
Candyman -  캔디맨
Kyuyeon has an alternate persona in an online game, he pretends to be a female player with a character named “Yorong” only to rip off items from other clueless users. One of “her” diehard fans named “Yeommin” showers Kyuyeon with gifts day and night. He’s happy but at the same time, Kyuyeon feels a bit pressured about Yeommin because he’s always asking “Yorong” for a date. To top it all off, Kyuyeon finds out that Yeommin is his handsome classmate called Kimin Yeom. How is he going to get out of trouble?
Je suis plus âgée que lui de cinq ans, mais il ne me traite pas de cette façon… Pourquoi est-ce que c'est si bon ?

High pulse

Eunjae, né malade, est transféré dans un lycée près de l'hôpital. Une école inconnue, une classe inconnue. Là où tout était différent, un parfum familier de savon est entré dans la vie d'Eunjae.

Shadow Crown

그림자 왕관
On a rainy day, Prince Daniel of Lorwyn takes in a stranger to become his replacement and names him Rael.Then one day, Rael ends up meeting the Emperor, Leonhardt...