

TAL – 탈
Ils marchent comme des gens ordinaires, ils parlent comme des gens ordinaires, mais en fait il n'y a rien d'ordinaire chez eux puisqu'ils peuvent matérialiser une image qu'ils ont en tête... Ils s'appellent Chachaoong, ce qui signifie aussi Chaman, et ils ne savent rien sur quand ou comment ils sont venus au monde. C'est maintenant l'heure pour leur Roi de choisir un successeur et c'est ce qu'il fît en choisissant Yu Jin, un lycéen ordinaire... ? Beaucoup de Chachaoong ne peuvent pas tolérer qu'un homme les gouverne. C'est pourquoi le pauvre Yu Jin, ne sachant pas ce qui le frappe soudainement, va essayer d'éviter les Chachaoong qui tentent de le tuer !
眠れぬ夜の物語, A Sleepless Night Story, Stories for a Sleepless Night, Tales for a Sleepless Night, Nemurenu Yoru no Monogatari
This is a shoujo horror anthology, containing 9 stories.
女儿国传奇 - 胜男篇, Kingdom of Women: ShengNan Story, Nu'er Guo Chuanqi - ShengNan Pian, Nu'er Guo Chuanqi: ShengNan Pian, Woman Country Legend: ShengNan Cha
In Ancient China, there existed a legendary kingdom called the Land of Daughters. In this place, the traditional gender roles were reversed, as the women held the power while the men obediently served on the women's whims. ShengNan is an ordinary modern day girl, but she accidentally went through a time portal and arrived in the Land of Daughters! What's more, she looks exactly like the Duke! Of course the Duke switched places with ShengNan, only to lure out his enemies and strike them from behind. However, the Duke's wife fell in love with ShengNan and... ShengNan fell in love with the Duke's enemy?!
Un voyage pour exorciser tous les démons raconté avec des peintures... Une adaptation de Journey to the West.
Fugou Ch. Promotional Manga -  Fugou Chi can't catch a break
Promotional manga for a V-tuber: Fugou Ch.The manga highlights the backstory and struggles of the impoverished deity.Link: [url][/url]Twitter: [url][/url]Facebook: [url][/url]
テイルズ オブデスティニーディレクターズカット-儚き刻のリオン- -  テイルズオブデスティニー ディレクターズカット -  -儚き刻のリオン- -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanaki Koku no Lion -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanakikoku no Lio
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
Les gens s'échangent des anneaux lorsqu'ils se marient, non? C'est ce que Sophie semble penser...
Dans le village de Seable, un vieil homme, Zechs, est connu pour sa capacité à soigner une maladie émotionnelle, le despir. Alors qu’ils cherchent à le rencontrer pour lui demander son aide, la jeune Kohak Hearts et son frère Hisui sont pris en chasse par la sorcière Incarose. En voulant leur échapper, ils chutent d’une falaise et échouent sur une plage, où ils sont par hasard « secourus » par le petit-fils de Zechs, Shing. En l’absence de son grand-père, il leur propose son aide à la place, mais c’est alors que la sorcière à leur poursuite retrouve leur trace.
テイルズ オブ シンフォニア ―ラタトスクの騎士― 恩讐のリヒター
Suite aux catastrophes naturelles engendrées par la régénération du monde qui a eu lieu deux ans plus tôt, deux chercheurs, Richter et Aster tentent de trouver l'esprit Ratatosk qui semble être le seul capable de rétablir l'équilibre des choses.Leurs efforts finiront par aboutir mais à un certain prix...
テイルズオブシンフォニア BC アンソロジーコレクション -  Tales Of Symphonia BC Anthology Collection
Une anthologie créée par une équipe d'artistes détaillant les mésaventures du groupe de l'Elue durant son voyage pour sauver le monde.
