
Wagnaria!! 15th -  WORKING!! 15th -  Working!! 15th Anniversary -  Working!! Web-Ban 15th
15th anniversary special featuring uncollected special promo chapters as well as a new chapter for both Working!! and Web-ban Working!!
ワールドエンド・フェアリーテイル, 幻灭游戏, Worldend Fairytale
Like a broken stage effectStanding in continuous snowfallThe girl told me...This is the last winterA quiet ending...It is the World End... So begins World End Fairytale, a series with great art, and even more so, Maki Hakoda's distinctive style in both story and presentation.
Shuumatsu Touring -  終末ツーリング
Years after the end of the world, two girls tour the ruins of Japan.
A compilation of five short stories by Ryu FUJISAKI written throughout his career. Ranging from fantasy to gothic horror, they explore the fantastic worlds contained within the mind of the mangaka of such series as Houshin Engi and Waq Waq.


Histoire antérieure : Crows.Histoire antérieure : Crows Zero II.Histoire antérieure : Crows: the Aftermath.Histoire dérivée : Worst Gaiden.Tout juste arrivé de la campagne, Hana Tsukushima débarque en ville pour étudier au Lycée Suzuran. Malgré son air bien abruti, il n’aime pas du tout qu’on lui marche sur les pieds. Et ça tombe tombe bien, car il ne fait pas bon errer dans les couloirs régis par les gens de Suzuran. Hana ne voit qu’un seul moyen de rétablir la paix : devenir le leader du lycée.

Worst Gaiden

Histoire principale : Worst.Le commencement du T.F.O.A.


Baby Universe -  Kakeru Ni (AKIRA Shouko) -  Times Two -  ×2(かけるに)
Composé de 5 oneshots, ce manga parle de relations amoureuses : Quand tu es amoureux, c'est comme si tout était multiplié par deux !Histoire 1 - L'amour au premier contact - L'amour est dans l'air à la journée sportive, et Eri ne peut pas savoir ce qui va lui arriver avec Kohei !Story 2 - Date d'expiration en 2001 - Miwa a secrètement décidé que la date d'expiration de la canette que Kenta lui a donné sera symbolique. Cet amour aura-t-il un goût sucré ou amer ?Story 3 - Seconde Impression - Quand Naoki, un délinquant, devient un jardinier attentif, lui et Haruka sèmeront-ils des graines romantiques ensemble ?Story 4 - Fréquence - Que se passe-t-il quand la grande gueule Kaori gagne la capacité de lire dans les pensées de l'élève modèle, Mohiro ?Histoire 5 - Baby Universe - Kengo peut convaincre Saki qu'elle n'est pas trop grande pour pouvoir ressentir l'innocente excitation de quand, enfants, ils cherchaient des OVNIS ?
XXX Kisu Maaku
The type of boy Kumi hates most is the kind who's pushy and flighty. When she rejects such a boy, he forcibly steals her first kiss, and at that embarrassing moment it is Miyazawa Takafumi from her class who captures it on film. Takafumi, Japan's #1 school age photographer, tells her that if she wants the film she'll become his model for a photo contest. He acts like the kind of boy Kumi normally hates, and since her awful first kiss she hates kissing, but Takafumi's kisses leave a different kind of mark... [Taken from from Shoujo Magic]
Yaba Koi - Ikenai Honnou, Yaba Koi: Ikenai Honnou
ヤバイ気持ち -  Desire (HONAMI Yukine)
From DMP: Toru is a shy and quiet student who has developed a special crush on his close friend Ryoji, the most popular member of the high school swim team. In front of Ryoji, Toru hides his feelings and acts as if he is just one of Ryoji's good friends, but in a moment out of the blue his world will be turned upside down as Ryoji will confess a secret desire for Toru. Dazzled, Toru can barely hide his excitement for Ryoji and quickly accepts his offer. As time passes, Toru's happiness begins to fade knowing that his affair with Ryoji was just a fling based out of Ryoji's sexual curiosity. Toru, adamant about his feelings for Ryoji, confides in another one of his close friend, Kashiwazaki, about his dilemma. The two set off to devise a plan to test Ryoji's true intentions by faking a romantic relationship. Soon after, a frustrated and jealous Ryoji attempts to pry Toru out of the arms of Kashiwazaki. Is it just as they planned? Yeah! That is of course until Toru realizes Kashiwazaki wasn't really faking! How could he not have seen it coming? Both Toru and Ryoji have hidden their feelings from each other in the past, but now they have discovered that they were not the only ones. Will Toru and Ryoji be reunited or will their true feelings for each other go unfulfilled?
やえかのカルテ -  可愛動物日記
Bloom Into YouEventually -  I Will Become Yoursأُزهر فيكفي النهاية، سأصبح مُلككสุดท้ายก็คือเธอやがて君になる最終我成為了妳终将成为你이윽고 네가 된다
Yuu vient d’entre au lycée. Elle aime les mangas shojos et connaît les sensations ressenties lors d’une confession. Lors de la remise des diplômes au collège, elle a reçu la confession d’un garçon qu’elle a toujours aimé mais elle n’a rien ressentie et ne sait pas comment lui avouer. Après avoir vu Nanami, la présidente du conseil des étudiants, rejeter une confession avec gentillesse, elle décide de lui demander de l’aide..
やがて君になる -  最終我成為了妳 -  Eventually, I Will Become Yours
Karate Survivor in Another World Reincarnated Savage Reincarnated Savage: Karate Survivor in Another World 野人転生 野人転生: KARATE SURVIVOR IN ANOTHER WORLD
日式面包王, 烘焙王, 焼きたて!!ジャぱん, 焼きたてジャぱん, Fresh Made Japan, Fresh-baked! Japan, The King of Bread, Vua Bánh Mì, Yakitate!! Japan
There's French Bread, there's German Bread, there's English bread. But there is no Ja-pan (pan is Japanese for bread), Japanese Bread. The genius teenage baker, Azuma Kazuma sets his goal as creating the ultimate Ja-pan, a bread that Japan would be famous for. With the natural warm hands Azuma possess (Solar hands), he sets off to become a baker for Japan's largest bakery chain, Pantasia.
药师寺凉子之怪奇事件簿, 薬師寺涼子の怪奇事件簿, Ryoko's Case File, The Strange Case Files of Ryōko Yakushiji, Yakushiji Ryoko no Kaiki Jikenbo
The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirou Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryouko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
Love Me Darling -  The Promised House -  Winter Walk -  冬の散歩道 -  約束の家
Premonition of a Promise
Tomo travaille dans un bar d'hôtes dont la clientèle n'est composée que de personnes au statut social élevé. Un jour, il fait la connaissance de Koushima Kyou qui lui demande de se comporter avec lui comme s'il était la mère de l'écrivain. Au fil de leurs rencontres, Tomo s'éprendra de lui, mais cet amour sera-t-il réciproque ?
ヤクザガール, ヤクザガール ~ブレイド仕掛けの花嫁~, 极道少女~保镖新娘, Yakuza Girl - Blade Shikake no Hanayome, Yakuza Girl - The Blade-Wielding Bride
Senguu Fumihiro is a young boy that made a promise to his dying grandmother to find a good wife for himself. With this intention he enrolls in a prestigious school but on the first day his world turns upside down when all the students begin to kill each other and one of them even turns into a monster. He is saved by a girl named "Akari", sent to protect him by one of the factions that rule the school.
Kunoichi Kokihei, