
悪人を泣かせる方法 -  Akunin wo Nakaseru Houhou -  Ways to Make a Villain Cry
Kayano is a rich guy, who fell in love with a guy-Takao-he found injured. He pitied the guy and decided to ask him to give him tuition. That's when he realize that Takao has a terrible personality. Even so, he still had Takao as his teacher. Later, a misunderstanding happened and Kayano's mother thinks Takao is only after the money and made Takao leaves. Years later,Takao returns to the household again but as a lawyer who was hired by Kayano's parents over some stupid broken tea ware. Kayano tried to hit on Takao but was rejected because Takao has a wife now.
Double-Sweet and Flash of Lightning; Sweetness & Lightning; Sweetness and Lightning
Inuzuka est un enseignant qui prend soin de sa petite fille, Tsumugi, depuis la mort de sa femme. Il est mauvais cuisinier et ne prépare que des plats tout faits. Par une série de circonstance ils retrouvent à manger chez une lycéenne : Kotori. Cette dernière leur propose de venir manger régulièrement, Inuzuka accepte afin d'apprendre à cuisiner pour sa fille.
Natsu has never had a good relationship with her older sister, Aki, or her friends she always brings home. One day Aki brings home a girl that is quite a bit different than all the others and Natsu immediately likes her. When she overhears Aki and her friends talking about the new girl behind her back Natsu thinks, "If only she was my friend instead..."
ファンタズム, 幻象之眼, Fantazumu
With the ability to see the negative emotions of people, and to see it as if they’re monsters, whose character can be different and weird, she is Deng. Because no one can understand how she feels, a wall has been built around her heart. However, after living with her innocent brother and with the help with some good friends and Karas, the person that can consume evil intensions, her world has begun to change…
A ghost named Mizuki returns to her old home to discover a family she does not know. There, she meets a child named Misao who is the only person who can see or interact with her. This is the story of their relationship as Misao grows up.
Amagakure Gido
Suzuki and Satou are classmates but barely interact due to their different personalities. One day Suzuki sees Satou getting picked up by an older woman and when noticed gets dragged along by her to Satou’s chagrin.
恋まで百輪; 百花愛綻放; 100 Blossoms To Love
Kotaro a toujours admiré la vie des "honorables criminels" qu'il a si souvent vu dans les films de Yakuza dans sa jeunesse... et ça ne le gêne pas d'hériter du rôle de son grand-père en tant que chef des Yakuza ! Un jour, après avoir vu le calme fleuriste, Toraji, capturer seul un voleur à la tire, il lui déclare qu'il est l'aniki idéal, celui qu'il a toujours cherché pour le groupe. A partir de ce jour, Kotaro suit Toraji dans sa boutique de fleurs, en même temps qu'il en tombe amoureux. Le passé sombre de Toraji, incluant un casier judiciaire à cause de son appartenance aux Yakuza, a fermé son cœur aux relations... Mais est-ce que le couvé Kotaro aidera a planté la graine de l'amour pour qu'il fleurisse de nouveau ?
Yura Yura Q (Queen) -  ゆらゆらQ -  ゆらゆらQ(クイーン)
Kyuuko is born between a Shinto priest and a kitsune mom. Though her eight older siblings are blessed with both beauty and intellect, Kyuuko doesn't mind that she is different. This is the story of Kyuuko going through life with her very own charm.