
恋するファインダーの標的 -  Koi wo Suru x Target in the Finder Crossover -  KoiSuru x VF Crossover
Chaperon and photographer Takaba Akihito (Finder) has his hands full with Mizuno and Hiyama from KoiSuru when they go to Kyoto for their graduation trip.
心のすべてを -  Kokoro no Subete wo -  Something from the Heart
from fictiondb: "Morgan's coming home!" her stepfather cried Those three words should have released a flood of warm memories for Leigh. Instead, thoughts of their last disastrous encounter blotted out the rest. Just when she'd been coming to terms with her awakening feelings, Morgan had seemed intent on resisting the passion that flowed between them. "Why must it be you of all women who tempts me almost beyond endurance?" he'd said. Why couldn't he see that she was nothing like her mother? And why was the thought of seeing him again casting her world into turmoil...?
Set in a village inhabited by Youkai, Konohanatei Kitan presents the lives of several fox mononoke working in a hot spring inn. The stories revolve around a new employee, Yuzu. Yuzu had always been living in the mountains, but now has to adjust to a new life working in a high class inn. She is oblivious and clumsy at first, but with her simple cuteness, she is able to get along with all the other foxes.

Last Game

Le père de Yanagi est le président d'un grand hôtel, il est lui même beau et intelligent et gagne toujours la faveur des filles.De plus il est toujours le premier de la classe et le champion dans tout les sports depuis la primaire.Mais après sa rencontre avec Kujou, une élève transférée, il n'a plus gouté au goût de la victoire dans un match avec cette fille depuis 10 ans. "Offrons-nous la victoire finale, Kujou". Voilà qu'arrive le dernier match.Est-ce que Yanagi va tomber amoureux de cette fille alors qu'il a ses compétiteurs mais qu'il ne peut s'empêcher de penser à cette fille ?
Yanagi is rich, smart, a girl-magnet, and always at the top of his class... well, until Kujou transferred in his primary school. She was quiet, plain, and poor, yet not once has she failed at beating Yanagi, both in academics and sports! Yanagi has made it his life goal to defeat her and thus, followed her from elementary until college over the past 10 years. Only when he decides to change the rules might he finally win. Here comes their last game!
剣伝説レジェンドオブマナ, Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana
The adventure of Toto, and his pet Rabbi, in the world of Mana.Adaption of the PS game with the same title.
The shrewd lawyer and the skillful lock picker - The meeting of the two changes the law of the night !
負けるなbaby -  負けるなbaby☆ -  Makeru na Baby
A collection of Oneshots. 1) Beginning of Love 2) Don't Give Up, Baby! 3) Let's Embrace The Moon and Walk - A retelling of the Japanese folk talk of 'Princess Kayuga'. She was found in a glowing bamboo stalk and everyone wanted to marry her. This one's a little different... 4) Master Is A Love Maniac 5) You're My Treasure - The story of Jiru and Matsuri. Jiru is the King of Thieves but one day the treasure he steals is Matsuri. Matsure just wants to go home. Will Jiru ever win his heart? 6) Double Edge
AkogaLady wo Momi Time -  あこがレディをもみタイム
Maki Oota has just finished her training to work at a massage parlor by women for women. For her evaluation, she needs to pick a senior employee to massage like a real customer—so she chooses the senpai she admires, Yamada.
メガネに恋して; Megane ni Koi Shite
Histoire 1 ~ Megane ni Koishite : Yuzuko, qui raffole des garçons à lunettes, écrase accidentellement les lentilles de contact de son terrifiant camarade de classe Maki-kun. Obligé de porter des lunettes pendant un certain temps, ce dernier se révèle être le garçon à lunettes parfait !Histoire 2 ~ Yuki no Waltz : Les parents de Michiru meurent dans un tragique accident, et rapidement, des gangsters débarquent pour réclamer le remboursement de la dette des parents de la jeune fille qui ne peut payer. C'est alors qu'un homme la sauve, et déclare être son majordome. Il lui annonce aussi qu'elle est en vérité la petite-fille d'un homme fortuné dont elle est désormais l'héritière !Histoire 3 : Sekai no Owari ni Dakishimete : Helen est la fille d'un riche notable de Pompéi. Néanmoins sa vie est loin d'être aussi plaisante qu'elle le souhaiterai : enfermée comme un oiseau en cage et condamnée à épouser un homme qu'elle déteste, elle ne rêve que de s'enfuir loin de la cité et de visiter le monde. Un jour son père reçoit un homme du nom de Julius qui se prétend géologue et Helen voit en lui l'occasion de pouvoir s'enfuir. Mais durant la nuit elle surprend une conversation entre son père et son fiancé qui soupçonnent leur invité d'être un espion et décident donc de le tuer...Histoire 4 ~ Kawai Hito : Hatoko Kimura déteste son professeur de mathématiques froid et intransigeant, Suruga Makoto. Ce que personne ne sait c'est qu'en vérité ils sortent ensemble. Jusqu'au jour où Suruga-sensei reçoit une lettre de quelqu'un qui connaîtrait son secret...
桃色パンチ, 桃色punch, Peach Colored Punch
A girls' high school that Mamoru attends has amalgamated a boys' high school, which was her wish for a long time. She expects that she will be able to find a boyfriend soon. However, boy students are around ten percent of girl students, and Mamoru is annoyed because her classmate Azuma makes a pass at her. He is known to be dirty-minded. When she was fighting against him as usual, he kissed her all of a sudden.
Ex Strongest Swordsman Long For Magic In Different World -  In Past Life, He was the invincible swordsman. In this life, He longs for the magic of another world. -  元最強の剣士は、異世界魔法に憧れる
Soma, the world's strongest swordsman, is killed in a battle with the toughest opponent imaginable: The Dragon God. On the verge of death, his only wish——to be able to use magic——is granted by the God.... but with a catch. He has to be transmigrated to another world, where he must take the form of a six-year-old kid with apparently no skills at all!Thus the man who was once called the Sword God, the strongest swordsman in history, must secretly harbour all of his former strength while trying to attain the only skill he cares about.... Magic.
Eri feels that whenever she and Nichika get together, all Nichika wants to do is have sex. Because of this she forbids any sex for awhile. A few weeks later, Eri sees Nichika in a sex maid outfit and changes her mind.
A Daring Deception (Harlequin Pink)
Rachel likes Nathan, but he thinks she's a tramp. Rachel's grandmother then asks for Rachel's and Nathan's help to get back her love letters which was stolen that could lead to a scandal.
なんてズルイ男; Unfair Man; Such A Sly Guy; What A Sly Guy
Recueil de oneshots :1) – Nante Zurui Otoko : Yoshino Nene a 16 ans et elle a eu le coup de foudre pour Fuzaku-san, un homme qui a 9 ans de plus qu’elle. Elle n’arrête pas de lui courir après et pourtant, il ne réagit pas. Un jour, il lui annonce qu’il ne tombera jamais amoureux. Nene cherche alors à en savoir plus…2) – Kimi Ni Makasenasai : Tajima Rika se fait inlassablement rejeter par chaque garçon qu’elle aime, parce qu’elle ne correspond pas à son type de fille. Désespérée, elle rencontre alors l’efféminé Kaji-senpai, qui lui fait une surprenante proposition…3) Stay By Me4) I'll Have You5) Wolf Cherry
夏のかけら, 夏恋回忆, 여름의 조각, Aki-Iro Kimi-Iro, Fragments of Summer
A collection of 5 short stories: 1. Natsu no KakeraWhen Miyuki goes off to the countryside to visit her grandfather in the hospital, she accidentally enters Madoka’s room instead. Although she finds him rude at first, they end up seeing each other every day and get closer. But Miyuki only has a limited amount of time in the countryside. As the summer passes, how will things turn out for them?2. Yuki no Kakera3. Koi no Kakera4. Harumichi Soushi5. Akiiro KimiiroKanako had always dreamed of falling in love; and when she finally does, things don’t exactly go according to plan. Ihara is cold, aloof and rude – but despite that, she is relentless and refuses to give up. Vibrantly coloured by all the moments they had together, it was the autumn their lives changed forever.
Nemuri Netarou Appears!!
Pas de résumé pour le moment...
王弟殿下の恋姫 ~王子と婚約を破棄したら、美麗な王弟に囚われました -  L'Idylle de la Princesse et du frère cadet du roi~ Prise au Piège par sa beauté après l'Annulation de mes Fiançailles avec le Prince ~
A story of a lost girl alone on an mysterious island, in the ocean.
Les histoires d'amour de 4 jeunes filles au fil des saisons.
おにもて -  Too Much Booty
Prince And Yamori
They're not just ordinary butlers! Of course they look after their Master and those around them, as well as do house chores, act as escorts, companions, and advisers… anything you ask! These people that go beyond the calling of a regular butler are called “Yamori”, protectors of the home. Toto, a Yamori in training, is currently studying at various noble houses, but the trouble never seems to stop! Through his job as a Yamori, Toto gets to see first hand the political, racial, and class tensions throughout his homeland of Mertole as he becomes involved with a scandal concerning the royal family.
王子与灰色的每一天 -  王子様と灰色の日々 -  The Prince in His Dark Days
Atsuko is a young high-school girl who leads a troublesome life. Working a scandalous job for the sake of survival, her reputation is in tatters and she is scorned by her peers. But one day she is noticed by one of three rich boys, Itaru, which she resembles in an uncanny way. Immediately she finds herself whisked away from her everyday life and into a new world where she is forced to take on the role as Itaru's double and replace him as the "Prince".

