
Lies and Truth
うそつきなジェミニ, Lying Gemini, My Fragile Love, Untruthful Gemini, Usotsuki na Jemini
Aoi and Rin are twins who are very close to each other. Aoi is a tomboy who is also a big kendo nut while Rin is a budding designer. Aoi, after losing a fight against a former acquaintance, Izumi, decides to hunt him down for a rematch but somehow Rin doesn't like the idea? What does he really see her as?
Liar's Paradox -  UsoPara
Youkadou, a young man working at a certain office is in love with Seiyuu, an extremely beautiful coworker of his. She is in a long distance relationship with her boyfriend, but she agrees to go out with him with one condition: they'll never have sex.


歌姫 -  Song Princess -  The Princess Of That Song -  Utahime - Princess Song -  Utahime The Songstress
La Princesse de la Chanson possède le pouvoir de protéger le royaume avec sa chanson. Bien que le rôle soit transmis de mère en fille, la Princesse de la Chanson actuelle, Cain, est en fait un homme, chantant à la place de sa sœur décédée. Le seul au courant de ce secret est Thomas, le chef du village où ils vivent. Un jour, ils tombent sur une femme inconsciente qui est pourchassé par la Garde Royale. Pourquoi s'est-elle enfuie ? Et pourquoi est-elle venue pour voir Cain ?
美しき獣たち。; Beautiful Beast
Kazuki - héritier du Groupe Toudou, est l'amant de son tuteur et gardien, Chiharu, mais bien qu'ils soient amants, ils ne se sont jamais embrassés.Insatisfait de sa relation amoureuse, Kazuki décide de faire une grande déclaration.Mais celle-ci ne tourne pas comme il s'y attendait.
ヴァイアンメイデン -  机甲圣女
In a world where the situation is rapidly worsening, an unusual all-girls high school is taking in first-year girls who have been orphaned. However, when they show up to the welcome ceremony, they find out that the situation is much different than they might have thought. The school is designed as an experimental ground to turn children with no relatives into weapons. Before they entered the school, they were given an injection that would allow them to manifest powerful aspects of animals. After watching her best friend get killed at the welcome ceremony, Tachibana Karin struggles to survive the chaotic, violent entrance to life at her new school.
Huyết Tộc Cấm Vực -  Xuezu Jin Vu -  Xuèzú jìn yù -  血族禁域
L'histoire de 3 sœurs et leur implication dans le monde des vampires et des chasseurs...."Il y a 9 ans, 3 graines ont été plantées, et maintenant elles se transforment en 3 roses.Derrière les filles qui ont été choisies, leurs ailes du destin s'ouvrent.Lignées de sang et chasseurs, roses et démons, l'amour est comme une symphonie jouant une mélodie mélancolique."En co-pro avec la SukiSuki team
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き, 魔法提琴手, Cây đàn kỳ diệu, Hamelin no Violin Hiki, Hameln, The Violinist of Hamelin, The Violinist of Hameln, Violinist of Hameln
Pandora's Box led a cursed existence. Through the curiosity of a woman, evil was unleashed and very nearly covered the world in darkness. Miraculously, humanity managed to seal Maou Kestra back into the box, but only with immense sacrifices. Even without their lord, the demons are still a formidable force that has only grown stronger with time, locked in the abandoned capital of the North, Hameln. Fifteen years have passed since that fateful battle...Enter Hamel, a travelling minstrel who is so self-centered that he'd sooner cook his guardian crow (and family friend), Oboe, than go hungry for even a minute. Welcome to the world of music and hilarious insanity that is the Violinist of Hameln. Watch as Hamel takes cheap shots at his opponents and bashes pigeons with his giant violin and turns them into dinner.How WILL the world be saved from Maou Kestra (it's a pun for orchestra, if you haven't noticed) with a hero such as this?
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き ~シェルクンチク~ -  The Violinist of Hameln - Shchelkunchik -  Hameln no Violin Hiki - Shchelkunchik
This is the sequel to Violinist of Hameln. So read that first. This series takes place in a fantasy world with famous composers' music, magic, friendship and dark secrets. Our main character of this story is a young ambitious, energetic boy named Schel. (Scale, as in the musical term) Because of the general of the MagiCorps saved Schel from a Mozoku (Monsters of this world) he has a dream to become the greatest magician ever. So he travels to the capital Sforzando the magic city and enters the MagiCorps School of Magic. There he meets Great, a violin magical music user, who is also the son of the great hero Hamel, who defeated the Demon King Chestra. As Schel tries to become the greatest magician, he also holds some secrets of his own. But how will Schel survive magic school with so many rivals to compete against?
Continued Violinist of Hameln -  Zoku Violinist of Hameln -  続 ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き
In a dreamworld-turned-reality, the 5 Great Hopes from the original Violinist of Hameln series find themselves in the grimdark nightmare world governed by the Fairy King Balalaika. They discover an alternate story of themselves as well as their past memories from the original prequel.
Doutei Zetsumetsu Rettou -  童貞絶滅列島 -  童贞灭绝列岛 -  동정 절멸 열도
On that day, suddenly, every single male virgin over the age of 18 started dying rapidly, causing a huge panic across Japan! Sex industry prices skyrocket overnight, forming angry mobs of terrified virgins, and the government knows not how to handle such an unprecedented crisis.Enter our protagonist, 17-year old virgin Kurumi Eiri. He has to get laid before his 18th birthday, or he'll die! He hurriedly confesses to girls, only to be shot down without any hope. Is there any way for him to graduate from virginity?! What will the virgins do when death is staring them in the face?!

