
Kono Bijutsubu Niwa Mondai Ga Aru! -  Konobi -  Konobiju -  This Art Club Has a Problem! -  С этим клубом точно что-то не так! -  この美術部には問題がある! -  这个美术部有问题!
A girl with violently too much common sense, a boy whose sole ambition is to draw the perfect 2D bride, an addlebrained ghost member, and their always-sleeping president — what is [i]wrong[/i] with this art club?![url=]Alternative Raw[/url]
サイトーくんは超能力者らしい, 斋藤君的超能力情结?, Saito-kun wa Esper Rashii
Saitou, a rather arrogant kid, announces his super power to his class on the first day of high school. He imagines that it will make all the girls swoon, and he'll be crazily popular. Unfortunately, his ability to bend a spoon looks more like a cheap trick than a super power, and everyone laughs in his face. Soon he learns that he is not the only kid with superpowers at the school, and there is even a Super Powers Research Club. He soon finds himself dragged into the society of a friendly invincible girl, a violent telekinetic girl, and a mind-reader. Rather than being swooned over, Saitou appears to have the least impressive ability of the group! Is there any way for him to get the happy high school life he was hoping for?
Rumor says that Saito is an ESPER -  Saito-kun wa Chounouryokusha Rashii -  Сайто-кун возможно эспер -  サイトーくんは超能力者らしい -  斋藤君的超能力情结?
Saitou, a rather arrogant kid, announces his super power to his class on the first day of high school. He imagines that it will make all the girls swoon, and he'll be crazily popular. Unfortunately, his ability to bend a spoon looks more like a cheap trick than a super power, and everyone laughs in his face. Soon he learns that he is not the only kid with superpowers at the school, and there is even a Super Powers Research Club. He soon finds himself dragged into the society of a friendly invincible girl, a violent telekinetic girl, and a mind-reader. Rather than being swooned over, Saitou appears to have the least impressive ability of the group! Is there any way for him to get the happy high school life he was hoping for?
Saitou prend un tout nouveau départ en arrivant au lycée Amamori et décide, lors du tout premier jour de montrer son pouvoir et prétendre être un Esper. Malgré qu'il le soit réellement, personne n'ose le croire et pire, ils se moquent de lui!Après avoir entendu parler d'un club de recherche d'Esper, il se retrouve impliqué dans un règlement de compte entre une jeune fille du nom de Koizumi et une bande de racailles. Très vite, la jeune fille lui demande de lui faire confiance et avoue elle-même à son tour, être une Esper...