგორც გამყიდველი სხვა სამყაროში -  Isekai Peddler

Itsuka Enma

Taito est très somnolent depuis peu et il continue de rêver d'une vampire disant qu'elle lui a injecté son "poison". Parfois il pense même entendre sa voie alors qu'il est éveillé. Mais après avoir survécu à un accident qui aurait dû le tuer, son monde change radicalement et il réalise que ses rêves sont beaucoup plus réels qu'il ne le pensait.
Some Time Until Love is Fulfilled -  いつか恋が叶うまで
Alors que les vacances d'été de Sui commence par une journée orageuse, un homme apparaît devant lui à la suite d'un éclair. Ne pouvant pas laisser cet étranger blessé sous la pluie, Sui décide de le ramener chez lui. Une fois l'étranger réveillé, il dit s'appeler Rio et qu'il vient du futur. Cette rencontre promet de changer radicalement la vie de Sui !
'Til You Fall in Love; Someday fall in love; Someday I'll Fall For You; Until someday when we fall in love; いつか恋になるまで
Kazuma, Chiaki et Tomoe sont des amis d'enfance qui ont grandi en restant très proches au fil des ans,malgré leurs différences. Kazuma, le sportif de la bande a rejoint le club de foot,mais continue de traîner avec Chiaki et Tomoe, qui sont plus littéraires.Alors que l'été arrive et qu'ils commencent à se soucier de leurs examens d'entrée au lycée,Chiaki passe la nuit chez Kazuma pour l'aider à réviser.Une nuit après laquelle la relation des deux amis d'enfance va petit à petit changer...
Un jour, Rika va rendre visite à son père à l'hôpital, parce qu'il a eu un accident. Elle y rencontre, Nozomu-kun, un gentil garçon qui l'aide à trouver son chemin jusqu'à la chambre de son père. Dès lors, ils deviennent de bons amis et elle vient lui rendre visite fréquemment. Ainsi ils se rapprochent de plus en plus, mais celui-ci lui cache un lourd secret...
Taito has been really sleepy lately, and keeps dreaming of a particular vampire who says she has given him her poison. Sometimes he even thinks he hallucinates her voice when he is awake. But after surviving an accident that should have killed him, Taito s world changes drastically and he realizes that his dreams are more real than he thought.
いつか天魔の黒ウサギ高校編 紅月光の生徒会室 -  Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Koukou-hen: Kurenai Gekkou no Seitokaishitsu -  Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Koukouhen: Kurenai Gekkou
いつか友達じゃなくなるとしても -  就算有一天不再是朋友 -  Itsuka Tomodachi jaakunaru toshitemoItsuka Tomodachi ja Nakunaru to Shitemo
Once upon a time, there was the laziest princess of all. There were only three things that interested her: shopping, sleeping, and her childhood friend, Mars. Will Mars answer the princess’ feeling? And will this fairy tale close with the traditional “happily ever after”? Contains 5 One Shot Stories Vol.01 Ch.004: Eternal Failures Vol.01 Ch.005: We are Miracles Vol.01 Ch.006: Someone is Waiting Vol.02 Ch.004: New Moon Vol.02 Ch.005: Once upon a dream