
どう男女!? -  男女错调 -  Dou Danjo -  Dou Nani yo!? -  Mushibana
xどう男女!?, 男女错调, Dou Nani yo!?, Dou Nannyo!?, Doudanjo!?, Mushibana, Tomodachi Sando
ne morning, Satomi wakes up late for school. As she starts running to school, she crashes into Keshi. After staring at each other, they realize that they have switched bodies! Now Keshi is in Satomi's body and Satomi is in Keshi's body. They decide to live their lives in each others' bodies until they can fix their problem. But things start to get complicated when Mariko, Satomi's best friend, tells Keshi, who is in Satomi's body, that she likes Naoshige, Keshi's best friend. Since Keshi likes Mariko, he has no idea what to do about the situation.Includes other stories:• Tomodachi Sando• MushibanaAfter graduating from middle school, Hirai Yuka hopes to gain many new friends and a handsome boyfriend in high school. But, right before entering high school, she manages to get a major toothache which completely ruins her class introduction. This, in turn, destroys any chance of her obtaining new friends and a boyfriend.Forced to go to the dentist and feeling like her life couldn't get any worse, she meets a bishounen, Yuuki Yuuta, at the dental clinic. Suddenly, Yuka's life starts to look better!- Intercross• Dou Waranyo?!
Meiru Inamori is a mailing obsessed 16-year-old whom attends an all girls high school. One day she finds out that all of her friends have boyfriends, and finds herself wanting one as well; the only thing is that Meiru freezes up whenever a guy comes close to her. Will there ever be a guy able to free Meiru from her boy phobia?
When boys put their hands in their pockets, it means they're hiding their feelings!" Chiharu has a boyfriend that is very, VERY quiet. At first, she didn't mind at all that he rarely spoke because she believed that she was fine as long as their feelings could be conveyed. Soon, though, she comes to realize certain things that makes her feel extremely anxious towards him... Why does he always keep his hands in his pocket?