Virgin Lesson

バージン・レッスン -  I Heard the Ocean -  Umi ga Kikoeru
Notre jeune héroïne a 20 ans et est vierge, elle rêve d'une relation normale avec un garçon, n'ayant eu jusqu'alors que des fils à papa, des amateurs d'extra-terrestres ou des vénérateurs de secte. Elle rencontre alors un pâtissier dans des circonstances un peu douteuses, elle décide alors de l'aimer, il est doux, gentil et fait de merveilleux gâteaux que Una engloutie par douzaine. Serait ce le début d'une histoire d'amour ?
In the year 20XX the vast city of New York is under constant terrorist attacks at public places. The police is clueless and the culprit is roaming the city free. The police’s only witness died, and her clones are useless, so they are left with no choice but to receive the help of Jojo Schmit of the EPIA section, a section dedicated to ESP related phenomena.
Cibi no YaYaYa! -  Guuzen ga Nokosumono -Kioku Senmei II- -  Please Save My Earth - Side Story -  PSME BIRTH -  Things Accidently Left Behind
Collection of 3 short stories, the first two are Please save my earth related, but they are standalones and spoiler free: PSME-Things accidently left behind PSME-BIRTH Cibi-01 no YaYaYa! (Cibi, right, not Chibi)
低俗霊DAYDREAM, Ghost Talker's Daydream, Ghost Talkers Daydream, Vulgar Ghost Daydream, Vulgar Spirit Daydream
Misaki Saiki, a young woman with a troubled past, is a professional dominatrix in one of Tokyo's most exclusive S&M clubs. However, her real money is something she likes even less than being a dominatrix. Ever since childhood, Misaki has had the ability to see and communicate with ghosts, and that talent is put to use by the Livelihood Protection Agency, who pairs Misaki with Souichiro Kadotake, a martial artist who happens to be deathly afraid of ghosts. Using her gifts, Misaki is able to help troubled departed spirits resolve what is troubling them and allow them to move on to the afterlife. If all THAT isn't odd enough, Misaki is an albino AND a virgin.
Au lycée Takamanohara, de nombreux étudiants tombent amoureux, mais tous d'une personne différente. En fait, si vous reliez qui aime qui, ça fait un cercle complet! C'est l'histoire de ce cercle amoureux.
わ! -  哇!
At Takamanohara School, lots of the students have crushes, but all on different people. In fact, if you trace out who likes who, it makes a full circle! This is the story of that circle of crushes.
若!!, Young Master!!
A multi-volume story about a couple of young men in a yakuza family. The family has converted from being yakuza to running a security services company. In trying to go straight, Hinoyama Takara gets a job as a school nurse, becoming the first person in the family to hold a "normal" job. With him is Saeki Shinnosuke, his bodyguard and the new school counselor. The story revolves around Saeki's pursuit of Hinoyama and the things they have to go through to become a couple.
Dog and Cat -  Dog x Cat -  わんことにゃんこ -  当狗爱上猫 -  调情系恋人
ワークワーク, Wāq Wāq, WaqWaq
The world of Waq Waq is a place where machines attack the black-blooded humans, whose only defense are the Sakimori, humans chosen to partner up with the Goujin-zou, a race of machines that grow stronger when melded to humans. Shio and his Sakimori father, Al, upon entering a village, are attacked by the machines. As Al falls in battle, he leaves his son to become the new Sakimori and guardian of a mysterious young girl, believed to be god, found at the heart of the battle. Waq Waq is the story of Shio as he battles to protect what was entrusted to him by his father. Let the battle for God begin!
Watashi no Angela -  わたしのアンジェラ
我的恋人, 私の恋人, Atashi no Koibito, My Lover
One day, Emi receives a call with a confession to her popular and beautiful older sister. Without thinking, she hangs up. But on the day that she enters High school and for some unknown coincidence, she meets this caller who had confessed over the phone...And thus, an overflowing love begins...
We Don't Know a Thing About Love
C'est l'automne de la première année du lycée. Après avoir changé de siège, Yuki Amano et Hayato Kuga sont devenus partenaires. Kuga tente de faire s'ouvrir l'Amano silencieuse, mais elle ne montre même pas un sourire. Pendant ce temps, Amano commence aussi à s'intéresser au Kuga à tête aérienne. Ils sont tombés amoureux, mais ils n'ont pas encore réalisé leurs sentiments. La comédie d'amour palpitante commence !Traduit avec
起きたら20年後なんですけど! ~悪役令嬢のその後のその後~
Quand mon ami pervers est devenue une fille
Itazura na 24 Ji, Kamisama no Mistake, KIMI GA TENSHI NI MIERU TOKI
Kimi ga Tenshi ni Mieru Toki (When You Look Like An Angel) -"If you try really hard playing tennis, God will give you angel wings," a boy told Yuuka when she was small. She still plays tennis, believing his words. She finally encounters the boy when she grows up.Includes two side stories.
Who is Fuou!? -  Who is 風生!? - 
En effet, qui est Fuou ? Est-il le président de l'équipe de lutte des filles ? Est-il leur mascotte adorée ? N'est-il rien de plus qu'un petit garçon dans des vêtements mal ajustés ? Est-il un prix à gagner ? Est-il un combattant fou lorsqu'il a le goût du sang ?

Wild Life

Wild Lifes -  Дикая Жизнь; ワイルドライフ; สัตวแพทย์มือใหม่ หัวใจเมโลดี้; 野性之聲; 野生動物醫生; Cuộc sống hoang dã
Tesshou est notre lycéen typique, faignant, bagarreur, amoureux et n'a pas de buts dans la vie. Cependant il a un don, celui de pouvoir entendre des sons que les autres humains n'entendent va se servir de ce don pour sauver un petit chien qui va devenir son compagnon. C'est alors que Tesshou découvre sa vocation : devenir vétérinaire !