
こいごころ・せんぷくちゅう -  恋心・センプク中 -  The Latency Period of Love -  When Love is Hiding
Fujinami Ritsuka croit dur comme fer à la légende qui circule dans son lycée. Elle raconte que si un couple s'embrasse dans l'auditorium pendant une nuit de pleine lune, alors ils seront unis pour l'éternité. Ritsuka rêve de pouvoir en faire de même avec celui qui lui sera destiné. Mais rien ne va plus lorsqu'elle apprend que l'auditorium va être démoli...
Koigokoro Koushin Naka -  Koigokoro Koushinchuu -  Koikokoro Koushin Naka -  The Evolution of Love -  When Love is Growing -  恋心・コウシン中 -  恋心♥コウシン中 -  戀愛進行期
Ritsuka, a Ryousei student, believes that she’ll find a wonderful boyfriend by following the love legends. After all, her older sister, Aya, followed them, and she got married! Yet every time Ritsuka carries out a legend superstition, Kuze-kun gets in her way…Although they fight all the time, Kuze-kun is always there for her when she’s feeling scared or anxious. While his words are ill-natured, he is kind to her, so Ritsuka feels happy even when she’s mad at him…Ritsuka falls in love with Kuze-kun. After four of the legendary superstitions were completed, Ritsuka and Kuze-kun fell in love with each other, but…?!
Love Type Class
By Backlash67: Sgt. Akasaka, a college graduate, who enters the army after passing the high level exams is raped by LP Oohori. LP Oohori is a solider who is younger and of a lower rank than Sgt. Akasaka. LP Oohori was tasked with teaching Sgt. Akasaka about his unit. However, after Sgt. Akasaka advises LP Oohori to take the army examine, Oohori gets angry and rapes Sgt. Akasaka. For reasons unbeknownst to LP Oohori, Sgt. Akasaka doesn’t report the assault. From this point on Sgt. Akasaka is continuously sexually assaulted by LP Oohori as “payment” for his lessons but is the sex only payment for LP Oohori or something more?

Koisuru Cupid

恋するCUPID; Koi suru CUPID
Koisuru Cupid (Cupidon Amoureux) - Le meilleur ami de Tomoki Saitô, Natsume Mishima, meurt dans un accident de moto. Mais il ne peut reposer en paix. En effet, il regrette de ne pas avoir eu le courage d’avouer son amour à Kengo Yabuuchi. Aussi, au lieu d’aller au Paradis, il retourne sur Terre sous la forme d’un fantôme et se sert de Tomoki pour confesser ses sentiments. Mais qu’arrivera-t-il lorsque Tomoki commencera à ressentir quelque chose en voyant Kengo ?Jamasuru Cupid (Cupidon Dérangeant) - Petit extra de "Koisuru Cupid", où Tomoki aimerait que Natsume cesse de jouer les voyeurs...Muki Chôai (Faveurs Illimitées) - Alors qu'il vient de terminer une affaire, Igarashi, un avocat dirigeant son propre cabinet, croise Shinohara. Ce dernier travaillait autrefois pour lui. Toutefois, il avait brusquement démissionné et disparu sans qu'Igarashi en connaisse la raison. Aussi, Igarashi tente de se rapprocher de nouveau du jeune avocat, d'autant plus qu'il s'était rendu compte que ses sentiments pour lui dépassaient le cadre d'une simple affection pour un collègue. Mais Shinohara n'a pas l'intention de lui tomber dans les bras...Kagami wa iranai! (Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miroir !) - Penchons-nous sur le cas de Michiru : il possède en la personne d'Aruto, son cousin, sa copie presque conforme. En plus de se méprendre sur l'absence de réponse à une lettre qu'il lui a écrite quatre ans plus tôt, il se trouve irrémédiablement amoureux de son cousin, qui, a priori, le déteste.
Koi Suru Heart de Taihoshite -  Arrest Me With Love -  It will heal eventually if you lick it! -  How much does it cost ot love? -  恋するハートでタイホして
Recueil de 4 oneshots.Asuka, une femme détective souhaite arrêter le voleur fantôme Cerberus dont on parle beaucoup en ville, parce qu'il l'a embrassé de force... !Outre le titre de l'histoire rempli d'amour et d'action, découvrez également les deux autres séries romantiques et humoristiques de Nana infirmière et du médecin Himura !
Hypnotic Therapy In Love
Un entraînement spécial pour tomber amoureux ?
恋するオモチャ -  Beloved Toy
1,2)Tomoya's lover is into sex toys and punishment games. He's also the president of the company where Tomoya works. Is a little gentleness too much to ask? Or does Hasegawa only see him as a toy? 3)Pink Prisoner- Masataka Sensei is tired of lover Azusa avoiding him because of work. So the good doctor decides to keep his lover tied up for a while... 4) Awkward Innocence-Fumiya Sawai has always admired writer Aonuma, and getting the chance to be his assistant is a dream come true! It's a little strange, though, that he's expected to do anything sensei wants, but it won't get too weird, right? Right? 5) Servant of Love-As a child Chihiro was brought to the Hishiya estate to be a playmate for the twin sons Takuma and Kodaka. But now that they're all in high school Chihiro has graduated from playmate to sex toy. Too bad this can't last forever... 6) Underground Love-When chemistry teacher Ozawa Miyuki's friend runs out on a debt he cosigned for, he's forced to pay it back using his body. But to his surprise the young master of the company is Takanashi Kimitaka, one of his students, who takes charge of both the debt and Ozawa's body! By turns cruel and gentle Takanashi is determined to get his money's worth from Ozawa. 7) Sweet Life Together-Makoto has just moved in with his lover, Kazuma and sex everyday is making him super sensitive. So when Kazuma's running late Makoto has to get creative with the dinner ingredients!

