

L’histoire d’un jeune garçon fêtant ses quinze ans avec des parents débordant d’affection pour leur fils unique. Pour son anniversaire, ses parents lui ont préparé un cadeau très… Spécial…
Axis Powers Hetalia dj - Flores silvestres -  Hetalia: Axis Powers dj
Bài Tuō Ràng Wǒ Cháng Yī Kǒu -  Please Let Me Try A Bite! -  拜托让我尝一口
The knight was originally meant to rescue the princess from the evil villain, however, since the princess had already gotten married with the evil villain, the knight wouldn’t be able to ever accomplish his errand. While being in confusion, he incidentally rescued a vampire. What he didn’t expect was that the vampire would end up being such a bother! The lustrousness of the knight’s blood made it the vampire’s favorite food!


Eishi Karasuma (15 ans) est un collégien solitaire avec une vie monotone. Il n'a qu'un seul ami, Mikisada Komoda (14 ans). Ils trainent ensemble et sèchent les cours. Un jour dans un parc, ils font la connaissance, de Tsubame, une fille très énergétique, et Rei Sagisawa (15 ans), un garçon qui fréquente le même collège qu'eux. Sur le chemin du retour, Eishi et Mikisada décide de prendre le bus, mais celui-ci sort de la route et tombe dans un ravin. Eishi, essaye de sortir et c'est alors qu'il aperçoit dans le ciel, un jeune garçon avec des ailes...


