
【殺りん】千古不易【Web再録】 -  Eternally Unchanging -  Unchanged for a Thousand Years -  千古不易
Eternally Unchanging Pixiv Webcomic[hr][url=][img][/img] ー Author’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] ー Webcomic[/url]
Gyaru Couple no Nichijou. Hiru Yasumi Hen. -  Keseharian Pasangan Gyaru - Istirahat Siang -  ギャルカップルの日常。昼休み編。
A day in the lives of a gyaru couple.[hr][b]Links: [/b][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
Enryo Zero no Gyaru. -  遠慮ゼロのギャル。
More gyaru yuri from Sezaki UmiLinks: Artist’s Pixiv Artist’s Twitter
This is a fun little short about a couple of fishermen meeting a mermaid.A oneshot with some bonus content.
AD Police 終焉都市 -  AD Police shuen Toshi
Mégatokyo 2032. Détruite par le grand tremblement de terre de 2025, la nouvelle Tokyo fut reconstruite en un temps record. La Genom, multinationale tentaculaire assoifée de pouvoir politique, pourri de plus en plus la ville par son fric et ses "boomers" qui se détraquent . Jeena, et Leon sont membres de l’A.D. Police - section chargée de la régulation des boomers...
アドルフに告ぐ -  Adolf ni Tsugu -  Adorufu ni Tsugu -  Histoire des 3 Adolf -  Tell Adolf
The story of three individuals named Adolf: a Jewish boy living in Japan, a half-Japanese/half- German boy, and the leader of Nazi Germany. Reading direction: Right to left
Mari vient d'être acceptée dans le célèbre lycée Wistalia, un établissement qui réunit tous les fils des maniaques de l'industrie ou de célébrités. Mais dès son arrivée, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Affublée du titre de Princesse, elle doit désigner celui qui obtiendra le rang de King et régnera sur le lycée. Une lourde tâche que Mari ne se sent pas en droit d'accepter. La jeune fille prend la fuite et c'est là que les ennuis commencent...
アヒル, Duck, The Ballet Ugly Duckling
愛と欲望は学園で, 愛與欲望之學園, 愛與欲望的學園, 欲望学园, 欲望学園, 爱与欲望之学园, 爱与欲望的学园, 사랑과 욕망은 학원에서, Love and Desire are at a School, Love and Passion are at a School
Because the way people have a high interest in "sex," a sex school was formed in order to fulfill the students' desires and help them become more advanced in their skills. Ion, in order to help pay off the debts in his family, has enrolled in the school, hoping to gain knowledge and sell out his body in the future to gain money. But Ion gains more than just "knowledge" in the sex industry, and he starts to fall for his Instructor Asagi... but love is strictly banned from the school...
Because of her fathers job, Aki was raised in England. So when she moved back to Japan she was teased horribly for being "foreign". Now Aki is also a very beautiful young woman, which makes it even harder to make friends and be accepted. After the coolest boy at school starts taking an interest in her, things only get worse. As jealous girls start to harass her, Aki shows a side of herself that even she didn't know about.
アラバスター, Arabastaa
James Block is a former sports star whose criminal endeavors landed him in jail. In prison he meets "Dr. F", a strange old man who tells James about a beam that can turn living things invisible.After escaping from prison, James finds and uses the laser on himself. But, because the beam has not been perfected yet, it only rendered his skin invisible, leaving his insides visible to the outside. Angered at his disfigurement, James takes the name "Alabaster" and begins eliminating the hypocrites and the boastful. He is joined by Ami Ozawa, the granddaughter of "Doctor F", who was rendered invisible after the doctor used his pregnant daughter as an "F Beam" test subject.On their trail is Rock, a vicious FBI agent.
El Dulce Veneno de mi amigo de la Infancia. -  Sweet Poison Childhood Friend -  幼なじみに甘い毒牙
I feel him catch me, I feel he paralyzes me and then devours me. My childhood friend is the heir to a millionaire family and since childhood I have been at your mercy ... but ... Do you just for fun? Because my heart and my body no longer resist it ...