Fonons. Essential components of all matter on planet Auldrant.Ages ago, a new type of fonon was discovered—the Seventh Fonon. Its discovery threw humanity into chaos, for if one could use the Seventh Fonon, one could learn the future. Wars over the Seventh Fonon raged across the lands, ending only when the miasma—a poison from within the planet—covered the entire world. This is when Yulia appeared.A fonist skilled in prophecy, Yulia saw thousands of years into the future and foresaw a way to seal away the miasma. With the guidance of her prophecies, humanity sealed the miasma deep within the planet.Over two thousand years passed.The world is ruled by Yulia's prophecy, known as the Score. People believe in the coming “unprecedented prosperity” promised in the Score, never straying from the path set forth in the Score which will lead them to that prosperity. They look to the Score as revealed by the Order of Lorelei, the religion Yulia founded, and hold that the greatest virtue is to follow the Score faithfully.Yulia's Score tells of a young man who is necessary in order to bring “unprecedented prosperity.” His name is Luke fon Fabre. An heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, he was kidnapped as a child by the kingdom's enemy, the Malkuth Empire. Since his return he has been confined to his family's manor for his own safety. He has no idea of the evil that now draws close.
Encyclopédie des Animaux de la Préhistoire -  Genjuu Jiten -  原獣事典
The ancient earth. Many animals were born and killed in the overwhelming nature. They are the ancestors of the animals that now live on this planet.
Tales of Vesperia - Furen Seinaru Hakugin no Kishi, Tales of Vesperia ~Flynn, The Holy Silver Knight
A side story for Tales of Vesperia that focuses on a Knight of the Empire, Flynn Scifo.
テイルズ オブ エクシリア SIDE -  MILLA
テイルズ オブ エクシリア2
Tales of Xillia 2 is set one year after the events of Tales of Xillia, in Elenpios, which currently remains in harmony with Liese Maxia. However, due to the two world's differences in culture and terms of opinion, they also remain in opposition. Elenpios is a highly technological world where the residents live in prosperity. The residents of Elenpios continued to fear the people of Liese Maxia by calling them "monsters" due to their ability to use Spirit Artes, which are rare skills in Elenpios. After the events in Tales of Xillia, mana begins to decrease in both worlds, which causes the Liliale Orbs to lose their power, and they are later replaced by Arrowcell Orbs.We follow the story of a twenty-year-old man, Ludger Will Kresnik, currently living with his older brother in a city called Trigraph in Elenpios. He excels in cooking. During his first day of work, his brother, Julius, is nowhere to be found, which begins putting him in debt.Based on the role-playing game of the same name by Bandai Namco Games.
テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア 導きの刻 -  Tales of Zestiria - The Time of Guidance
Legends tell of a race of divine beings known as Seraphim, whose unseen influence is felt throughout the world. Those with the ability to commune with the Seraphim became known as "Shepherds", the most pure-hearted of which could even be granted a Seraphim's power. While some would praise these empowered Shepherds as living paragons, others would fear their strength and call them demons. Sorey is a young human who has spent his entire life in The Divine Forest, a holy place where he lives in harmony with many Seraphim. Enraptured by the legends within an ancient tome, he makes daily excursions into a nearby ruin in the hope of learning more about the Seraphim and their history, along with his Seraphim childhood friend Mikleo. One day, he is trapped by a cave-in alongside his friend and a young knight named Alisha, who is investigating a series of natural disasters that have been plaguing the world. When Sorey discovers that the Seraphim may be involved, he resolves to leave his home alongside Mikleo and Alisha in order to find the truth.
たまたま! きんぎょ荘, Tama Tama! Kingyo Sou, Tama Tama! Kingyo-sou, Tamatama! Kingyo Sou, Tamatama! Kingyo-sou, Tamatama! Kingyosou
Kitama Tamaki is a young girl who lives with her grandmother, a dorm mother, in a Goldfish Manor, a dorm, in a school. But this is no ordinary dorm! This is a dorm where only handsome boys(Ikemen) are allowed to reside in! Everyday, Tamaki has to put up with her grandmother and the wacky, arrogant but handsome young men who resident in Goldfish Manor! But who is the new, extremely hot and perfect transfer student who comes along? Tamaki's life in Goldfish Manor will never be the same!


Tama Hagane
Hayato est un lycéen qui pratique le kendô avec peu de ferveur, contrairement à sa voisine Sakura qui s’applique avec passion. Alors qu’ils découvrent un vieux sabre dans la remise de la maison de Hayato, les deux amis sont brusquement projetés dans le passé...Et plus précisément en 1864, une période agitée dans l’histoire japonaise où se heurtent les partisans de l’Empereur et ceux du Bakufu (le gouvernement militaire). Dans ce milieu hostile où ils sont poursuivis par des tueurs, Hayato découvre que le sabre qui était dans sa remise n’est pas ordinaire et que lui-même détient une force hors du commun. Heureusement, car il en aura bien besoin pour tenter de regagner son époque...
ため息の午後 -  It Takes a Rebel
Alex hates hearing that she gets preferential treatment as the daughter of the CEO of a top department store, so works harder than anyone else. She is incensed by Jack, the rep of an ad agency who scuffily dressed, visits regarding a new ad and has the nerve to try to seduce Alex! There is no way this kinda guy can work properly...but seeing Jack's presentation the next day, Clara can't take her eyes off him...
她们的故事 -  Their Story
Histoires drôles et romantiques racontant comment Qiu Tong et Sun Jing se rencontrent et tombent amoureuses. Contient également insérer des arts sur les personnages par la/le manhuajia.
불량천사 길들이기 -  Thiên sứ -  Taming A Delinquent Angel
{From Tarot Cafe} Suyun's parents died when she was little. She is raised by a too-soft "Bro" and a money crazy sister that sends her to part time jobs by screaming each and every day. The only money she is allowed to have and spend is the money she earns; part of the money she earns, that is. So she works 24 hours a day- during morning she works as a student while during night she works as a par-time job girl. But she doesn't think that is enough... That is why she secretly works as "Guardian Angel", one who defeats those who have bullied the weaker. For a price, that is. What will happen when Suyun meets a real angel- a real angel that has been banished from paradise for the time being?
고양이 -  주인님을 길들이다 -  Meo Meo Dịu Dàng đi Nhé!
Un chat est allé dans la villa de KANG Jae-Young. Il tente une approche dans ma chambre et ma bibliothèque. Les choses doivent être toujours en place. Je déteste les choses en désordre et les cris. Il suffit de suivre les règles! Mince alors! Je ne serai pas intimidé. Ce n'est pas comme ça que je veux vivre et dire d'autres mots que "miaou miaou". Il semble agir modestement, et tout d'un coup il montre les griffes tout en grognant comme un chat sauvage. Kya ~! Maintenant, il y a peut-être de l'amour?! Attendez de voir. Le journal d'une cohabitation difficile.
帝少专宠霸道妻 -  Di Shao Zhuan Chong Badao Qi

Tang Yin

Il lutte pour l'influence entre les empereurs et les nobles, la lutte pour le pouvoir entre le monde souterrain et la cour impériale. En ces temps de prospérité, comment le destin du peuple va-t-il se jouer ?
侦探犬夏多克, 偵探犬夏多克, 探偵犬シャードック, คุณหมายอดนักสืบ, Detective Dog Sherdock, Tantei Inu Sherdock
Wajima Takeru loves dogs and when he goes to the pound to pick up a new dog, he catches the eye of one particular dog that, according to the workers, doesn’t interact or play. It turns out that the most famous detective in history, Sherlock Holmes, has been reincarnated as this dog that Takeru names Sherdock (Sherlock + Dog). Only Takeru can hear his voice, but his mind is just as brilliant as ever. With the help of Takeru, who fills in the role of Watson, Sherdock uses his incredible observation and deduction skills to solve crimes around the city.
饕餮祭, Tế sơn thần, Tantalizing Festival, Tao Tie Ji
Demon brothers Tao Tie and Kui Long arrive at a village to prepare to recieve a ritual sacrifice that happens every 10 years. Kui Long introduces himself as Wu Chen to a girl named Tan Hua. Turns out Tan Hua actually died from an illness beforehand but her brother the doctor gave her a medicine that rivived her so that she would be the sacrifice and not him. Neither Kui Long nor Tan Hua know of eachothers role in the approaching ritual...
Sui and Neri of the Twilight Planet -  Tasogare-boshi no Sui to Neri -  Twilight Star Sui and Neri -  黄昏星のスイとネリ
A heart-warming story of a happy-go-lucky girl and a talking sloth living on a declining Earth.

