
Tsugumi has just been dumped by her boyfriend. Walking around while deep in irate thoughts about his attitude towards her, she suddenly bumps into the gorgeous, calm and confident brunette Shiraishi Megumi. Megumi taunts and embarrasses her, but leaves behind these words as well; "You're cute"...
Tsugumi vient d'être larguée par son petit copain. Perdu dans ses pensées, elle bouscule la magnifique, calme et confiante Megumi Shiraishi...
Gregory Horror Show グレゴリーホラーショー アナザーワールド
This story takes place in the Fairy Tale world. Our Protagonist is the younger Grimm Brother. After watching his older brother get murdered by the Shadow King (Evil Wizard Antagonist) their family Legacy/ Curse transfers to him upon the older ones death. The Older Grimm lies dead on the floor and a magical hourglass appears next to our new hero that slowly is counting down the sand. This dark curse is the power of Death Itself and when used he gains the Visage of death and the powers it holds making him a Grimm Reaper. Every time he uses this great power he loses some of his lifespan and the sand ticks it away. Swearing Vengeance even at the extent of his own life he sets out to hunt and kill all of the Monsters the Shadow King employs and then the Shadow King himself. This story has Fairy Tale people and creatures like the Grimm Fables but is dark and violent.
Une fille solitaire, Shuka, aidée par un tuteur nommé Joker, fait tout pour regagner confiance en elle.
Ning Yiwei est un génie de la physique et connaît le PDG dominant Liang Chong depuis leur enfance. Ils ont grandi ensemble et Liang Chong a lentement commencé à tomber amoureux de Ning Yiwei, mais Ning Yiwei n'est pas intelligent en matière d'amour. Il se fie profondément à Liang Chong, mais ne s'est jamais demandé pourquoi. Liang Chong a toujours contrôlé ses émotions, et s'est assuré que Ning Yiwei ait une vie paisible et sûre. Mais alors, Ning Yiwei et le fils du tuteur s'entremêlent et les origines de Ning Yiwei commencent à apparaître. Pendant ce temps, il commence également à réaliser qu'il a des sentiments particuliers envers Liang Chong...


Une histoire qui suit un jeune orc nommé Gul. Comme un enfant ordinaire, il joue beaucoup et s'attire parfois des ennuis. Il n'a aucune compétence particulière si ce n'est qu'il est vraiment doué pour s'enfuir. Le destin va lui confier une mission qu'aucun orc ne pourrait imaginer accomplir. C'est ainsi que commence la rude aventure de Gul !
This is what you'd get if K-ON was not about cute girls doing cute things in a light music club, but cute girls doing cute things in an FPS game club.
群青 愛が沈んだ海の色 -  Gunjou (KANESADA Yukio)
From Midnight Scans: Even though they played together innocently since they were young, somewhere along the way, the seeds of "love" started to grow. Growing up on an outlying island from Okinawa, Kazuya, Ryoko and Daisuke were brought up like a family. They wanted to be together forever, but the three of them have different desires. One wants to stay, one wants to go, and one of them wants to go, but can't. When Daisuke is lured away from the island, Ryoko decides to stay on the island with Kazuya. However, the three of them will experience a cruel fate...!
Ultramarine Siren
Deux gars : cousins, tous deux gauchers, tous les deux passionnés de devenir le meilleur lanceur de leur équipe scolaire. L'un d'eux a déjà perdu sa place une fois - à l'école primaire - et son cousin a déménagé peu de temps après, apparemment sans aucune idée du fait qu'il laissait le gars qui l'avait introduit au baseball découragé et vaincu. Maintenant, Yoshizawa Sora est de retour, souriant toujours innocemment tout en encourageant Yoshizawa Shuuji à revenir dans le jeu. Shuuji accepte, déterminé à vaincre le gars qui, à ses yeux, lui a pris la seule chose qui comptait pour lui.


Bando Eiji est un tueur à gages (bien qu'il déteste être appelé comme tel...) avec plus que quelques vis sans tête... Cette mini-série en 3 chapitres du créateur de Hellsing suit les escapades du dément Bando alors qu'il choisit une cible après l'autre tout en confondant l'enfer des observateurs avec sa disposition mentale désarçonnée.
Tsukishita is completely dependent on his little brother. It's the first day of school, and his little brother has already had to find Tsukishita with the things he's forgotten. When a group of girls try to help him find his older brother, they mistakenly think he's Kagami's younger brother. When Kagami realizes who he is, he also remembers the day he confessed to Tsukishita. Tsukishita offhandedly said some heartless things to Kagami; did he really mean them the way they sounded?
C’est l’histoire de deux amis d’enfance qui font de la boxe, l’un des deux va s’arrêter…
Quand Ahryung n'était encore qu'un bébé, sa mère a passé un pacte avec le démon Nachal. Quand Ahruyng aura 15 ans, Nachal aura le droit de prendre possession de son corps qui lui fournira l'énergie Yin dont il a besoin pour devenir plus fort. 15 ans plus tard, Ahryung ouvre le présent que lui a laissé sa mère, contenant une épingle à cheveux. Elle enlève alors le ruban qui l'enserre et libère le démon Nachal.
Daydream Paradise Confusion -The King and I- -  逆ハー妄想コンフュージョン <キングと私>
Mei Hino is a geek who draws fan comics about her favorite dating simulation game (which revolves around King and the multiple guys who fall in love with him). After having trouble with her rent, Mei has to start living with a stranger called Seiji... who looks exactly like King from the game!! Seiji tells Mei not to fall in love with him, and she responds by saying she doesn't find him attractive at all (because she's not interested in real men). This hurts Seiji's pride, and he sets out to prove he's still desirable to women.Will the geek girl get her king!?
Ace Attorney dj - Snake Finger!
Court is now in session! Ace Attorney Apollo Justice is in the defendant's chair??
ギャルとクトゥルフ -  Gyaru to Kuturufu
Jikan kara no Kage -  Toki wo Koeru Kage -  時を超えるの影 -  時間からの影 -  超越时空之影 -  超越時空之影
Manga adaption of H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Out of Time"


