
Un onmyouji est une personne dotée de pouvoirs spirituels qui lui permettent de combattre et d'éliminer les esprits malfaisants. Pour l'aider dans son combat, il est accompagné d'un être puissant, le shikigami. Le jour de son seixième anniversaire, Maika se doit de choisir le shikigami qui l'accompagnera pour le restant de ses jours. Quelle ne fut sa surprise lorsqu'elle découvre que celui-ci a besoin de relations sexuelles pour retrouver la plénitude de son énergie divine dont il a besoin pour la protéger...
Le monde a connu un cataclysme et des monstres parcourent désormais la Terre. Née de la nécessité d'asservir ces monstres, cette nouvelle ère a vu naître une nouvelle profession. Les dresseurs de monstres - des individus qui conquièrent, cultivent et entraînent ces monstres. Ainsi commence l'histoire de Gao Peng. Un jeune homme ambitieux avec ses propres rêves, qui se retrouve propulsé dans l'âge d'or de la culture des monstres. Gao Peng : "Même si c'est une loche, je pourrai la faire évoluer en un dragon qui pourra s'élever jusqu'aux cieux !"
Pas de résumé pour le moment
もっと・真夜中のジュエル, 午夜的宝石怪盗II
Ruri is desperate to see the mysterious jewel thief Kaitou Crow. If she becomes a jewelry model, will she be able to see him again when he robs her?
息子の嫁 -  A Son's Wife
Un bar où se font et défont les couples, une bonne dose d'humour pour corser les boissons, un patronne déjantée, deux barmen du même acabit, voilà la recette de my Bartender Boyfriend.

My Destiny

Dans les cieux, la guerre fait rage entre les anges et les démons depuis des millénaires. Dieu décide de mettre en oeuvre son plan pour mettre un terme à cet éternel conflit : Utiliser l'un des plus puissants démons contre son adversaire de toujours. Mais pour cela, le démon, Glean, est réincarné sous les traits d'un jeune enfant jusqu'au moment venu. Le diable mettra tout en oeuvre pour mettre la main sur cet enfant. La Quête du pouvoir de cet enfant est la source de cette histoire déclinée en théorie sur 5 tomes.
Pokgun Nampyeoni Dallajyeosseoyo -  The Tyrant Husband Has Changed -  폭군 남편이 달라졌어요
Alors qu'elle se retrouve aux portes de la mort, la seule chose dont Idris est certain, c'est qu'elle ne veut pas mourir. Son sort semble bien être scellé, lorsque son époux, Khalid, le terrifiant achiduc de Caltes, lui fait la promesse énigmatique de lui sauver la vie. C'est alors qu'Idris se réveille, un an plus tôt, le matin de son mariage, avec une chance de changer son destin. Mais, alors qu'elle est heureuse de toujours être en vie, les souvenirs qu'elle garde de son passé semblent insensés. Alors que le Khalid dont elle se souvient était un tyran sans pitié, l'homme qui se trouve désormais à ses côtés est doux et affectueux. Leur mariage qui manquait d'affection n'était-il qu'un mauvais rêve ou bien le présent d'Idris est-il une version déformée du passé dont elle se souvient ? Si elle veut survivre et découvrir qui avait essayé de la tuer, Idris n'a d'autre choix que de faire confiance à Khalid.
Yun Tian Yao -  云天 谣
Une histoire fantastique basée sur des jumeaux ! Le passé déchirant qui a refait surface dans le présent.Dans ma vie passée, j'étais en couple avec mon disciple, et dans ma vie actuelle, des sentiments compliqués entre ma sœur et moi ont commencé à surgir ...
