
From Red Madness: "[From the Movie] Country girl Han-kyung's life undergoes a drastic turmoil after she moves to Korea's pulsating capital Seoul to share more time with her beloved mother. It doesn't take long before trouble comes her way in the form of a flying shoe thrown by the most adored dandy of Han-kyung's district, Ban Hea-won." ~~
도레미파솔라시도 -  Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si Do - Solfège -  Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-Ra-Si-Do
Korean manhwa based on a novel. The heroine reports a hit and run case which disrupts the family of Hui Won. He constantly abuses her while falling in love with her along the way. However, she has a boyfriend - Eun Gyu - who is the singer of an ongoing band. Note: the female lead is a strong girl who speaks her mind and knows self defense. *In full color, not black & white*