Myunga est une jeune fille qui ne s'est pas réellement intégrée dans sa classe, malgré son statut de vice-présidente des élèves. Ses camarades préfèrent d'ailleurs abuser de sa bonté pour lui demander des faveurs. Elle le sait et a l'habitude. Même à la maison ce n'est guère plus joyeux : sa mère passe son temps à lui reprocher son manque d'assiduité et ses résultats scolaires en baisse. Elle est amoureuse d'Eechan, le Président des élèves, surnommé Bacchus. Il représente à ses yeux une véritable bouffée d'air frais.Toutefois, son quotidien morne et solitaire se retrouve bouleversé grâce à Hanako, une jeune japonaise tout juste arrivée en Corée...
Menga is simply known as the vice rep and is bullied. Hanako has moved to Korea but was robbed the first day and has nothing. Na Hong Soo is known as a troublemaker and is in constant trouble. And Eechan is the student body president, very popular and known as Bacchus. It seems they have nothing in common, but this will change soon.
裸の王子様 -  A Prince Exposed
Chiemi est une jeune fille romantique qui rêve du grand amour et qui a une idée bien précise de comment ça devrait se passer, mais voilà qu'un jour Kenzo-kun, le type le plus effrayant de toute l'école, l'aborde...
Портрет в стиле ню -  裸の肖像
He was just a naive kid who had failed his entrance exams. But just one meeting in the audience changed his world forever.Он был лишь наивным парнишкой, провалившимся на экзаменах в универ. Но всего одна встреча в аудитории изменила его мир навсегда.
はがない日和 -  僕は友達が少ない日和 -  我的朋友很少日和 -  Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Hiyori -  Haganai Biyori -  Haganai-Biyori
The successor of Shobon, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Hiyori is a collection of oneshots about the Neighbor's Club's activities.
鋼, Hagane - I Am Steel
When forcibly injected with the DNA of Musashi--the legendary swordsman--by the "Akai Umi" (Red Sea) secret organization, Hagane Yakushimaru becomes a master fencer with supernatural powers. She sets off to rescue her parents, who have been abducted by Akai Umi, making friends and foes with supernatural beings (parasite projects) who have also been injected with the DNA of other historical figures. What is Hagane's secret? Why is she the only successful female DNA injection recipient? What exactly is the project called the "Revelations of the New Millennium"? A veteran artist depicts a futuristic battle manga on a grand scale.
There’s something I want to confirm... So tonight will you have sex with me?Finally! B-b-but confirm? Even though I’m a virgin?!Mayumi, a lawyer has been dating for 6 months. Her boyfriend is talented, handsome, dedicated, and doting. But for some reason, she has never been embraced by him. Then suddenly one day he comes up with a surprising suggestion. This is a heartwarming love story about a doting relationship.
Medical Examination Record of the Fallen Spirits Doctor ~ Holy Knights and the Divine Work of Healing ~ Второй шанс павшего духом врача ~Святые рыцари
The Cinder Twins will Save the World without Black or White. -  灰の双子は白黒つけずに世界を救います。
14 years have passed since the White Hero's and the Black Demon King's decisive conflict during the war of Black and White. The world, now lacking a Hero, was dominated by self-proclaimed "Heroes" who were showing off their power. However, some mysterious twins turn the tables around with their wisdom and ability...!
はじまりのグラシュマ, Once Upon a Glashma
Before wizards or magic, the world was filled with girls. But one day the girls disappeared and now only wizards remain. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication have instituted a system that calls for a national census every five years in order to monitor and assess the growing wizard population. Two full-time agents have been assigned to this task by special appointment of the minister, and now must visit each household! Join them in this tale of bureaucratic bungling in a magical land!
はじめちゃんが一番! -  Born To Be Idol -  Hajime is No.1 -  Hajime là số 1 -  Hajime-chan ga Ichiban -  Hajime-chan is No.1!