over time

Taro, est un joueur de baseball paresseux quant à Takami il est son contraire un joueur trés appliqué qui veut devenir le meilleur joueur. Leurs chemin se croisent dans un bus, mais malheureusement celui-ci subit un accident dans lequel Takami trouve la mort. En se rendant sur la tombe de Takami, Taro y voit le fantome du jeune homme. Celui-ci lui annonce qu'il va l'emmener au Koshien pour qu'il réalise le rêve du jeune défunt...
Perfect Looks -  完美长相
A prince found a mysterious potion that is thought to make one more beautiful, so he gave it to his knight. However...


La rencontre entre deux beautés froides - l'ambitieuse Ai et l'impulsive Tomo - et la relation complexe qui s'épanouit entre elles.
Le panda roux fait le ménage ! "Bonjour, monsieur ! C'est le service que vous avez commandé ? Qu'est-ce que c'est ? C'est bien trop mignon !
Plush Toys -  máo róng wánjù -  毛绒玩具
Confession Poem
L'obéissante Yin Lian a finalement eu le courage de se déclarer à son ami d'enfance, mais a reçu une réponse ambiguë.Peu de temps après cette déclaration infructueuse, une autre déclaration soudaine de haut niveau vient complètement briser la vie paisible de Yin Lian !L'homme qui a causé cette catastrophe apocalyptique était pourtant apparu ouvertement dans sa vie comme un étudiant ordinaire....