
青の双璧 -  A Pair of Wings of Blue
From Choutomaraseru: An injured soldier on an alien world is rescued/captured by a soldier from the other side of the conflict. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A soldier from one side of the war is injured and the only survivor out of his troop mates. After he passes out, an enemy picks him up a treats his wounds, forming a bond with each other. After they separate, troop members from town see the soldier but when they reunite, the soldier's enemy/friend ambushes them. Will their friendship stop the fight?
Dans un monde similaire au notre durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, un dragon effectue son premier envol depuis des temps immémoriaux. Son maître est un humain à qui il doit tout.
In the skies above a world similar to ours during the 2nd World War, a dragon flies for the first time since the age of myths – controlled by a human master to whom he owes everything.
コード・リヴァイアサン- -  Code:Leviathan


Seconde Guerre mondiale. Un soldat blessé à l'esprit dérangé kidnappe le prête qui essaye de lui venir en aide avant de déserter. Au beau milieu du désert africain, avec peu de rations et une santé mentale disparue depuis bien longtemps, tout ce qui leur reste est le plaisir et la douleur. Et peut-être finalement la mort…
玻璃の花, Quartz Flower
He has the seal of the beast carved into his skin. The story of rogue monk Ashiya Douman begins now!
爱如潮水, 百日の薔薇, 百日蔷薇, Maiden Rose
Two soldiers from warring countries are bound by a pledge as master and servant. Taki Reizen is a commander of sublime beauty, shouldering the fate of his nation. Called “Mad Dog” because of his rough temperament, Klaus has sworn his loyalty to him as a knight. Despite this, those around them are cold and disapproving, full of various misgivings. For all their genuine feelings, what will come of love made cruel by the violence of war?
楽園の泉 -  The Fountain in a Paradise
Collection of 5 short stories with very light shounen-ai overtones: 1) Rakuen no Izumi Ryuuji is bored and anxious for combat experience, but finds something more while protecting a scientist from one of his own creations. 2) Fenomena 3) EREHWON 4) EREHWON II 5) Hoshiboshi no Kouya kara