
僕といっしょ, 廢柴同盟, Together with Me
A story about 2 kids who go to Tokyo after their mother died and their father-in-law kicked them out of the house. In Tokyo they meet up with a fellow orphan named Shigeru Ito. Thus begins their cynical tale of laughter and depression 


Ogino et Takai sont deux lycéens passionnés de motos. Ils rêvent tous deux de passer leurs permis et de dévorer la route sur de somptueuses motos. Malheureusement, la vie de ces deux compères n'est pas rose tous les jours. Entre bizutage et problèmes de cœur, la vie de nos deux héros frisera le ridicule et l'humiliation.
グリーンヒル -  GO!GO!茂利飛車黨
This manga features Itokin from Boku to Issho. 'nuff said.
Every day in Japan, 2500 people die due to any number of causes. Do you think you'll be one of the ones to die? No, of course not. Do you think you'll win the lottery? You'd like to think so, we all would. But Sumida is different. He wants the status quo to remain in every way; live a normal life, get a normal job, have normal kids, never to be anyone fortunate or unfortunate, content in normalcy. Anyone who doesn't agree is foolish, doomed to live their life scraping up a mountain that they can never conquer, fated to die in despair wishing things had been better.When his mother kicks his father out of the house and onto the streets, he thinks he'll be fine. When his mother leaves him to live with her boyfriend, he makes the best of it. When he realizes that he's no longer average, he strives to make his life worthwhile the only way he knows how. When the demons in the back of his mind speak to him, he tries his best to ignore them.

My Health

僕とお昼を 古
"Un jour alors que je suis allé aux toilettes pour faire caca... j'ai donné naissance à un lapin."One-shot en 2 parties plus cocasse l'une que l'autre, dans lequel est mis en scène un jeune garçon qui se retrouve confronté à un problème d'ordre fécal, si je puis dire...Humour garanti, à lire d'urgence !
去吧,稻中乒团, 行け! 稲中卓球部, Go! Ina Junior High Ping Pong Club, Ike! Ina-chuu Takkyuubu, Ping Pong Club
There are six members of the boy's ping pong club. Two are relatively normal; however, the other four consist of an aspiring sexual deviant, two perverts, and a guy with lethal B.O. Add in a cantakerous girl as a manager, and you have the entire crew.This series pushes the boundaries of good taste beyond anything the western world has experienced, yet somehow manages to remain vaguely charming. The antics of the ping pong club includes one member's trademark "Protruding Pecker Serve," molesting cross-dressing members, and the infamous "Turtle Sequence," which is much too horrifying to describe.In 1996, this manga won the Kodansha Manga Award for general manga.NOTE: Full frontal nudity and tasteless jokes abound.
わにとかげぎす -  深海鱼男
Tomioka Yuji is a 32-year-old night-shift guard for a mall. He works completely alone, so he often slacks off, exercising and hanging out on the roof. In some ways, the job is perfect for him, as he's always been terrible with people. However, he can't help feeling incredibly lonely and wishing he had friends. One night, he makes a wish for friendship on a falling star. Shortly after, he finds a strange note left at the door of the mall. It says, "within a year, you'll go mad and die." After this, his solitary life begins to change--some ways for the better, and some for the worse. At work, he notices an ominous silhouette in a nearby apartment building, watching him neglect his job. Who is the mysterious figure? Who sent him the creepy note, and why?