
Joyeux HalloweenLe jour d'Halloween, l'Italie reçoit la visite d'un invité inattendu.Jumelage Gérmanie x Italie (GerIta)
Italy est en conflit avec ses sentiments envers Germany en se sentant coupable Pour Holy Raman Empire. Prussia; comme un grand frère, va le réconforter pour aider petit Italy à faire face à ses véritables sentiments.
Hetalia dj - Nishi E
England a été enlevé par America alors qu'ils étaient au sommet mondial de Washington D.C. Ce n'est pas faute de vouloir s'échapper du camion dans lequel il a été mis de force, mais il s'est laissé convaincre que ce n'était pas une si mauvaise chose de voir où Alfred avait décidé de l'emmener.Préquel de To the West Again
Hetalia dj - Futabi Nishi E
Traversant toujours le pays, le camion où sont Alfred et Arthur tombe en panne. Ils sont coincés en plein milieu du désert...Arthur commence à mourir de soif...Suite de To The west
ヘタメン, Heta Men, Hetare Men
Satoko has had enough – she’s not going to be a slave to her family and friends anymore! Determined, she leaves her house and demands her friend set up a couple’s mixer for her. But she still can’t break her habit of wanting to help everyone around her! Maybe meeting the clumsy, disheveled genius scientist Shinguuji will change her mind…or will it be the handsome and respectful Kenji?
ヘタレ女神, ヘタレ女神(ヴィーナス), 害羞维纳斯, Elevator That Takes You Into Darkness, My Venus Lady, Yami e Hakobu Elevator
Her classmates were always intimidated by her height, hence she received the nickname of "Big Sister" for sixteen years. But this is far from the truth! She not only is a coward who doesn't dare to say what's on her mind, she's also super scared of horror movies! Like every girl in love, for the sake of the guy she likes, she volunteered to be on the committee of the school's cultural festival.Unfortunately, her class then chose "haunted house" as their theme; how will she get through this now?Contents:• Hetare Venus• 1 Day, 1 kiss• Tsuki ni Todokutou • Yami e Hakobu Elevator -"There's something coming from the other side of the darkness..."A teenage girl is recommended by her friend to take the test of courage at an unused hospital, but something sinister is going on there...• Watashi no Sweet Love Taiken
ヘウレーカ, 神鬼攻略, Eureka, Heureeka
Heureka is a manga set in antiquity, during the Second Punic War between the small city state of Syracuse and the Roman Empire. The comic is based around the life and times of the famous mathematician Archimedes.Archimedes was not only a gifted mathematician but also an engineer of repute. During the conflict with the Romans, Archimedes was supposedly responsible for creating a number of war machines that devastated the Roman legions before they eventually got the upper hand. The exact nature and use of these devices is controversial, and exists more in the realm of legend than actual historical fact.
Hey! Rikisabutaitoru -  Hey!リキ
Aucun synopsis disponible.

Hi Ina

Miteranneeyo -  Kiss in the Pool -  Ai wa Oshiminaku Ubau -  They are not seen -  見てらんねえよ
Natsume est une personne plutôt solitaire. Il n’aime pas être impliqué dans les problèmes des autres ou bien se mettre sous le feu des projecteurs. Kudou, quant à lui, est l’exact opposé. Il utilise son physique et son charme pour faire de lui un parfait tombeur. Ces deux-là ne se connaissaient pas bien qu’ils allaient dans la même université … jusqu’au jour ou Kudou vola deux des copines de Natsume. Maintenant que sa fierté a été blessée à deux reprises par le même homme, que va faire Natsume ?
緋弾のアリアAA, Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA, Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A
左の二人, The Leftmost Pair
B&W oneshot about an awkward couple.
Hide Out
It is a very dark night. Under a heavy rain, a determined man sets out to track his terrified victim. The decision of Kirishima Seiichi is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.A year ago, he was a happy man - a successful writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything seemed going well for him. But such happiness had to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...
异世界冒险, 日帰りクエスト, Day-Trip Quest, One Day Quest
The adventure begins with a school girl named Eri getting magically summoned to a magical world. Eri has been summoned by a magician named Rex, intent on doing some scientific research observing people from different worlds. Rex is cute, with long dark hair and a rather pained expression at the trials Eri puts him through. Eri is not your average school girl. Instead of being terrified about her current situation, she manages to secure Rex’s promise to summon her again every week. Well OK, so the promise was rather reluctantly given due to a sneaky trick Eri plays involving the alarm on her digital watch. After all, being in a magical world is a lot more exciting than life as a school girl. The manga series chronicles Eri’s adventures in this magical world, as she travels around with Rex and the Prince of that world, a rather bishounen blond named Krueger. Unfortunately for Rex and Krueger, it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the very pushy Eri, and she manages to get them into quite a bit of mischief.

