
Magical War Chronicle Lyrical Nanoha Force
The story appears to be centered on the investigation of the Book of the Silver Cross, an ancient Belkan magical tome. Tohma Avenir, whilst travelling, discovers a girl named Lily Strosek trapped inside a construct. When rescuing her, she gives Tohma an amulet that gives him access to a new Device power. However, unbeknownst to them, there is another with a similar Device causing massive damage and injury, leading to an investigation by the Time Space Administration Bureau. 
乙女革命アヤメの! -  The iris girl revolution!
At the Time When the Love Harem Game's End Announcement Arrives -  Harem Royale ~When the Game Ends -  Renai Harem Game Shuuryou no Oshirase ga kuru Koro ni -  When the End of the Love Harem Game is Announced -  When the Game Ends -  When the Harem Game Ends -  Когда
Kohinata Asunaro is your ordinary perverted high-school student who likes light novels and romance games. He has no interest in having a "3D" girlfriend and is content just fantasizing on the pretty girls of his school to create his own imaginary harem. But one day he accidentally releases Zepfur, a demon who promises to make his fantasies a reality.The day after, one of those girls, Furuwada Serika, is summoned by Zepfur and explained the rules of a game: the girls of Asunaro's "harem" must earn points by competing for his affection. The winner will be the one whom Asunaro chooses as his sole girlfriend… and the losers will experience an infinite loop of horrible deaths in Hell. For Asunaro, it's just a romcom fantasy coming true. For Serika and the others, it's a battle for survival. Published in Monthly Shonen Sirius.
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