
Années 80... Chizumi est une jeune fille timide et maladroite, qui passe son temps à faire des gaffes. Ses parents sont morts et jusqu'à présent sa grande soeur s'occupait d'elle. Mais cette dernière s'est mariée et se voit forcée de se séparer de Chizumi. La jeune fille tente alors de devenir plus forte et de ne plus compter que sur elle-même. Elle rencontre alors Fujiomi, celui qui est considéré au lycée comme l'un des plus beaux. Malgré son 'goût' pour les bagarres, il est une véritable idole. Par un concours de circonstances, Chizumi va devenir la petite amie de Fujiomi. Nous assisterons à l'évolution de ce couple et surtout de la personnalité de Chizumi.
パステル気分, Chizumi & Fujiomi, Chizumi to Fujiomi-kun, Gin-iro Ehon, Golden Book, Haru wo Matsu Koro, Pastel Feeling, Pastel Kibun, Pastel Mood, The Time
Chizumi is a high school student with Fujiomi, who is her senior by one year. However, the story continues on to when Fujiomi goes to college and Chizumi is still in high school. Chizumi is your average clumsy girl and Fujiomi your hot guy, which makes you wonder how the pair fits together. Indeed, many other characters in the story wonder the same thing and do not hesitate to test the limits of this peculiar relationship.The first volume includes a short story called April Magic.The series goes over 3 volumes, each with a different name:1) Haru wo Matsu Koro2) Pastel Kibun3) Gin Iro Ehon
ちょっとフライデイ, 正好星期五, Maybe Friday, P.M. Dream
On a rainy Friday, Yayoi makes an effort to go to the store to get a new pair of glasses. With her poor eye sight she ends up bumping into a guy who is soaking wet and this guy ends up helping her get to the store. He runs off quickly and Yayoi is unable to thank him. From that day onwards she labels him as Mr. Friday and has him constantly on her mind. Now her life is filled with wonder and questions as she fumbles to try and find the truth about who Mr. Friday might really be. Can it really be someone from her school?Also includes a short story, P.M. Dream, about a teenage girl who is considered to be very much like a cool guy. She is the daughter of the owner of a boarding house, in which the bearded Kuma-san boards.
帰らざる氷河, The Glacier of No Return
Eleanor is the daughter of the king and a opera singer. Some assasins are sent to kill them due to the scandal so her mother made her promise to leave the country forever before dying. She tries to survive in the streets singing the songs her mother taught her. She befriends Johan, an acordeon player and they travel around various places while singing together. The queen orders some assasins to kill a girl by mistake in Eleanor's Nursing Home. She joins a group of gypsies and is discovered by Alex Lee, a famous manager. Thanks to him he makes her debut as a singer by the name of Odette Lauryn. She becomes a worldwide, popular singer, so she gets to act in her hometown in front of the king.

Kanata Kara

來自遠方 -  彼方から -  異境奇緣 -  Dunia Mimpi -  From Far Away -  From The Other Side -  Vùng Đất Xa Xăm
Noriko est une jeune lycéenne ordinaire, qui vit paisiblement entourée par sa famille. Cependant, il lui arrive de faire des rêves étranges, peuplés de guerriers, de bêtes effrayantes, dans des paysages magnifiques. Un jours, alors qu'elle rentre chez elle, en compagnie de ses amies, elle se retrouve happée par le souffle d'une bombe qui explose. Là, elle voit défiler des images, identiques à son rêve. C'est alors qu'elle se réveille dans un monde bien étrange... et surtout... envahit par des créatures toutes plus effrayantes les unes que les autres. Son rêve est-il devenu réalité ?
荒野の天使ども; 荒野天使; Angel of the Wilderness; Angels of the Rough Plains; Kouya no Tenshidomo; Koya no Tenshi domo
Cette histoire prend place dans l´Ouest sauvage. Le sujet principal est la relation entre une jeune fille de 18 ans, Miriam, et un cowboy pas romantique pour 2 sous, Douglas. Avec tous les principaux ingrédients d´un shojo, ce manga nous invite à voir Miriam grandir et mûrir le long de 3 épisodes : Koya no Tenshidomo (Miriam à 8 ans), Jikan Wa Tomete Matte Ite (Miriam à 17 ans) et Sorenarini Romance (l´histoire d´amour).
Demon And Heaven Again -  鬼と天国 再
Sequel to [i]Oni to Tengoku[/i]
女の子は余裕, 女子难缠, 女子難纏, Girls Need To Be Self-Composed, Mata Ashita (See You Tomorrow), Onna no ko, Onnanoko wa Yoyu, Otokonoko mo Yoyu (Boys Also Need To
Tomomi is secretly in love with her classmate Sawada. But her love couldn't be fulfilled as Sawada is in love with another girl. Meanwhile, Ojika, the head of the broadcast club, is trying to win Tomomi's heart with his handsome voice. Finally Tomomi's gloom is driven away. She starts to see the hidden beauty of the things around her which she has never noticed before.
お伽もよう綾にしき, 綾羅戀曲, 绫罗恋曲, Fairy Tale - Motif Brocade, Fairy-tale-like Noble, Otogi mo You Aya ni Shiki, Otogi Moyou Ayanishiki
Suzu, an ordinary girl who possess extra-ordinary power to summon demons, was left with a flute, the only keepsake of her disappearing ‘Father’. In the flute, dwelt the guardian spirit who responds to her plea in danger.
A Weaved Fairytale -  Otogi mo You Aya ni Shiki -  お伽もよう綾にしき
Suzu est une jeune fille qui possède d´extraordinaires pouvoirs : elle peut appeler des démons. Mais suite à la disparition de son "père", elle n´a pu garder qu´une flûte en souvenir. Dans cette flûte, dort un ange gardien qui répond à son appel chaque fois qu´elle est en danger.
お伽もよう綾にしき ふたたび, Otogi Moyou Ayanishiki Futatabi
The sequel takes place a few months after the end of the first series. Shinkurou and Suzu have gotten married and settled down as vassals in the employ of the governing family of Ima. Just when they've gotten used to the rhythm of their new, peaceful life, orders come from an influential government official that Shinkurou and Suzu must travel to the capital to meet with him. Along the way, they are beset by robbers and demons, and find they are being followed by a mysterious mononoke in the shape of a little boy?! The two must reunite with old friends, and make some new ones, in order to do battle with the supernatural forces that continue to plague them!
白い窓の向こう側, Beyond the White Window, Di Balik Jendela Putih, The Other Side of the White Window
Seiko is a normal girl with a tendency for daydreaming, and Yoshito's a fairly sensitive, subdued boy. They've been close friends since grade school, and now that they're in high school, their feelings for each other become complicated. Though all of the diverse array of characters in the story seem to see it as plain as day, Seiko does not realize Yoshito would like to be more than friends.