
A young Taiwanese assassin codenamed "Glass Heart" committed suicide by jumping off a building, and her heart was pierced by a metal fence. Miraculously, her life was saved by heart transplantation. During her recovery she began to experience strange dreams, which led her to Japan looking for the donor of her heart, who happens to be Kaori Makimura, former partner of City Hunter. 

Cat's Eye

Le jour, les trois soeurs Kisugi tiennent le café le « Cat’s Eye », la nuit elles endossent leurs tenues de cambrioleuses ! Leur particularité est qu’elles n’agissent pas par cupidité, elles ne dérobent, en effet, que les toiles d’un certain artiste en espérant que la collection réunie les conduira à leur père mystérieusement disparu. Courtoises, elles annoncent toujours leur arrivée en envoyant une carte de visite ; agiles, elles échappent toujours à l’inspecteur Toshio Utsumi qui pourtant les côtoie tous les jours : en effet il est fiancé à l’une des Cat’s Eye !
シティーハンター, 城市猎人, Nicky Larson
Just before entering the university, Yanagiba Masahiko's father died in a car accident. His mother died when he was four, which makes him now really an orphan. But even before the death of his father, he didn't have a family life, as his father was always busy or abroad.
こもれ陽の下で…, Komorebi no Shita de, Sotto i raggi del Sole, Sous un Rayon de Soleil, Under the Dapple Shade
Tending to his sister, who is paralyzed after a fall from a tree, Tatsuya Kitazaki wants revenge. Yet, just as he is about to cut down the tree, a strange and seemingly ageless girl, Sara Nishikujo, appears to stop him. What's more, the girl seems to have the ability to communicate with plants - and she tells Tatsuya the tree's version of his sister's accident. This marks a watershed in Tatsuya's life, as everything begins to change.
Asaka, the prison's nurse, is leaving her post to her gorgeous granddaughter Yuki, who will bring a lot of troubles and chaos in the life of the people around her, starting with detective Tatsumi, her childhood friend and now her neighbor.
桜の花咲くころ, 桜の花咲くころ 北条司短編集, Ciliegi in fiore
Collection of four stories.1. Sakura no Hanasaki Kukoro Prequel to Komorebi no Moto de...2. Family Plot Losing your memory is not only painful for themselves, but also for people who love you. Hideyuki, a photographer, tries to find the memories that bind him to his son and the woman he loved.3. Taxi Driver A story about a vampire who works as a night taxi driver. His victims are his clients...or so it should be, for his good heart often remains with dry mouth, and when a young girl asks for his help, the real trouble begins.4. Shoujo no Kisetsu - Summer Dream Misako was always afraid of water, a distant memory that resurfaces in her dreams, until she finds herself trapped in a strange realm, somewhere between her dream and her past....
北条司短編集 天使の贈りもの 天使の贈りもの, Gift from an Angel
Collection of Short Stories:One story is about a pair of lovers who are always quarrelling and who won't admit that they're suited for each other. But their future daughter comes and helps them realize their love. There are also two early City Hunter stories in this book.1. Tenshi no Okurimono (The Angel's Gift)2. Ore wa Otoko da!3. Neko-manma okawari4. City Hunter - XYZ5. City Hunter - Double Edge
[From AnimeNewsNetwork]: Tending to his sister, who is paralyzed after a fall from a tree, Tatsuya Kitazaki wants revenge. Yet, just as he is about to cut down the tree, a strange and seemingly ageless girl, Sara Nishikujo, appears to stop him. What's more, the girl seems to have the ability to communicate with plants - and she tells Tatsuya the tree's version of his sister's accident. This marks a watershed in Tatsuya's life, as everything begins to change.
A story about a mysterious girl who doesn't seem to age and the people she affects. Very earth-friendly.