
Secret Love -  Wakana-kun
Hiiro est amoureuse de Wakana-kun depuis qu'elle l'a vu jouer au kendo. Cependant, elle a le choc de sa vie quand elle découvre que Wakana-kun est amoureux de son meilleur ami, Anji-kun!
いとしのアネリ -  Itoshi no Nneli. -  Itoshi no Anneli
京男と居候 -  京都男与寄宿女 -  The Kyoto Boy and the Freeloader
Ever since she was called a kokeshi doll by Rita Yanagi after putting on a kimono, Akane has developed a hatred for both kimonos and Rita. However 10 years later, she is forced to stay at the Yanagi's kimono shop after her parents take a sudden trip overseas, meaning she has to live surrounded with both kimonos AND Rita! Will her attitude towards kimonos and Rita ever change?