O fantasma da lamentação quer se aposentar - A técnica mais forte de treinamento partidário pelos caçadores mais fracos -  Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter’s Hero Dream -  The Wailing Ghost Retired ~Strongest Party Training Technique by t
The golden age of treasure hunters who seek wealth, honor, power and glory, and explore dungeons around the world without regard to the danger."Lets be treasure hunters," said Cry Andolihy, who swore an oath with his childhood friends to become the strongest ... but he discovered during his first quest that he has no talent.But that was only the beginning of his adventure."I can't do this anymore. I want to quit.""Oh, I see. In other words, we should fight harder and cover for you, that's a good handicap.""Rest assured, Cry. We'll protect you!""Oh, wait. If you step on that, the trap will destroy you without leaving a speck of dust behind. Be careful, Leader!"Protected by his overpowered childhood friends, sought out by newbies and nobles, they aim to be heroes and find powerful treasures.Will Cry really be able to retire safely from being a Treasure Hunter?


ネクラートホリック; Necratoholic; Necroholic; Nekroholic
Sakuya était autrefois un redoutable vampire de haut rang, jusqu'à ce qu'il perde une bataille contre Atsumi (un chasseur de vampires) qui lui fit boire son sang. Maintenant, le sang humain répugne Sakuya, sauf celui d'Atsumi. Éprouve-t-il quelque chose de plus...
根暗娘とインターネット -  Miss Gloomy and the Internet -  Nekura Musume to Intaanetto
Morinonaka Iyo est une ado qui refuse d'aller à l'école, préférant s'enfermer chez elle toute la journée à surfer sur internet et plus particulièrement les sites de ventes aux enchères. Cependant, son professeur principal est prêt à tout pour la faire aller en cours...
Let's Aim For It! Turn into a Woman Get Married and Resign from Work!
热视线, 熱視線, Hot Line of Sight, Netsushisen Furawa Komitsukusu, Passionate Eyes, Pika Pika Scandal
Yanase Touko is a high school student and photographer. She is asked to take a photo of Setsuna, a very popular fashion model. She tries to consider it to be just another job, but finds herself responding to his suggestive gaze.Includes oneshot Pika Pika Scandal which is about a girl who loves bishounen and thus scouts them to be actors.
逆命师 -  Against Fate Master
After years of living in her beautiful sister's shadow and losing countless boyfriends to her, Carrie Lockett cannot believe that hunky Shane Reynolds could really fall for her!
A father and son bunny duo, who have starved to death, have arrived at the heavenly doors of heaven! Or so they thought? After reincarnating into desserts, they continue to get eaten and reincarnate over and over again. Trying to find a way out of the endless loop of desserts, the two feel like they might end up dying while trying to find the answers to their questionable reincarnations.
おいらんガール, 花魁女孩, Courtesan Girl
After her house was burnt down by an arsonist, Tsubaki lives in a courtesan house in the red-light district and aims to become the oiran (head courtesan) there. But in order to do that, Tsubaki must beat Takao, the most popular courtesan there, and she is hiding a secret or two!
Okujou Hime -  Okujou-Hime -  Rooftop Princess -  Принцесса крыши -  屋上姫 -  屋上姬
On his first day of high school, Mayuzumi has a fateful encounter with the President of the Student Council - nicknamed "The Rooftop Princess," a girl who manages to spark his interest the second he sees her. This meeting leads to a series of events which turn Mayu's life completely upside down.
お前ら全員めんどくさい! -  你们这些家伙真麻烦 -  You're All Annoying!
Pour une quelconque raison, Kunitachi Kunihiko, professeur de langue trouve toujours une raison pour se quereller avec Kazumiya Kazumi, une de ses élève totalement anti-sociale et sans amis. Et lorsqu'il lui propose de se faire quelques amis, elle lui déclare : "Deviens mon ami, Sensei."
Quoi ? ! Ma cheffe est un Omega ? !
I Don't Like This World, But I Only Like You
This is a memoir of a couple. It records their warm and lovely stories, by telling their teenage stories in a humorous tone. The heroine is tough and independent, and her partner has been by her side for 10 years. Here you may feel how sweet love could be, and how touching and uncommon life could be.