Shudan wo Erabanai Jorei-shi to Fukushuu ni Moeru Kyonyuu -  手段を選ばない除霊師と復讐に燃える巨乳
An exorcist who will use any means necessary and a big tiddy girl who has nothing but vengeance on her mind are set on their mission to exterminate evil spirits.[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
Angel's Hill, エンゼルの丘
The story revolves around a mysterious place called "Angel's Island" that resides somewhere on the ocean seas. Living on Angel's Island are a species of merpeople that can live in both the sea and on land. They have the form of a human, but can breath in water as well as on land. Luna is a princess of this species of mermaid living on Angel's Island, but is exiled for breaking some of their rules. As punishment, she is placed inside a sea shell, and set adrift across the sea. Meanwhile Eiji Kusahara, the son of a wealthy Japanese family, meets Soleiu (Luna's older sister) and they try to discover the mysteries behind Angel's Island.
エンゼルの丘 -  Angel's Hill
The story revolves around a mysterious place called "Angel's Island" that resides somewhere on the ocean seas. Living on Angel's Island are a species of merpeople that can live in both the sea and on land. They have the form of a human, but can breath in water as well as on land. Luna is a princess of this species of mermaid living on Angel's Island, but is exiled for breaking some of their rules. As punishment, she is placed inside a sea shell, and set adrift across the sea. Meanwhile Eiji Kusahara, the son of a wealthy Japanese family, meets Soleiu (Luna's older sister) and they try to discover the mysteries behind Angel's Island.
Tetsuwan Atomu 鉄腕アトム
En l'an 2003, le monde est couvert par la technologie et la science, et les robots vivent en société avec les hommes. Au Japon, le respectable Docteur Tenma est une figure dominante des sciences, et a contribué à la modernisation du pays. Un jour, son fils unique, Tobio, se fait tuer dans un accident de voiture. Pris de désespoir et ne pouvant accepter cette perte, Tenma décida de faire bâtir un robot à l'image de son fils afin de le remplacer, et fut muni de super-pouvoirs pour qu'il ne soit plus victime de quelque accident.Bien que le nouveau Tobio s'humanisa et développa l'âme d'un garçon humain, Tenma se rendit compte qu'un robot ne pourrait jamais remplacer son fils après qu'il s'aperçut qu'il ne grandirait jamais comme un vrai enfant. Il le rejeta, le renia et le vendit à un cirque de robots dont le directeur était très cruel envers les artistes. Mais Tobio fut recueilli par un savant, le professeur Ochanomizu, qui le prit sous son aile et décida de faire de lui un super-héros, renommé Astro, qui combattra pour la paix, la justice et la tolérance dans un monde où les robots sont souvent objets de discrimination par les humains.
Astro Boy
The famous character created by Osamu Tezuka, returns in a new three-volume manga inspired a recent television series. A robot designed in the image of a child finds himself forced to fight to protect his fellow human beings.
Aliens have created a tomcat endowed with the seven exceptional faculties similar to Astro Boy's. Supporting his owner, Tsugio, who is a sissy boy, this tomcat named Atomcat runs actively far and wide through the universe. --- This is a fascinating work resulted from Tezuka Osamu's challenging endeavor and daring to remake "Astro Boy."
Island of Fantasy and Reality, the tale of Atlania.
괴식식당 -  Overeating Restaurant
Commercialisation en france stoppée.Entouré de mystère, Black Jack, surnom de Kuro Hazama, est un mystérieux chirurgien défiguré (il a une greffe de peau au visage). En marge de la société, il pratique une médecine qui peut sauver des vies contre des millions de yens. Sans diplôme, il accomplit des miracles. On fait appel à lui quand tout espoir a disparu ou pour garder le secret sur les maladies des personnalités importantes.Mais parfois, même l’homme le plus présomptueux, ne peut prétendre maîtriser la vie.
Buraidan Bureemen
Romio Kasuga un jeune garçon en fugue doué pour la "baston" qui a pour ambition de devenir très connu et surtout très riche. Sur son chemin, il croise Reiji Hino un jeune guitariste fou de rock qui veut percer. Ils vont partir ensemble pour Tokyo et former un groupe de rock nommé "Bremen"...
He complete biography of Buddha, as seen by Osamu Tezuka. Received the Bungei Shunju Manga Award in 1975 and ended in 1984. The manga Buddha is fiction with many characters who represent various life morals. Example Chapra and his mother show the love of a mother to a son.