Kojiin Tamer

The Orphanage's Tamer -  ميتم المروض -  孤児院テイマー
Shu, who died of old age, reincarnated as a baby in a different world where he was picked up by a poor orphanage. He quickly grows up under the watchful eye of the gentle director and staff. With skills received from God, he starts to exert talent…He now lives at his own pace, adventuring with cute monsters and good friends ♪بعد أن أعيد إحيائه في عالم آخر لموته بسبب كبر العمر، بطل قصتنا "شو" يعيش الآن في ميتم فقير، فيقرر المغامرة كل يوم لأجل مساعدة الميتم، ولتوفير الأكل لأخته وأصدقائه، بالإستعانة بالمهارات التي اكتسبها .والآن يعيش حياة عادية هو والبقية ووحوشه الظريفة.[hr]Links:[*][url=]Original Web Novel[/url] (Japanese)
ココロ・ボタン, Kokoro Button, Love Button
During the high school entrance ceremony, Koga Eito from the special class helps Kasuga Niina from her poor health. His gentle manner captivates Niina, making her confess her feeling towards him. Thus, the trials in love of this couple begin. As time passes, Niina finds it difficult to continue loving him since there are instances when he seems to be playing with her feelings. For her, going out with Koga may bring a grim future to her.
Une jeune fille malheureuse en amour ne voit pas ce qu'il se trouve sous son nez, ou alors trop tard peut être...
棋响少女 -  駒ひびき -  Piece Echo
With the passing of the her grandfather the Eisei Meijin whom she’d spend most of her childhood together, Ayumi lost sight of her goal. On the other side, Erika who’s aiming to become a pro at Shogi to pay the dept her father left with them after running away. Right after entering high school the two meet at the on thing they shared in common, the Shogi Club. Find out how their story unfolds as they go through life centered around Shogi!
小松くん日和, Komatsu-kun Biyori
Komatsu-kun Biyori is about the mangaka, Tsubaki Asu's pet ferret. Each chapter is filled with warmth and the cute little Komatsu-kun will win your hearts over.
小松くん日和 -  Komatsu-kun Biyori
Komatsu-kun Biyori is about the mangaka, Tsubaki Asu's pet ferret. Each chapter is filled with warmth and the cute little Komatsu-kun will win your hearts over.
こももコンフィズリー, 胡桃的糖果
こんなはずじゃなかったのに。; Even though it wasn't supposed to be like this; Konna Hazu ja Nakatta noni; Konna Hazuja Nakattanoni; Though Unexpected
Ryuzaki est un lycéen distant qui aime s'isoler à l'infirmerie. Cependant, cela embête l'entêté docteur de l'école, Wataru, qui recherche d'autres hommes pour assouvir son désir ?! Ou est-ce de l'amour ? Tous les deux se débattent désespérément avec leur morale. Le faire ou ne pas le faire ?
22 ans, Rin a deux problèmes majeurs : un complexe au sujet de la tâche de naissance sur ses fesses et un béguin pour une femme plus âgée qui le voit comme son petit frère. Rin n'a montré ses fesses nues à personne depuis un incident quand il avait 7 ans, qui a fermement ancré sa honte au sujet de sa tache de naissance. Cependant, cette tâche de naissance cache un pouvoir surnaturel...
I Want to Sleep with You Tonight -  今夜、君と眠りたい
With perfection idolized by subordinated and capable to the point of being teased, Kanzaki is a normal salaryman. For him, there was something he can't tell anyone about, a night that he can't forget... That is, his passionate days spent with Nagi, a male prostitute that he had a relationship with five years ago.However, that had also ended... After coming home from an overseas assignment, Kanzakit meets a subordinate within his company named Futagami that looks exactly like Nagi. Frozen time begins to move again in Takiba's drawn sensitive love!
Can You Just Die -  My Darling?I Love You. So I Kill You.Moon is KillThe Moon Is Beautiful Tonight -  but First -  Dieรักเธอสุดหัวใจแต่ยังไงก็ต้องฆ่าเธอ (Thai)今夜は月が綺麗ですが、とりあえず死ね今夜月美愿君亡오늘밤은 달이 아름다운데요 -  일단 죽어
