Youth comedy master Niichi brings us a new story about an engaged couple, Maki and Tetsuya! While the things that were once new and exciting for them have long since become commonplace, their relationship continues to grow. This is a heartwarming story that depicts their transition from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife.[url=]Twitter Raw[/url]
Yoo-chan is a young man who can't get over his boyfriend from high school, who was his first love. Ever since Yoo-chan dated people that resembled his ex, but every time the relationship failed. When Yoo-chan spends a night with Namhyun, whom he thought opposite of his ex, he gets a surprise!(Source: INKR Comics)
Kazuya KAGAMI, vingt ans, est un ex-voyou, chef d´une bande de motards. Cela ne l´a pas empêché de devenir un agent de police plein de coeur et de sens du devoir. Pourtant son comportement peu conventionnel et de fermes convictions morales ne sont pas très habituels dans la police japonaise. Paradoxal peut-être mais cela finira par produire son effet autour de lui. En devenant inspecteur de police, Kazuya va affronter le Tokyo du crime et même se permettre de faire le ménage dans la police. Mal vu de ses supérieurs, notre singulier héros va pourtant résoudre tous les délits et situations auxquelles il sera confronté.
"Wake up" These are the words Sora Han hears right before her heart stops and then begins to beat again. The first and only person in the world to Successfully have a plant heart transplant, Sora has felt an inexplicable pull to go to outer space ever since her operation. At 25 years old, she finally gets the chance. But why does everything on the planet she travels to seem familiar? Sora learns more about herself on this journey than she could have ever imagined.
The three largest countries in Jungmun are Haeseo, Ogyeon, and Byeorae. Among them, Byeorae was a country founded by the ancient god (sinseon), and it's said that Byeorae will not perish as long as the three treasures of the gods are in Byeorae. Even though it was a powerful country, but now it has become a small and powerless country. The king of Haeseo became a conqueror and gradually became stronger. The ambitious king now not only wants to expand agriculture and organize/coordinate the nation's power, but he also wants to conquer the heart of Byeorae's crown prince. Song of flowers and rain…
At the beginning of his last year in college, Shizuka meets Izumi, his new professor's assistant. Shizuka is drawn to Izumi's black hair, pale skin... and seemingly lonely expression. However, he realizes one day that it's the professor who is the target of Izumi's gaze. "...The person I like has someone they like. And that someone has a wife." It's so painfully pure and maddeningly sad. It's a romance between guys that cultivates love with great care.
Meru Tachibana, 12 years old. She’s just returned back to Tokyo after 12 years of training with her father, who thought she was a boy! Now Meru is stronger than most guys, and she’s doing her best to make sure that people don’t find out, or else her chances of making friends is ruined! However, a group of eighth graders seem insistent on making that impossible, as they break the rules and pick on the weak. Will Meru be able to stop them as the new student council president without appearing to be a “Monster Melt King” as her mother has warned?
L'histoire nous entraîne dans le quotidien de Makoto Kowata, une jeune sorcière de 15 ans, qui se retrouve à emménager dans le nord du Japon chez l'un de ses cousins éloignés. En plus de devoir mener une vie de lycéenne, Makoto doit aussi se perfectionner en sorcellerie.
Two years ago, Yu Sui had his teammate sold out, and had himself criticised by the public. He didn't care about any of it. The only thing he cared about was the kid on his team, Shi Luo.After coming back to China, the two meet again. Yu Sui is starting a new team -- will Shi Luo give himself once more to the one who hurt him before? Can there be a new path for their relationship?[i]I met you when we were young, and then I lost and found you again. My regrets vanished long ago.[/i]All releases uploaded to Mangadex:
Minjae passe ses journées au bureau à se faire dévorer par son patron. Et le soir, il passe beaucoup de temps devant son ordinateur à regarder des vidéos, avec vigueur. Les choses prennent une tournure différente lorsqu'il rencontre un étranger dans le bus. Les mots "grand", "beau" et "gâteau de viande" lui viennent à l'esprit, mais Minjae se concentre sur deux choses : l'odeur du savon et un pouce errant. Plus étrange encore, il le suit jusqu'à un établissement de bains où "beefcake" lui offre un gommage complet du corps. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner ?
La Société du Spectre est une organisation combattant les mauvais esprits, et le taoïste chasseur de démons Tank Ka en fait partie. Mais que se passera-t-il lorsqu'il acceptera de se charger d'une mission de rang A impliquant une jeune femme et une redoutable goule ?
Le vice-président du groupe Taekyung, "Choi Yoon-do", entend parler par son ami Min-wook de "Jung Hyunseo", qui était son coup d'un soir. Yoon-do, s'intéresse à l'histoire et rencontre ensuite le garçon , qui travaille dans un café appartenant au groupe Taekyung. "Enchanté de vous rencontrer, je suis Choi Yoondo. Nous nous verrons souvent à l'avenir, alors prenons soin les uns des autres".
Noble est un solitaire YouTuber obsédé par les animés. Un jour, il tente de commander en ligne une servante chatte, mais finit par se retrouver avec une renarde folle