
Boyoung, who looks young for her age, is 27 and still working on an undergraduate degree and working part time jobs just to scrap by. She comes across an offer to attend high school in place of Yoonju, the rebellious daughter of a congressman. What will it be like for Boyoung as she starts the senior year of high school again, in the place of the 18 year old Yoonju?
Ella y la Bestia -  Geunyowa Yasu -  Kız ve Canavar -  She and the Beast -  The Woman and the Beast -  Она и зверь -  그녀와 야수
100 years after her death, Empress Martina, the founder of the Carabella Empire, reincarnates as Astina Lette, the daughter of a count. Her peaceful, everyday life as a noble lady, a stark contrast to her past life, is short-lived, however. With the bankruptcy of her father's failed trade business, her family falls into great debt. Astina decides to sell herself off to marry Grand Duke Thereode in place of her sister Kanna to save her family from their financial crisis. But Thereode is forever cursed to take on the form of a beast, and no one expects her to survive the night with him... Still, defying all odds, she fights the beast with her impressive swordsmanship, and miraculously survives. Over time, a slow relationship begins to kindle between them as she tames him as her pet. Russian / Русский: Spoiler Спустя сотню лет после смерти Мартины — основательницы империи, легенда переродилась в теле Астины — одной из дочерей аристократической семьи. Ее мирная повседневная жизнь, так отличавшаяся от предыдущей, оборвалась в тот миг, когда обанкротившийся отец продал ее звероподобному эрцгерцогу Териоту. Но вопреки многочисленным ожиданиям, что девушка, встретившись с чудовищем, в одночасье погибнет, благодаря своему исключительному мастерству владения мечом Астина победила монстра и приручила его, словно домашнего питомца…