
EXILE 物語 -  EXILE Story
Story from HIRO´s view about start of group EXILE.
Make the Exorcist Fall in Love, エクソシストを堕とせない
覚悟のススメ, Apocalypse Zero
At the end of the 21st century, humans have made great advancements in technology and were able to create a giant energy source to power that technology. However, this new source of energy overloaded and turned into a more devastating force than nuclear weapons. The catastrophe wiped out the majority of human civilization and those who survived lived in terror of the anarchy that took over.Hagakure Kakugo comes from a secret family that has protected people for generations from powerful organizations and evil from taking over. They are only awoken in time of need and it has been decades since Kakugo was conscious. His body had been heavily modified by fusing it with metals to enhance both his offense and defense. He uses an armor called the Exoskull that attaches to him to greatly boost his already superhuman power. Thus begins a story about a young man and his armor’s journey through hell.


Read Exterminator -  Kujonin
Un dératiseur meurt et se retrouve projeter dans un monde fantastique. Sans aucune compétence à l'épée ou à la baguette magique, il continue à faire ce qu'il connait le mieux.
Le jour du mariage, il a été emporté par sa femme et est retourné à sa résidence, mais un étranger glamour lui a demandé frénétiquement un baiser. Au moment où ses lèvres se sont touchées, il a senti un torrent d'eau se précipiter dans son corps. Lorsqu'il s'est réveillé à nouveau, il y a plus de dix mille souvenirs d'étrangers dans mon esprit...
エキストラストラ★ -  临时演员不临时 -  Extra Strous ~天才臨演~
A marvelous actor who has stage fright plays various roles in real life! The agency Catherine is the company which sends so-called extras in real life. Yaegashi Taiga, a marvelous actor that has stage fright, tries his best to fulfill the requests he is given by this company. One day, he is told to work on a request with the newbie Amae Shizuku... But Shizuku has a secret and...?! Please come to our office if anything troubles you! The excellent extras will support you throughout your daily life.
Story 01: Eye Level - I'm short. I'm shy. I look like a child. My name is Toshie and I hate my tall classmate, Sakaue. I've got a complex over my height--why does he act like it's nothing for me to worry about?? Story 02: Capture a Bitter Love - Nagaoka Temari is secretly in love with Yatabe-kun. Even when he speaks to her, she gets so nervous that she can't tell him how she feels. Just hearing his voice sends her brain into a panic. And that's why...she told him the exact opposite of what she's been thinking. Temari knows that she's the reason he's getting failing marks now, so what if her "close friend" Mari Suzuki were to tutor him? There's no way for Temari to fool Yatabe into thinking she's someone else... Or is there? Story 03: Heart Library - Miyazawa Yuu works in the library. She thinks how nice it would be if she could just talk to the popular Iseya-kun. The other person who's supposed to be working with Yuu today ditched, so now Yuu is stuck being the only one to carry all the books back to the library room. She tries to carry too many and can't see anything in front of her, and when she's Iseya who catches her in his arms! Story 04: Baby Spice - Kawai Machi has a crush on Hiroe, but he completely treats her like a child. And then Machi learns that Hiroe has a girlfriend...!?
Wimpy Sena Kobayakawa has been running away from bullies all his life. But when the football gear comes on, things change--Sena's speed and uncanny ability to elude big bullies just might give him what it takes to become a great high school football hero! Enjoy all the bone-crushing action and slapstick comedy that this heartwarming coming-of-age story has to offer.
Ekizake e Youkoso, Esakike e Youkoso, Welcome home Ezaki
To fulfill their life long dream, Ezakike Shuu's parents left for Africa, leaving him in charge of his younger brothers. However, growing up without parents' guidance, the Ezakike brothers are often ill-treated and looked down upon. In order to protect his brothers, Shuu devotes his life to raise them filled with happy memories. However, a fated meeting with his new homeroom teacher would turn his life upside down...
Midnight Feeding in that Room -  餌付けは夜半、あの部屋で
Inclut le one-shot Zombie Cycle de BL of the Dead.Il s'agit d'un spin-off de la série BL of the Dead.
Akagi Gunma is a young, impetuous, and rash teenager who decides to move to the big city to fulfill his dream of racing a Formula One car.The story follows how this simple farmer boy from the country moves on to the city in pursuit of his dreams.Note: [i]F [/i]received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1991 for seinen/general manga.

