

Isuca -  イスカ -  Isuka -  イスカ
Pour payer son loyer, Shinichirô trouve un emploi dans une belle maison, où il est chargé de faire le ménage. Mais cette maison n'est pas n'importe laquelle... il s'agit de la demeure de Sakuya, une jeune fille dont la tâche est d'exorciser les créatures indésirables. Par mégarde, Shinichirô laisse s'échapper l'un de ces esprits malfaisants... commence alors pour nos deux héros une chasse au monstre des plus comiques
いただきます、ごちそうさま -  Itadakimasu, Gochisousama
My Mischievous Hands Can't Resist -  いたずらな手は我慢ができない
Kubo, a university student who works at an adult goods store, is extremely curious about adult toys. One day, the store manager gets sick and Sugiura, a man who had piqued Kubo's interest when he'd been at the store before, comes to cover for him. While stocking shelves, Sugiura picks up a vibrator, and when Kubo casually teases him about using one, the usually expressionless Sugiura gets red and flustered. ......His subtle sensuality... Does that mean......? Taking a chance while they're alone in the back, Kubo pushes Sugiura against the wall, and...! Brought to the brink by a whirring toy! A wet 'n' wild love story between a simple-minded, arrogant student and a hot-and-cold prince! (from Renta!)
Une histoire d'amour qui se déroule dans les temps féodaux. Tachibana, fille d'un haut fonctionnaire, a été chargée par sa défunte tante, de prendre soin de sa fille Sakura. Sakura doit persévérer dans l'univers difficile de la noblesse et faire face à de nombreux défis qui pourraient l'éloigner de Tachibana. Est-ce que l'amour éternel que Tachibana éprouve pour Sakura sera suffisant pour la protéger ?
愛しをとめ~君がこころは~; Itoshi wo Tome - Kimi ga Kokoro wa; Itoshi wo Tome: Kimi Ga Kokoro Wa
Une histoire d'amour qui se déroule dans les temps féodaux. Tachibana, fille d'un haut fonctionnaire, a été chargée par sa défunte tante, de prendre soin de sa fille Sakura. Sakura doit persévérer dans l'univers difficile de la noblesse et faire face à de nombreux défis qui pourraient l'éloigner de Tachibana. Est-ce que l'amour éternel que Tachibana éprouve pour Sakura sera suffisant pour la protéger ?
'Til You Fall in Love; Someday fall in love; Someday I'll Fall For You; Until someday when we fall in love; いつか恋になるまで
Kazuma, Chiaki et Tomoe sont des amis d'enfance qui ont grandi en restant très proches au fil des ans,malgré leurs différences. Kazuma, le sportif de la bande a rejoint le club de foot,mais continue de traîner avec Chiaki et Tomoe, qui sont plus littéraires.Alors que l'été arrive et qu'ils commencent à se soucier de leurs examens d'entrée au lycée,Chiaki passe la nuit chez Kazuma pour l'aider à réviser.Une nuit après laquelle la relation des deux amis d'enfance va petit à petit changer...
Par le créateur de Crows, QP, Worst...Jank Runk Family suit un groupe de personnages essayant de survivre à l'apocalypse, cependant, ils ont des ennemis ...Le manga est un croisement avec le manga OREN'S (Bientôt chez la Golden-Trad), que l'artiste Yanse Kazu et Takahashi ont lancé en septembre 2015 dans le magazine Bessatsu Young Champion d'Akita Shoten.

Jaryuu Tensei

邪竜転生 -  The Fierce Revolution ~ The Strongest Organism Which Can Kill The Devil And The Hero
L'histoire raconte l'histoire d'un gars décédé des suites d'un accident de voiture à cause d'un jeune couple en train de s'embrasser (quelle malchance !). Et il s'est réincarné dans un monde fantastique - mais sous la forme d'un dragon ! Un extrêmement puissant ? Voyons comment "notre" personnage principal vit comme un dragon !
ジュエリー★EYES, ジュエリーEYES, 魔幻之眸, Jewellery Eyes
Runa has a special hypnotherapy power that she inherited from her parents, and with it she can repel perverts/molesters. However, due to this power she can’t find her first love, and it can’t help her fall in love. How will this power affect her crush, Kitagawa-kun?
人生はバラ色だ。, 玫瑰人生, La Vie en Rose, La Vien Rose, Life is Rosy
After his parents were killed in an accident, Yayoi assumed their hundred-million yen debt. He was being pursued by collectors when a mysterious man, Kazu, appeared before him and offered to take on the debt for him if he would become Kazu's...
地雷震, Ice Blade
Kyoya Ida is a hard-nosed detective from the Shinjuku Police precient. He is known in the force as an unreasonable type who would use lethal force to solve cases, making him unpopular with the enlisted and high-ranking officers in the National Police Agency. Despite this fact, there are some in the force that admire Ida for his bravery and cleverness in using lethal force to solve criminal cases whenever legal means are met in a dead end.
Actually -  Am I the Strongest?其實,我乃最強?実は俺、最強でした?실은 나 -  최강이었다?
Un refoulé renaît dans un autre monde avec la promesse d'une vie paisible. Bien que né dans la royauté, parce que sa magie semblait faible, ses parents l'abandonnèrent sans scrupule dans la forêt pour se faire dévorer par les monstres. Cependant, sa magie est en fait inhumainement forte. Que devra-t-il faire pour atteindre la vie paisible qu'il désire tant ?


