
バトルガール藍 -  Battle Girl AI★ -  Batoru Gaaru Ai
From Vampire Knight: Ai was your normal, everyday grade teenage girl until one day, she was involved in a fatal car accident. In the hands of the Specialized Secret Police Organization, she was able to be revived. With her newly gained powers acquired through the operation, she becomes a defender of justice. With the mysterious (and a little perverted) bishounen Sagiriya Shinogu as her partner, she fights the forces of evil!
抱きしめて!ノアール; Hang on to Me -  Noir!; Hold on to Me -  Noir!; Please Hug Me -  Noir!
Un jour où elle revenait de l'école, un chat noir tombe d'un arbre juste sur Suzu. Voyant que le chat est blessé, elle le récupère et le soigne.Elle remarque alors son collier sur lequel elle peut lire 'NOIR125' avant de s'endormir à ses côtés.Mais en se réveillant, elle se retrouve nez à nez avec un beau garçon nu et bandé.Ce dernier se trouve être Noir, le chat qu'elle a sauvé la veille, mais il a la capacité de se transformer en chat.Il est très mignon et semble beaucoup apprécier Suzu.Et quand il déclare vouloir avoir un bébé avec elle, elle ne le prend pas au sérieux...
16 year-old Luna is a first-year student at Angelica High School. It looks like it's a Catholic High School, as it is run by nuns. Luna's a cute girl, but she gets in trouble a lot for her behavior. For example, during church services, she was in the back asleep and drooling instead of paying attention. It is after one such event of bad behavior that Luna is punished by having to clean the church. She does so, and pauses to examine a beautiful piece of art on one of the walls. It's like a stone carving where a man's body is coming halfway out...
う・わ・さのRisky Boy, The Rumoured Risky Boy
Michiru is Akira Tennouzu's number one fan until her mother remarries and he turns out to be her stepbrother...Yukako no Dream Theater series vol.1.
Part of a collection (fourth story) of a larger volume of itself, Vampire☆Vampire.[From ShoujoMagic]:15-year-old Hina is about to share her first kiss with her boyfriend Natuki and all of a sudden he transforms into... a vampire named Hibiki!?