Taku Kamishiro est un lycéen en apparence banal qui aime venir en aide aux autres. Il est également amoureux de la jolie Mika Hanasono, qui a le même âge que lui. Il lui donne rendez-vous le lendemain d'une journée d'école pour lui avouer ses sentiments. Le soir, alors qu'il réfléchissait à quoi lui dire exactement, il aperçoit à la fenêtre un homme qui tente de violenter une femme. Faisant mine de ne rien voir, il finit tout de même par prendre son courage à deux mains afin d'aller l'aider. Mais il se fait attaquer par un homme complètement défiguré qui lui crie qu'il est contaminé qu'il va être également infecté par "ses émotions" s'il ne s'enfuit pas. Mais en se réveillant le matin, alors qu'il allait en cours accompagné de son amie Mika, il lui prend l'envie soudaine de la tuer ?
これが恋というならば, 如果这叫做恋爱, If This Is Called Love, Kore ga Koi to Iunaraba, O, This Feeling of Love!
You can't compare me to the perfect sister! I don't know any sister but when I entered in a far away high school something happened...
これが恋というならば -  如果这叫做恋爱 -  If This Is Called Love -  Kore ga Koi to Iu naraba -  O, This Feeling of Love!
You can't compare me to the perfect sister! I don't know any sister but when I entered in a far away high school something happened...
Happiness is Always Beside You -  幸福は君のとなりに
It was supposed to be the happiest day of Satoru's life - until his bride left him at the altar for another woman! As he struggles to get his life back in order, it's a good thing his old friend Daichi's always there to look out for him - but is friendship really the only reason why Daichi's keeping him here? Or had Satoru's happiness been right beside him all along?
後遺症ラジオ, Kouishou Radio
A collection of horror stories.
攻略シンドローム; 攻略你的心; 攻略症候群; Capture Syndrome; Kōryaku Shindorōmu; Kōryaku Syndrome
Un gars accro aux jeux-vidéos au point de jouer à la console en marchant dans la rue, qui essaie de sympathiser avec un autre mec qu’il déteste, afin de pouvoir se rapprocher de sa sœur...
Koyoi, Kimi to Kiss no Chigiri wo, Youren Soushi - Koyoi, Kimi to Kiss no Chigiri o, Youren Soushi - Koyoi, Kimi to Kiss no Chigiri wo, Youren Soushi:
Because she wanted to attend her grandmother's funeral, Miharu returned to her hometown. Over there, she met a strange boy. And then, she'll discover his true form...
Momozu est un "Hare Otoko" casanier et mal fagoté que le beau temps semble suivre partout, tandis que Toyotama est un "Ame Otoko" gai et sportif qui, lui, est constamment suivi par les orages. Quand les deux se rencontrent et que Toyotama convainc Momozu qu'ils devraient rejoindre un club de randonnée en montagne ensemble, c'est un cas total d'attraction d'opposés !
傀儡, Puppet
"Find the doll maker, and take the puppet!" That was the cryptic message that was sent to Nimiya when her grandfather passed away. Yet the mission is not as straightforward as it seems. Just who is behind the Shikigami insurgence, and what are they after? And will Nimiya and the electrician be able to stop them before it's too late?
格闘小娘JULINE -  JULINE -  Kung-Fu Girl Juline
In a faraway village, in a magical land, live Juline, Bakuya, and Seika, daughters of the top three martial-arts schools. Join them on a quest to uncover the mystery of the Black Pearl, a new clan shrouded in shadows. Juline and the other clan leaders face a new threat in the form of the Black Pearl Guardians. Who are these mysterious warriors, and what is their link to the princesses' past?
海月姫 英雄列伝, 海月姬, 헤파리 공주, Jellyfish Princess, Jellyfish Princess: The Heroes Series of Biographies, Kurage Hime, Kuragehime: Eiyuu Retsuden, Kuragehime:
Kurashita Tsukimi is an 18 year old 'kurage otaku' (jellyfish fanatic). She lives in Tokyo in an all-female apartment complex full of various types of otaku. They fear and despise beautiful, fashionable people while existing happily in their no-man, no make-up world.That all changes when a 'hipster' saves the life of a jellyfish and intrudes upon Tsukimi's isolated existence. Things are made even more complicated when it turns out that the beautiful woman is actually a man in drag.


クラノア -  Cry no More
Le gardien d'Usagi no Mimi parle d'une triste vérité.Il dit que si les souvenirs perdus ne sont pas récupérés, votre âme sera détruite.Et ainsi notre protagoniste Minori commence naturellement à chercher ses souvenirs perdus.Peu à peu, la vérité choquante devient claire. Minori est en fait... ?