Ce manga tourne autour d'une vendeuse d'armes au marché noir et de ses complices. L'histoire commence avec l'arrivée d'un nouveau membre dans leur équipe, un jeune et étrange garçon. Il déteste les armes. Un manga d'action intense avec balles, couteaux, insultes et sang qui volent de partout !
K -THE FIRST- -  K: The First
Related: K - Stray Dog Story K - Memory of Red K - Days of Blue
カブキ~華の章~ -  Kabuki
From Beautiful Soup: A 16th-century warlord and his page-boy commit suicide to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy and are reincarnated in present-day Japan. This series has ample wit, a good plot and some poignant moments. Highly recommended!
Gamu is a special dog belonging to the Kagero Clan of Japan in the 16th century. He is a Ganin - a dog ninja. Armed with armor and the ability to wield weapons, Gamu strives to defeat the evil Gama.
怪盗ジョーカー -  Mysterious Joker
神啊,我要抹杀你的存在 -  神様、キサマを殺したい。 -  I Wanna Send You To Hell -  God -  Kamisama -  Kisama O Koroshitai -  Kamisama -  Kisama Wo Koroshitai
Après avoir perdu toute sa famille dans un enchaînement de tragédies délibérément causées par certaines personnes, une fille décide de se suicider. Avant de pouvoir passer à l’acte, elle est témoin d’un meurtre et dès lors acculée par le responsable. Dans la recherche d’un plus grand challenge, il propose à la fille de tuer les gens qui ont mené sa famille à la mort… aussi longtemps qu’elle accepte d’être tuée par lui à la fin.
God x Myself x Brides -  神様×俺サマ×お嫁様
When Haruma found a dilapidated shrine, he remembered his late grandmother's warnings about always showing respects to the gods and fearing the repercussions, decided to clean it and leave an offering behind. Later that night, the god of the shrine, Aoba, pays him a visit?
獣の奏者, Kemono no Sōja, Kemono no Sou-ja, Kemono no Soujya, Kemono no Sousha, The Beast Player
Centered around a girl who can control the greatest of beasts as if she was playing a musical instrument. However, she gets embroiled in a war for supremacy between kingdoms.
Opportunity Planetarium
Un manga silencieux.
Edou kiku n’est pas un élève comme les autres. Il est considéré comme le pire délinquant de sa catégorie, un vrai bon à rien. Mais au fond de lui il se cherche, il sait que ce n’est pas quelqu’un de mauvais et suite à des rencontres, il trouvera son chemin, même s’il doit se battre avec la force de ses poings.
きみのカケラ, 失落的碎片, 雪國的碎片, Fragment, Fragments of You, LOOK FOR ONE PIECE. TO THE FUTURE OF YOURS. Your Pieces
Icoro is the princess of a country of eternal night. Her kingdom is surrounded on all sides by huge mountain walls. Snow falls constantly, yet without the warmth of the sun's daylight, it will never melt, only pile up higher and higher. Her people are destined to die out. While she is a member of the ruling royal family, her parents have both disappeared, leaving her alone with her blind younger brother, and crafty politicians hold all the power behind the scenes, leaving her sovereign in name only. Her life has been an endless cycle of hardship, and she has never smiled, not once. In fact, she is missing that part of all humans that knows happiness.Enter Shiro, a mysterious young boy whose identity is an enigma, even to himself. He is able to forget all but the most vital of information within seconds. All he knows is that he is looking for something called a "Hitogata." After Icoro and Shiro's chance meeting, they end up on a desperate search for the sun that will melt the snow and bring happiness to the kingdom once more.Will they ever escape the grasp of the corrupt authorities? Will they even recognize what they're looking for, if they come across it? Will this "Hitogata" be the key to finding a sun to save their home? The answers lie ahead.
You're My Everything
Makoto prepares for his first encounter with his boyfriend Satoshi by researching how physical love takes place between men. Does his research turn up too much scary information for him to be able to go through with it?
きらきら馨る, 春江月花嫁曲, Hương tình yêu, Kira Kira Kaoru, Sparkling Kaoru
Because she killed herself, Sagiri became one who escorts souls of those who have died, instead of going to heaven. She met Hisagi while he was crossing the river of the world of the dead... They promised they would meet again and live happily in their next lives... Can their promise be fulfilled?
Sweet Allegiance to the Lorenzi Family Tonight -  今宵、ロレンツィ家で甘美なる忠誠を
Rita, a girl with the legendary "Golden Eye," was caught by a human trafficker and put up for auction in the black market. It was the mafia boss, Albert Lorenzi, who won the auction, taking home Rita who lost her voice and was in despair due to past trauma.Rita follows his sweet whisper, "You'll be my bride," but discovers the ruthless side of him who points a gun at people with a smile on his face!What kind of fate is awaiting Rita who’s greeted by a dangerous mafioso?!
傀儡, Puppet
"Find the doll maker, and take the puppet!" That was the cryptic message that was sent to Nimiya when her grandfather passed away. Yet the mission is not as straightforward as it seems. Just who is behind the Shikigami insurgence, and what are they after? And will Nimiya and the electrician be able to stop them before it's too late?
黒鉄ぷかぷか隊, Kurogane Pukapuka-Tai
黒きレ・ヴォルゥ~仮面の怪盗少女, Kuroki Re-voru - Kamen no Kaitou Shoujo, Kuroki Re-voruu - Kamen no Kaitou Shoujo, Kuroki, le voleur, Kuroki, le voleur - Kamen no K
It is the start of the 20th century and the Parisian commoners celebrating the Belle Époque are fascinated by the antics of the resident phantom thief Arsène Lupin. But the mask of Lupin actually belies a beautiful woman...? An epic adventure aboard a luxury liner and involving even Detective Holmes is about to unfold!