
Doberman Cop -  Doberman Deka -  Doberman Keiji -  ドーベルマン刑事
A work originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1975-1979. The first major work for the artist Shinji Hiramatsu and written by Buronson who'd later write the enormously popular Fist of the North Star. It was also the first major assignment of then green editor Kazuhiko Torishima, who would later become Akira Toriyama's editor for Dr. Slump and most of Dragon Ball. It features a hardboiled detective as its protagonist with a heavy focus on crime and action, not too dissimilar to what one would see in the Gekiga magazines of the time. Detective George (Joji) Kano is called "The Doberman" for his ferocity in dispatching criminals and terrorists. Working under the Special Crimes Division of the Tokyo PD, Joji and his ever expanding posse work together to take down the sleaziest and most heinous criminals in the Land of the Rising Sun.