F no Meikyuu

ฝ่าวงกตปริศนา F Labyrinth (Thai) -  Fの迷宮 -  F之迷宫 -  F的迷宮
Qu'est-ce que ça ferait si vous aviez le même visage qu'une fille qui a été tuée par son frère ? MOCHIZUKI Remi en fait l'expérience avec son frère, un détective et une de ses connaissances qui a une faculté magique.
F-Anos, Fallen-Angel of New Order Sin, FANOS
Don't think too much of what the title could mean but delve into the depths of a futuristic world that only gets colder and darker with each revelation. He has no name. He has no identity. He walks aimlessly. His only motive... change at the Highest Tier.
F.P.アゲハ -  FPアゲハ
A woman F.P. Ageha helps people in their problems.


Fable (Best Challenge) ; 파블 ; Fable (203dkfhddl)
Aym est un esclave qui descend d'une puissante sorcière. Pour cette raison, son sang a le pouvoir d'attirer les démons, son maître l'utilise afin de les invoquer. Alors que Aym commençait tout juste à accepter son cruel sort, un groupe de magiciens apparaît. Ceux-ci ont la possibilité de vaincre les démons, ce qui pourrait alors lui ouvrir la porte à un avenir meilleur................................................
빛바랜 산호의 바다
Voulant prendre un peu de vacances et fuir un boulot pénible et sans intérêt, Inseo décide de se rendre au bord de la mer, là où il a passé une partie de sa jeunesse avec sa mère.

Fading Vows

Oath as the Morning Mist -  誓如朝雾
Je vous déclare maintenant... colocataires ? ! L'organisatrice de mariage Muran a finalement emménagé dans son propre appartement, mais elle est tellement emportée par l'excitation qu'elle finit par dépenser tout son argent en décorations. Maintenant, elle a désespérément besoin d'un colocataire. Que se passera-t-il lorsque son collègue proposera son jeune frère, Sachung ?
Making My Zombie Childhood Friend Feel Alive -  ゾンビ系幼馴染ちゃんに生の実感を教える話
Bring the Love
Ne vous êtes-vous jamais dit que le vrai amour était toujours une question de destin. C'est ce que la Valkyrie, Leah Hildebrandt va découvrir bien malgré elle.Persuadée de devoir remplir son devoir pour protéger sa famille, elle ne réalisera que trop tard que toute cette suite d'événements, la disparition de son frère, la mort de son père, le risque de perdre la légitimité de leur titre familial si elle ne se marie pas. Tout ça n'était en fait que la réalisation de sa propre destinée.
フェアリアルガーデン, 妖精花園
Noah is a young boy whose parents are world famous as scientists who developed "Fairia seeds." Fairia seeds are special flower seeds that can "grow" fairy-like beings called Fairia. Fairias have become popular pets since the seeds became available for sale. Popular with everyone else but Noah. Noah swore that he would never keep a Fairia again after his mother used his Fairia in an experiment and killed it. One day he picks up a houseplant from the garbage and brings it home without realizing that it is a Fairia plant. When it flowers, out comes a beautiful girl the size of a pea. He names her Claire. Claire is a special kind of Fairia called Fairial that can make themselves human-sized. Now, Noah must find out the secret behind the Fairia seeds, if he wants to keep Claire safe.
フェアリーキューブ, フェアリーキューブ:妖精標本, 妖精標本, 妖精標本 (フェアリー キューブ), Fairy Specimen, Psycho Knocker, Yousei Hyouhon
Ian and Rin used to just see spirits. Now Ian is one. Using the Fairy Cube, Ian must figure out how to stop the lizard-spirit Tokage from taking over his life and destroying any chance he has of resurrection.V.3 contains an unrelated short story called• Psycho KnockerAshina Tomo is your average school girl who somehow constantly has terrible images of a train accident. One day, on her crush’s birthday, her best friend brings her to an isolated print club machine which is rumored to allow prayers to come true. What would happen when your prayers come true, but not the way you want them to be? By a cursed print club machine nonetheless.
A story about the female guild members of Fairy Tail.
Un Spin off Fair Tail tourné autour du personnage de Gray !
Twin Dragons of Sabertooth
Spin-off de Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail Gaiden - Road Knight -  FAIRY TAIL外伝―ロードナイト―
Spin-off of Fairy Tail following Gajeel
Flash of Great Lightning
Spin-Off consacré à Luxus Drear.