
In a high-tech world, Boris finds out that his cute classmate Yuri Angel has created a robot that looks JUST like him! Annoyed by the robot's resemblance, and by its creator's lack of emotion, Boris hides the automaton in his room and sneaks into the Angel residence… pretending to be the robot itself. But once he succeeds at the bizarre ploy, how does he get out of it?


Myunga est une jeune fille qui ne s'est pas réellement intégrée dans sa classe, malgré son statut de vice-présidente des élèves. Ses camarades préfèrent d'ailleurs abuser de sa bonté pour lui demander des faveurs. Elle le sait et a l'habitude. Même à la maison ce n'est guère plus joyeux : sa mère passe son temps à lui reprocher son manque d'assiduité et ses résultats scolaires en baisse. Elle est amoureuse d'Eechan, le Président des élèves, surnommé Bacchus. Il représente à ses yeux une véritable bouffée d'air frais.Toutefois, son quotidien morne et solitaire se retrouve bouleversé grâce à Hanako, une jeune japonaise tout juste arrivée en Corée...
Menga is simply known as the vice rep and is bullied. Hanako has moved to Korea but was robbed the first day and has nothing. Na Hong Soo is known as a troublemaker and is in constant trouble. And Eechan is the student body president, very popular and known as Bacchus. It seems they have nothing in common, but this will change soon.
Love is's also bloodthirsty and has one hell of a sense of humor. Sa Rang and Jung Yul are identical twin sisters who couldn't be more different. One is sweet and introspective, while the other is a manipulative harpy. Nan Soo and Yoo Shin are best friends who aren't that much alike either. One is a hot-headed jock while the other is an intelligent pessimist. When love comes to town, the lives of these four teens are turned upside down when rotating attractions, comedic misunderstandings, and general chaos force them to reconsider everything they've ever known about relationships, trust, and the frailties of the human heart. Fortunately, none of them knew very much in the first place.