Anniversaire バースディ
Hiroshi est faible quand il s'agit de ses parents. Il ne déteste pas ses parents et ses parents ne le maltraitent pas. En fait, c'est exactement le contraire : Il n'aime pas être gâté par ses parents. Parce que ses parents l'ont eu à un âge assez avancé, ses parents l'idolâtrent et lui donnent trop d'affection. Ils organisent des fêtes d'anniversaire fantaisistes, préservent ses projets artistiques dans une vitrine en verre, lui font des puddings extra-larges, lui font des bannières même s'il est sur le banc, etc. Ils sont tout simplement trop pour Hiroshi qui veut juste être un lycéen ordinaire. Le jour de ses 15 ans, ses parents lui offrent le cadeau le plus fou : un jouet qui fera de lui un héros. Hiroshi peut-il réaliser son désir de devenir un garçon ordinaire ? Lisez et découvrez !Un oneshot de Tanabe Yellow, la mangaka de Kekkaishi.
フェイク! -  Fake!
Hiroshi is weak when it comes to his parents. He doesn't hate his parents nor do his parents abuse him. Actually, its the exact opposite; he dislikes being spoiled by his parents. Because his parents had him at a fairly old age, his parents idolize him and gives him too much affection. They hold fancy birthday parties, preserve his art projects in a glass case, make him extra-large puddings, make banners for him even though he is on the bench, etc. They are just too much for Hiroshi who just wants to be an ordinary high school student. On his 15th birthday, his parents give him the craziest present yet: a toy that will make him a hero. Can Hiroshi fulfill his wish to become an ordinary boy?
Kawaii Yajuu-kun Gaikokujin Kareshi to Hiyokko Renai Hajimemashita -  My Sweet Adorable Beast -My Very First Romance Is an International One!-
Hiyoko is a shy and naive 24-year-old girl who finally debuted her handmade plushies at a crafts convention. At the big event, she sold one of her chicks to a tall and handsome man from Northern Europe named Nicolas. Not only was he good-looking, but he seemed to love adorable things! The two become friendly, and before she knew it, she unwittingly sparked Nicolas's desire! He seemed like a cutie, but suddenly, he changed into a beast?!
Train of the Craze -  광란열차
매달려도 소용없어, There's No Use in Hanging On, It's No Use Hanging On
L'amour de ma vie, Rakan, est devenu l'empereur. Enfin, la cérémonie de couronnement ; je suis restée à ses côtés en espérant devenir impératrice. Cependant, la couronne d'impératrice n'est pas devenue la mienne, elle est devenue celle de Vienne, ma jeune cousine.
É inútil esperar -  It's No Use Hanging On -  There's No Use in Hanging On -  매달려도 소용없어
The love of my life, Rakan, became the Emperor. At last, the coronation ceremony; I stood by him expecting to become Empress. However, the crown of empress didn't become mine, it became Vienna's, my younger cousin.I threw everything away to make Rakan the emperor, and all that's left for me ahead was death. It wasn't until I was abandoned that I realized he used me. Everything was a ruse. The carefully planned screenplay; its main characters being the love of my life, Rakan, and my cousin, Vienna. I was the only one who didn't know that. In my last moments, I made a promise. If I had another chance, I wouldn't love you again, even if I died.I've miraculously returned to the past! To when I was 18, the day all the disharmony began.I made up my mind in tears. This time, I'm going to give everything I've got to destroy you, Rakan. In my vow of revenge, I began to see something I had never noticed before. My fiancé, Paylon, has always looked my way."Please be on my side. I don't need love."I'm not going to let you hang on to me this time!
Kekkaishi Ayakashi Hojinden
By night, junior high student Yoshimori Sumimura is a "kekkaishi"--a demon-hunter who specializes in creating magical barriers around his prey. By day, Yoshimori's got some other demons to battle: an addiction to sweets and a seriously crotchety grandfather! Yoshimori's pretty 16-year-old neighbor and childhood friend, Tokine Yukimura, is also a kekkaishi, but their families are feuding over who is the true practitioner of the art. Kekkaishi received the 2007 Shogakukan Manga Award for shounen manga.
Boku no Hero Academia dj - Kekkon Itashimashita Futari no Koufuku na Nichijou , Everyday Life of a Married Couple, 結婚いたしました2人の幸福な日常
Couple : Midoriya x Todoroki
In the forest -  W lesie -  森の中
A oneshot that ran in 2012r. The story begins when a boy takes a girl who has been held for some reason. The relationship between them becomes clear as he escapes through the forest, trying to lose the pursuit.
A place where no human normally lives, where most of the supernaturals live as normally as supernaturals can be.Matrina’s [url=]twotter[/url]
Brief Summary: Nothing yet!
L'histoire prend place dans une ville en paix, quelque années après la mort du 'Démon Blanc'. Mais un jour, il apparait des êtres vivants appelés Démon. Un seul homme peut les battre. Cet homme est un mangeur de Démon!
Дьявол - потрясающий красавчик
Xolia makes the deal with the devil in order to obtain her desires. But she soon finds that this deal is shrouded in more mystery than she could have imagined.(Rus): Золия заключает контракт с Дьяволом для исполнения собственных желаний. Но она ещё пока не знает, чем обернётся её работа в дьявольской конторе.
황녀님의 인형 가게
La belle princesse impériale de l'Empire Brizina, Kasia Miro del Brizina, est soupçonnée d'être une sorcière, mais elle n'a qu'un seul petit souhait. Ouvrir un magasin de poupées. Pour le réaliser, elle fait appel aux faveurs de son demi-frère, l'empereur Deon. Il s'agit d'un webtoon promotionnel pour le roman.(il y aura une suite adaptée en juillet)
La belle princesse impériale de l'Empire Brizina, Kasia Miro del Brizina, est soupçonnée d'être une sorcière, mais elle n'a qu'un seul petit souhait. Ouvrir un magasin de poupées. Pour le réaliser, elle fait appel aux faveurs de son demi-frère, l'empereur Deon. "Il y a une petite chose que je veux faire, mais je dois quitter le palais." "... Quitter le palais, vous dites ?" demande nerveusement Deon. D'une certaine manière, il a montré une plus grande réaction à son départ du palais que lorsque Kasia a demandé un pays auparavant. Kasia, aveuglée par la joie de voir son souhait se réaliser, n'a pas remarqué. Elle a regardé Deon avec des yeux brillants, comme pour le pousser à demander plus de détails. "Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire ?" Dès qu'il posa la question, la jeune fille, qui allait devenir la plus jolie femme de l'empire, sourit avec éclat et s'écria : "Un magasin de poupées !"
세개의시간, Three's Time
Hina, a Japanese foreign student. Junho, sufferer of Elite OCD. Won, a girl with her own way of seeing the world. A campus life story of these three people. Deals with the issues of Japanese, Korean and global society.The author, Yellow Goo Mi, was born in Japan, but since her parents are Korean, the Japanese government will not give her a Japanese citizenship (which is considered a problem in some aspects; these people are slightly alienated by the 'real' Japanese people in society, despite their extremely Japanese upbringing). As a person with a Japanese and Korean heritage, she writes about the problems in modern Japanese and Korean society, plus the global society in more recent chapters.The first part of the webtoon focuses on Hina and the Japanese society, an example being the more increasing problems with Japanese bullying (ijimae).The second part of the webtoon focuses on Jun Ho and the Korean society, an example being the flaws of Korean education system. Currently, the webtoon now focuses on the global society.