
Qi Shi Gong Zhu -  騎士公主 -  骑士公主 -  Cavalier Princess -  Kị sĩ công chúa -  Prinsesse Ridder(Norwegian) -  Công chúa vệ sĩ
Yashi has wandered with her father for fourteen years, and only now has she discovered that her own mother is actually Bocinia’s current queen. To see her mother, from whom she was separated when she was just an infant, she and her father enter the palace, but she never thought she would accidentally run into the Princess of Bocinia, and then become her bodyguard by mistake... (Manga Incomplete) Continued as a novel...
魔鏡不說謊 -  Bảy Sắc Cầu Vồng -  Mo Jing Bu Shuo Huang -  Cuckoo ! Love Arrives -  Sweet Love Curse -  Blissful Butterfly
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Mirror Does Not Lie :Teng Yu reçoit un jour un mirroir comme cadeau de la part de son père... Un mirroir dont le verre est brisé... Un jour, elle se blesse et son sang coule sur le mirroir. Le mirroir se met alors à absorber le sang et change de forme... Apparaît alors un magnifique démon qui dit à Teng Yu qu'il répondra à trois questions...- 02 - Coucou ! L'amour arrive,- 03 - Sweet Love Curse :Gui Fang Yan est amoureuse de Gao Sheng Wen mais n'ose pas lui avouer ses sentiments. En effet, ce dernier rejette toutes les filles qui se déclarent à lui. Un jour, Gui Fang reçoit des "poupées d'amour" par la poste et décide de les essayer sur elle et Gao Sheng Wen...- 04 - Papillon béat (Coucou ! L'amour arrive - Extra).
From Cinderella Story: Yue Cheng is collecting cats for her homework report, and what she did is captured by the cats' "watcher". And after following a cat that she wants to catch, Yue Cheng and her friend found themselves in the cat spirit's territory. What will happen...?