
Frankenstein no Matsuei -  フランケンシュタインの末裔
Dr. Gustaf, Frankenstein's descendant and a legendary scientist himself, seeks to reanimate the dead. He succeeds, and appoints his daughter Rena its educator. She names him Zealaf. However, when the military comes and tries to take Zealaf away to use as a weapon, Rena runs away with him, trying to find some place that they can live in peace.
天使の柩, Angel's Coffin: Ave Maria, Tenshi no Hitsugi
When an ancient being is freed by an innocent girl, he offers to grant her heart's desire -- but Seto is bound to bring misery and misfortune to whoever releases him from his prison. Seto's help in winning Marie's true love dooms her to a dark fate...but has the demon unwittingly doomed himself, as well?
Azel Seimaden - Petals of Darkness -  Seimaden - Yami no Kakan -  アゼル聖魔伝 - 闇の果敢
Les débuts de Laures en tant que prince, avant les événements relatés dans "Seimaden". Le prince est éperdu d'amour pour son épouse assassinée par le précèdent empereur des enfers. Mais une excellente nouvelle l'attend, la résurrection de cette dernière dans la petite Hilda.
バビロニアの獅子, El león de Babilonia, The Lion of Babylonia
Shin and Leona are childhood friends – she has always been fascinated with the mysteries of the ancient Near East, and he has always been fascinated with her, to the point where he is ready to follow her thousands of years in the past, to the days of the Kingdom of Babylonia, where she has a very special part to play…
from Fantasy Shrine:] Blessed with looks and brains, Tsubasa is cool with everyone except the devil-may-care Tokimaru, whom he refuses to open his heart to, in fear of Tokimaru's safety. As fate would have it, they are both dragged into another dimension when an unknown entity attacks them and tries to snatch the "secret" from Tsubasa. For 2 months, these two venture in the wonderland where pirates and wizards roam! What in the world is the "secret"? And who is the blond pirate, Silver, who seems to be helping them?
フラワー, Blossom, To Blossom Like a Flower
Mayu is a book-worm who genuinely wants to do something different than the girls around her. One day, she accidentally walks into a body paint exhibition and finds this story.
天使に薔薇の花束を, L'Alleluja des anges
Sei Kagano has an angel gene, which gives the bearer special powers. For Sei, every time he smells roses, he transforms into the White Maria, a heavenly lady with the power of prophecy. Malloy, who bears the angel gene that turns him into the Black Maria, has hired men from the United States to eliminate Sei so he can continue on his quest to remake the world. Three guardians, the male modelling unit N'est ce Pas, go undercover to protect Sei. Two of the guardians, Toki and Kishou, also carry angel genes. Toki, however, seems to be more attracted to Sei than a guardian should be...
A short gag manga featuring You Higuri herself. It revolves around her utterly cute, mischievous, and ill-mannered puppy Papi, the Papillon.
拉麺いかが!?, Gold (HIGURI Yuu), How About Some Ramen?
Culture Shock is a bitch. On Earth, pouring boiling water over a bowl of instant Ramen means you're hungry. On Planet Cup Ramen, where the women are human sized and the three-inch tall, Instant sized men need to be brought up to human size by, you guessed it, pouring hot water on them. It's also a proposal of marriage. Sumire was only hungry, but Prince Kanmen is very persistent, and between various fiancées, older brothers, younger brothers, obsessive SM handmaidens and popstars, Sumire may just end up marrying Kanmen out of sheer exhaustion.Also includes a short story, "Gold."
大正夢幻奇譚, Taisho Dream Stories, Taisho Era Chronicles, Taisho Mugen Kitan
Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes. Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice. 

Zeus !

Seuls les Saramanda ont été témoins des pouvoirs que l’humanité a perdus dans les temps anciens. L’un des descendants de cette culture est toujours en vie : Kira Yuuki est un garçon de 15 ans qui souhaite seulement être un adolescent normal. Cependant, il est un Lemora Saramanda. Le symbole étrange sur sa main en témoigne. Il s’agit du symbole de Mercure. Tout se complique pour lui quand il se rend compte qu’il est poursuivi par l’organisation sécrète des « RosenKreuz ». Son frère Sui, dont il a été séparé il y a de nombreuses années, pourra t-il l’aider ? Et qui est ce mystérieux jeune homme qu’il voit en rêves, ce jeune homme au regard couleur de l’or… si attirant… ?