Midorimaru, an uncouth prince, becomes involved in his father's secret plans, and soon after encounters a peasant school teacher, Tae. As war approaches, circumstances even come to affect the beautiful noble Yayoi and enemy ninja in ways no one would have anticipated. This is a fast-paced story with overt characterization that reflects on the fairness of love and war.
Neko me Kozou
Cat-Eyed Boy is a half-human, half-monster child who mostly resembles a human, and therefore cannot live in the demon world. He lives hidden in the shadows of the human world, hated by both demons and humans. But wherever he goes, awful events occur. Humans interact with demons, but for the most part the humans that appear to act more evil than the monsters. Cat-Eyed Boy acts like Trickster, saving the innocent and helping the wicked receive the punishment that fate metes out. The stories are mostly tales of revenge and retribution for the evil acts people do. The series is broken into 11 individual stories, full of extremely grotesque and disturbing images.
Le petit-ami de Nobara, Touga-kun,déménage, tous deux amis d'enfance et en plus voisins, Touga est un acteur et scénariste de théâtre très connu. Nobara décide de l'aider à faire ses cartons, puis Touga lui donne la clé de sa nouvelle maison en lui disant "Quand tu auras 16 ans, marions-nous".
A police story about two very different types of men teaming up to fight crimes in high places. The combination turns out to be one-of-a-kind. The story is based on the adventures of a pair of policemen, Hashiba Shigemi 26 years old and Keiichi Sasaki, 22. The two handsome young men are somewhat nonconformist and often act of impulse; especially the impetious Hashiba. They solve crimes with "less-than-orthodox" methods and push themselves to the limits of the legality; Often engaging themselves more on hunches and "faith" than for the same law; but after all they are the best "Combination" that can be found. thus the title of the series. They prefere to take action against the politically corrupt and the dealings of the yakuza. The Japanese Robin Hood?
カウンタック, Contach, Countershock
The day after he finds himself dumped by his girlfriend, Sorayama Shun recieves a letter... from himself? The letter was from Shun 25 years ago for his future self. The letter reminds him of the time when he dreamed of owning a Countach and being a successful professional racer. With loads of luck and his ambition to make his childhood dream come true, he finds himself as a new owner of an LP400 Countach.
だまされても好きなひと -  被骗还是喜欢你 -  Damasaretemo Sukina Hito -  The Person Who Likes It -  Even If He's Deceived
C'est plus qu'un simple coup de cœur quand le mignon et énergique Minami décide de confesser ses sentiments à son professeur, M. Matsuda. Mais contrairement à Minami qui a le cœur sur la main, Matsuda ne peut que répondre avec un sourire moqueur, prenant une immense joie à détruire les espoirs de Minami. Peut-être que son homophobie est due à un traumatisme qu'il a eu lorsqu'il était plus jeune. A l'époque où l'homme qu'il aimait lui joua une plaisanterie cruelle, son cœur fut brisé, incapable de s'en remettre. Mais est-ce que la pureté des sentiments de Minami seront capables de le conquérir ?
ダイモンズ, Dämons
Haight and Andrews are successful engineers working for a company on the verge of developing a history-making breakthrough on nanotechnology; however, when Haight discovers a new technology that will help people live better and cure a few diseases, Andrews decides to use this technology for military purposes. Aware of his intentions, Haight resigns from the company taking all the documents and research about his discovery with him. Andrews becomes angry at this and prepares a trap for Haight. Andrews and his five maniac sidekicks brutally torture Haight and kill his loved ones, then sever both his arms and leave him for dead.Luckily Haight is rescued by a mysterious doctor and his assistant. Both men are experimenting with the strange power of "The Zetsmos," which is the ability to control the ghost inside the body while one is still alive. Reports of people that had their limbs severed confirm that they can still "feel and move" their limbs even if they are not there, but with the Natural power of the Zetsmos, the body can assimilate any kind of material and make it part of the body (such as wood, paper, water, metal, etc.) and recreate the limb that was gone.However, awakening the Zetsmos is a painful and dangerous process; the bearer has to put himself between life and death to awaken it. But Haight will stop at nothing to hunt down those that made his life a living hell, and he's determined to use the mysterious power to carry on his revenge.