Higan no Ishi

The Stone of Nirvana -  彼岸の石
Il y a une pierre qui exauce les souhaits, c'est ce que les gens disent... que c'est la pierre du Nirvana et que ceux qui la trouvent changeront forcément leur destin. Un homme nommé Roka rencontre une fille du nom de Soumi et, à partir de là, une histoire douce et mitigée s'ensuit, après tout, l'herbe est toujours plus verte ailleurs. Quel est même son souhait et où se trouve cet endroit étrange dans lequel il est ?
HJらんなうぇい! -  HJ Runaway!
One day while studying, Ikenouchi Jinta gets crashed in upon, literally, by a girl wearing magic boots who fell through his roof! However, these magic boots have one slight problem with them...
High-Risk Mission Therapy -  Highrisk Mission Therapy -  ハイリスクミッションセラピー -  求你揉一揉吧
Iori Kandono is suffering from a new illness called Monderella Syndrome, thanks to which she would suddenly experience severe pain in her chest. To make the pain go away, she can either take the medicine or get a massage by a male person. One day she forgets her medicine at home and has such an attack in school, but fortunately her classmate, Edogawa, by pure chance runs into her, and it seems he's the only one who can make her pain go away!
ひぐらしのなく頃に 業
En cet été 1983, Ryûgû Rena et ses amis profitent de leurs journées comme ils l’ont toujours fait : ils jouent à des jeux et vivent une vie insouciante dans le village de Hinamizawa. Mais les ténèbres se forment dans le cœur de Rena, et même ses amis les plus proches pourraient ne pas en être à l’abri. Le père divorcé de Rena a récemment trouvé une nouvelle petite amie, une femme sordide nommée Mamiya Rina. La haine de Rena envers elle s’intensifie lorsqu’elle découvre que cette femme et son véritable petit ami essaient d’escroquer l’argent de son père. Après une confrontation tumultueuse avec Rina au sujet de ce qu’elle a appris, Rena réalise qu’elle doit recourir à des mesures désespérées pour protéger son père. Lorsque ses amis remarquent qu’elle se comporte de façon étrange, ils enquêtent sur ce qu’elle a fait, mais au lieu de l’abandonner comme Rena le pensait, ils s’unissent pour la soutenir et l’aider. Cependant, lorsqu’elle découvre une faille choquante dans ses plans, Rena réalise qu’elle a peut-être fait confiance aux mauvaises personnes et commence à se méfier de ses amis et des autres habitants de la ville. Et alors qu’elle découvre la vérité sur la longue histoire de meurtres et de disparitions de la ville, elle se rend compte que seules des actions radicales peuvent sauver le village de la destruction totale.
ひぐらしのなく頃に 雛げし編
Its almost time in Hinamizawa for the Watanagashi festival. In this arc the tradition is to send hina dolls down the river to wash away inpurities, but every year one goes missing and the person who it represented will go down the river in its stead. Mion has been going to prep school and returns to hinamizawa for the festival to find she has no hina doll. She begins to feel paranoid. What will become of Mion?
ひぐらしのなく頃に 業
Keiichi Maebara has moved to Hinamizawa Village, a cold village in the mountains. I was fulfilled in the lively and irreplaceable daily life with my friends. Knowing the horrific dismembered murders that occurred in the past and the existence of haunting that has been handed down to the village, suspicions are accelerating due to the unnatural attitude of their friends ... The tragedy is repeated. Is it possible to overcome the fate of fear and suspicion and obtain an "answer"? --The summer of 1983 begins.
緋色のマリオネッタ, La Marionetta dagli Occhi Scarlatti
After the woman he loves, Erika, dies of an illness, Jeanie sees no reason to keep on living. He used to be an artist who painted beautiful blue skies, but now he hasn't even got the desire to do that anymore.One day, a strange girl called Coppelia comes into his life. Is she a shinigami, finally come to lead him to his beloved Erika in the afterlife? Or is she something more sinister, a dangerous marionette who has her own reasons for seeking his life?
緋色王子, Bloody Prince, Scarlet Prince, Scarlet Vampire
In order to capture the vampire lurking in the school, Mana the exorcist transfers in. Okamoto-kun, the vampire in question, is one who has changed with the times and gets on by blood transfusions! Mana is left dumbfounded by the carefree, easy-going vampire!
ひかるtoヒカリ; Hikaru & Hikari
Hikaru, un jeune garçon androgyne, se retrouve à devoir se travestir pour sa voisine Aya afin de participer à un concours de chant réservé aux filles ?
ひきたて役の恋, 最佳女配角之恋, Hikitate Yaku no Koi, Sehnsuchtssplitter
A collection of short stories:
ヒマなのでハジメテみます。, Hima na no de Hajimete Mimasu
Amano Rintarou has taken care of Nakatsugawa Maki since they were kids. He knows his childhood friend Maki isn't the brightest crayon in the box but in spite of that, or maybe because of that, he still has always thought he would be taking care of him now and in the future. However, when they enter university together and Rintarou is made to move in with Maki, Maki goes from being a regular idiot to being a perverted idiot! But only towards Rintarou?! What's Rintarou going to do?! How will he deal with this new side of Maki? Will he be able to still live with him and continue to take care of Maki now and forever?
Himari's Surroundings -  ひまりのまわり
Aizawa Haruki, 16 years old, is in his 2nd year of high school, and likes to live efficiently. One day during summer vacation, a girl, Aizawa Himari, suddenly appears, calling him 'Onii-chan' and claiming that she's his little sister. As it turns out, Haruki's father recently remarried, and his new wife brought a daughter with her. However, since both of their parents are overseas, it'll only be the two of them living under the same roof. And for some reason, Himari seems very obstinate about spending as much time with Haruki as she can.
ひまわり幼稚園物語あいこでしょ!, 爱子小美眉, Aiko Desho, Aiko Desho!, Same Sight
Hanatori Suimei, a ronin, came to his aunt's house to study for the next university entrance exam. Turn out the place he will be living in is a kindergarten ran by his aunt. There, he meets Aiko, an 8 year-old girl, Haru, a teacher there, and many other children. How will his relationship with Aiko, with Haru turn out?*Includes a side story called Same Sight in volume 1.
姫100% -  Hime100% -  Super Girl -  Supergirl
From Ivyscan: Hime wants answers. How could her father, an expert driver, die in a car accident caused by his own carelessness? What about the mysterious note he left behind? What exactly is going on? Hime intends to find out!
A young lady is secretly in love with her butler, who's secretly in love with her.