
桜雪, 桜雪 ichtys作品集, Sakura Snow
1) No One Can Do ItHajime is a wandering samurai, who carries a musori sword and is aiming for the top. His goal is to have a fight with the famous Muichi, but upon his arrival in a village his sword gets stolen. And to top it all Muichi turns out to be… 2) ShenziThe year is 2007 A.D. The advance of civilization has led to remarkable achievements. Those achievements have paved a way for a project which successfully used neural energy to evoke the latent abilities in humans. Those who gained powers beyond the average humans are called Shenzi. 3) Snow-like Cherry BlossomsOne day problem student Karukami gets off on the wrong train station. There he meets Sakura Kisaragi, a cheerful girl that is waiting for her lost dog. A heartwarming story about trust and life. 4) Tower of BabelIn the Tower of Babel people live while they are served by robots. But something goes wrong and the robots turn against humans, it is now up to violent princess Reiche and the swordsman Farose to make things right.


Dans ce monde, il est un être plus cruel que tous les autres. Sheila, la reine des démons, a éradiqué de sang-froid plus de la moitié de l’humanité, et soumis tous les monstres jusqu’au dernier. Face à elle, les hommes se sont donné un Héros, Exa, un homme convaincu que la coexistence est possible entre humains et démons. Il refuse donc de tuer, avec une exception : la reine des démons elle-même.Intriguée par ces principes atypiques, Sheila décide de se joindre à lui dans ses voyages pour l’observer. Mais dans cette guerre à mort, elle n’a pas l’intention de le laisser en vie très longtemps…
シューピアリア・クロス, 魔王爱勇者第二部, 魔王爱勇者Cross, Superior Cross, Superior†
The demon queen subdued enormous and powerful monsters and slaughtered over half of the world's population. Surviving members of the human race elected a hero to slay the demon queen, beseeching release from her oppressive rule. However, he questions his mission to eradicate the monsters: in his opinion, they too are conscious and alive, and so he anguishes over that fact. Sheila the Demon Queen became interested in him and joined his journey, hiding her identity and with the plan to kill him after she has gained his trust. Eventually, she realizes that she fell in love with the hero, and hence their journey begins...