
Shou wants to be a doctor, but female doctors are forbidden. Takao is a delinquent, whose bad reputation is known by many. Somehow these two people cross paths and a connection is made. Was it just a chance meeting or will something more come out of it? -- Manga Updates
All high school freshman Airi Hoshina ever wanted was to someday live in a cozy home with a loving husband, and find joy in the little things in life. As a result, she makes it her daily mission to get to school on time because school legend has it that the longer one's non-tardy streak is, the better boyfriend one will find. But just when her daily routine is working like clockwork, an occurrence of fairytale proportions threatens to disrupt her grand plan. 
めるぷり メルヘン☆プリンス -  めるぷり (メルヘン・プリンス) -  魔法王子 -  Meru puri -  Meru Puri - The Marchen Prince -  Meruhen Prince -  MeruPuri: Märchen Prince -  Hoàng Tử Ếch -  Merupuri: u
High school freshman Airi Hoshina has her life goals all planned out - meet a wonderful boy, get married by age 20, and enjoy an ordinary, loving family life. However, Airi's plan breaks down when she loses an heirloom hand mirror she carries on the way to school. She finds it in the hands of a lordly little boy named Aram, who just used it as a portal from a magical world. Aram has come to Airi's world in hopes of outrunning trouble at home, but it soon becomes clear that he can no more accomplish that than he can keep Airi from getting mixed up in it. From Viz: All high school freshman Airi Hoshina ever wanted was to someday live in a cozy home with a loving husband, and find joy in the little things in life. As a result, she makes it her daily mission to get to school on time because school legend has it that the longer one's non-tardy streak is, the better boyfriend one will find. But just when her daily routine is working like clockwork, an occurrence of fairytale proportions threatens to disrupt her grand plan.
Shuriken & Pleats
Après la réforme sociale de Restauration de Meiji, beaucoup de samouraïs furent contraints à la clandestinité et quittèrent le Japon pour l’occident. Parmi les descendants de ces guerriers apatrides, se trouve Mikage Kirio,une jeune ninja reconvertie en garde du corps.Elle assure la protection de James Rod, un riche philanthrope et au fil du temps une relation père-fille se noue entre eux.À la mort de son “père adoptif”, Mikage lui fait la promesse de retourner au Japon pour vivre une vie normale. Ce qui va s’avérer plus compliqué que prévu...
Megumi is a descendant of Kuronekomaru, a famous thief who stole an heirloom from a samurai s mansion. When he opened the scroll, the familys guardian dragon appeared and cursed Kuronekomaru and his descendants: his family is destined to serve Kougami s family for one hundred generations. Megumi is living the high life, since the last of the Kougamis vanished two years ago. However, when Suzuka-the current generation of the Kougamis-returns home, Megumi has built up no resistance to the curse, so he is forced to serve her with a slave-like obedience.
Dans le collège Cross, étudiants humains et vampires cohabitent secrètement. Yuki, avec l’énigmatique Zero, doit s’assurer que cette cohabitation reste pacifiste. La jeune fille souhaite un futur dans lequel Hommes et vampires puissent coexister sans se combattre. Une conviction dictée aussi par les sentiments qu’elle éprouve pour le noble Kaname, le chef charismatique des vampires du collège. Un garçon qui, un jour, lui a sauvé la vie...
On y découvre entre autre la vie de Yûki et Zero avec leur enfant Ai et Ren à l'Académie Cross, alors que la vampire au sang pur cherche toujours un moyen de réveiller Kaname prisonnier de la glace. Une fois réveillé, le jeune homme se voit conter ses aventures passées par Ai et Ren. Nous replongeons également dans le passé. Alors que Kaname est encore un enfant, Juri se confronte à son frère Ridô.
Armelia est chanteuse. Alors que son groupe se produit chez le gouverneur général Lanceman, la jeune fille rencontre son neveu Luce. Armelia succombe au charme du jeune homme, mais son bonheur est éphémère puisqu’un peu plus tard dans la soirée, il est enlevé par le pirate Skulls. Elle se jure alors de retrouver son amour. Huit ans plus tard, déguisée en garçon, Armelia, qui se fait désormais appeler Alto, rejoint l'équipage de Skulls.
缉你, Cherry Blossoms in Spring, Haru wa Sakura
Shou wants to be a doctor, but female doctors are forbidden. Takao is a delinquent, whose bad reputation is known by many. Somehow these two people cross paths and a connection is made. Was it just a chance meeting or will something more come out of it?
私と不機嫌なパン屋さん -  The Sour-faced Baker and I -  The Sullen Baker and Me
A touching story of a young woman on the verge of adulthood who reminisces about a certain bakery she visited many times during her youth as she is on her way to visit it once more.
C'est l'histoire d'une princesse qui a été enlevée et d'un paysan qui l'aidera à s'échapper.