そよ風のノーラ オーチャード・ヴァレー三姉妹物語 3 -  氷のヴァレリー オーチャード・ヴァレー三姉妹物語 1 -  炎のステファニー オーチャード・ヴァレー三姉妹物語 2 -  1. Valerie -  2. Stephanie -  3. Norah -  Honoo no Stephanie -  Koori no
In the Orchid Valley Sanshimai Monogatari series: V.1 - Koori no Valerie (Valerie) "Love is just a waste of time!" claims Valerie, a successful company executive. Always cool and collected, she even acts calm at the news of her father's critical illness. However her father's physician Colby sees through Valerie's cold exterior to discover a tender loneliness. He becomes attracted to the tough-acting yet frail Valerie. One day, seeing her weeping quietly, he embraces her and comforts her with a kiss. Valerie doesn't have to hold back her tears when she is in front of Colby. While desiring each other deeply, an invisible wall continues to divide the career-oriented Valerie, and Colby, who longs for a traditional woman. Will their love eventually break through this wall? V.2 - Honoo no Stephanie (Stephanie) Stephanie Bloomfield and Charles Tomaselli -- an unpredictable romance. Stephanie Bloomfield returns home to Orchard Valley, Oregon; her father has suffered a heart attack, and all three sisters are gathering at his side. Fortunately, by the time Steffie arrives, he's already begun to recover. But Steffie has other worries, too. She'd fled Orchard Valley three years earlier because of her humiliating rejection by the man she loved, local journalist Charles Tomaselli. She knows she can't avoid seeing him again... It's not long before Steffie and Charles begin reliving past battles - and renewing old feelings. He was the reason she left; this time, will he give her a reason to stay? V.3 - Soyo Kaze no Norah (Norah) Norah Bloomfield is feeling a bit unneeded these days, a bit lonely. Her father is quickly recovering his health, and her sisters, Valerie and Stephanie, are busy planning their weddings.Then, from out of the blue, a cantankerous Texan named Rowdy Cassidy crashes into Orchard Valley. And into Norah's life...The same Rowdy Cassidy who'd been Valerie's boss - and who'd demanded she cancel her wedding. Now he's Norah's patient. And in all her nursing experience, she's never encountered a more difficult man. Or a more irresistible one!Yes, she falls in love with him. And that's a mistake - because Norah has good reason to believe that Rowdy's still in love with her sister. Source: FictionDB
Girl, plz make me concentrate on the class !? -  I Can't Focus on Class With My Idol Next to Me! -  推しが隣で授業に集中できない!
Manaka Sakiko is a huge fan of Chihiro, an idol from the idol group Haruiro Sunshine, and on her first day of high school she finds out the new girl sitting next to her is none other than Chihiro herself. No one else recognises Chihiro, so Sakiko resolves to keep her knowledge under wraps, but when she accidentally slips and reveals she's a fan, she unwittingly makes herself the enemy of another Chihiro devotee, one who isn't keen on sharing.
乙女のオモチャ -  泪光中的吻短篇集 -  Ko Akuma Guardian -  Koakuma Guardian -  Maiden's Toy
Compilation of short stories: • Otome no Omocha • Atashi no Omocha • Koakuma Guardian Natsume Mikana is a popular idol who was always being chased by many fans because of her looks. one day, while being chased by her fans, a boy riding a motorcycle suddenly grabbed her and brought her to the studio and was told that he is her bodyguard, but what will happen if the guy is her type but they are not able to fall in love with each other? will she give up to her feelings and confess, or will she pretend not love him and find someone else? -riku • Regret
Otome-iro Stay Tune -  Stay Tune
Two radio hosts finish their second show and are getting ready to head home. However, one has a different idea...
