
バロン―猫の男爵 -  Baron, Neko no Danshaku
From Viz: When awkward schoolgirl Haru rescues a cat on her way home from school one day, the last thing she expects in return is to be honored by a feline royal family! Before she knows what's happening to her, Haru is drawn into a world inhabited entirely by talking cats--and recruited to be the next Cat Princess! Only the dapper cat Baron and his friends, a magical crow and a comical fat cat, along with a friend from Haru's past, can help her return home.
耳をすませば, If You Listen Closely, Whisper of the Heart, Whispers of the Heart
Shizuku Tsukishima loves books. One day, she notices that the name Seiji Amasawa appears on the checkout cards of nearly every book she's borrowed! Before she realizes it, her heart is pounding for a boy she's never met... and that's when a mysterious black cat and Shizuku's sense of wonder guide her to an unusual shop--and introduce her to someone she's been curious to meet! Amazing things can happen...when you listen to your heart.
バロン・猫の男爵 ; Baron : Neko no Danshaku
Lorsque Haru, une écolière maladroite sauve un chat sur le chemin de l'école, la dernière qu'elle attend en retour est d'être récompensée par une famille royale de chats ! Avant de comprendre ce qui lui arrive, Haru est aspirée dans un monde entièrement habité par des chats qui parlent, et choisie comme la nouvelle princesse du royaume des chats ! Seul l'élégant chat Baron et ses amis, un corbeau magique et un matou comique, ainsi qu'une amie du passé, peuvent l'aider à rentrer chez elle.
ユメノ街, ユメノ街猫の男爵, City of Dreams
I'm there again. That town in my dreams. There is a boy here that I know, that I've met in that town in my dreams.