
The plot centers on Kazuki Sendo, whose passion and talent for painting and drawing propels him into the world of doujinshi (underground comics). Soon, Kazuki's everyday life is consumed by the fanboy life and his girlfriend is beginning to have some serious doubts about him...Sure, his new career as a struggling artist has begun, but at what cost to his friends and family? 
うたわれるもの, The One Being Sung, Utawareru Mono
After succumbing to serious injuries, the main character faints in the forest, only to be found and helped later on by a young woman named Eruruu (Whose species has animal-like ears and tails). He has no memories of who he is, and furthermore he has a mask stuck to his face that cannot be removed. The elder of the village he is taken to gives him clothes, and a name: Hakuoro. He is adopted as one of the villages own members, and is also adopted into Eruruu's family, which consists of herself, her younger sister Aruruu, and the village elder, their grandmother: Tuskuruu.
White Album (Chako Abeno)
Touya now has a new girlfriend, Yuki Morikawa, but before they enter college she is going to debut as an idol. How will this new development affect their relationship? What about the current idol Rina Ogata who seems to have caught him in her eye?