Host Club : Le lycée de la séduction, 櫻蘭高校男公關部, 樱兰高校男公关部
Haruhi is a poor tomboyish student at a school for the ultra-wealthy, and is able to attend because of a scholarship, but is unable to even afford a uniform. One day, she stumbles across the peculiar but very popular Ouran Host Club. She tries to leave, but accidentally breaks a vase, and is unable to pay for it. She's told that she'll have to stay and do odd jobs. That is, until they decide she would be more valuable as a club member. Not realizing she's female due to her appearance, they fix her up and give her a male uniform. She's an instant hit, so they decide to have her keep up the charade even after they find out the truth. Haruhi, being common almost to a fault, doesn't know what to make of the unconventional activities of the Host Club (or of the even more unconventional members), but having little choice, she plays along. Before long, real bonds are formed, friends made, and Haruhi finds herself accepted in a way she could never have been otherwise in this affluent school.

Over Image

Un monde sans couleurs, un monde tout blanc, un monde où tout ne porte qu'une seule couleur. Alors qu'il se rend au lycée, Sai se retrouve tout d'un coup dans ce monde extraordinaire. Là, il assiste au combat de deux jeunes filles. L'une d'elles est une blonde qu'il n'a jamais vu avant, et l'autre est Mikage Mikuro, une fille plus âgée de son lycée. Puis, une fois de retour dans le monde normal, la blonde se révèle finalement être une lycéenne transférée. Afin de réaliser son vœu le plus cher, elle a rejoint le jeu de combat " Over Image " et elle veut maintenant que Sai soit son compagnon : " Deux points. Es-tu mon ennemi ? Ou es-tu un citoyen inoffensif ? ».
Because I'm an Adult! -  Parfait: One-Loli Yuri Anthology -  パルフェ おねロリ百合アンソロジー -  파르페 오네로리 백합 앤솔로지 - 
Parfait Onee loli Anthology 1Cover: Itou HachiIllustration: irua, Kagawa YuusakuStory 1 Aria’s Egg (Hachi Itou)Story 2 My Friend’s little sister (Namori)Story 3 Melon Melon ( Jin Takemiya)Story 4 Because I’m an adult (Yuu Nonaka)Story 5 the taste of the first kiss ( irua)Story 6 Leave it to the Super Maid ( Eku Takeshima)Story 7 Princess Knight and Familiar ( Saku Takano )Story 8 The Mistress’s Selfishness (Subaru Homura)Story 9 An Angel’s Poison (Ichie Ichigo )Story 10 Words that make me so happy ( Pikachi Ohi )Story 11 I want that girl (Tama Tamasaki)Parfait Onee loli Anthology 2Cover: MaruinoIllustration: Miman, Hitoto* Story 1 Yuuri’s Sensei ( Eku Takeshima )Story 2 Momo-chan comes to my house everyday (Meno)Story 3 I’ve fallen off Mr. Raid (Fujieda Miyabi)Story 4 Onee-san's Sanity is in Danger (Takano Saku)Story 5 Sensei, Teach Me (Jin Takemiya)Story 6 Sensei, Please! (Jin Takemiya)Stroy 7 I want to be your memory (tMnR)Story 8 That girl is a chicken (Tamasaki Tama)Story 9 Shirimichizu (Homura Subaru)Story 10 Even Voiceless (irua)Story 11 and someday again (Moke)Story 12 Children and children (ogi)Story 13 Enter the Disciples (Nagashiro Rouge)Story 14 Saki-chan is too cute (Geshumaro)Story 15 translucent girl gene (Iwami Kiyoko)Story 16 sister’s secret (Hachi Ito)Parfait Onee loli Anthology 3Cover: Shigure UiIllustration: kobuta, 椎名くろ1. Oni-san to Gohan (Itou Hachi)2. Merry Christmas (Meno)3. Miyabi Akino4. Tsuji Yuna 5. Her First Lingerie (Hisakawa Haru)6. Yamada Ako7. My First Pedicure (Nanasaka Nana)8. Takano Saku9. Sakasana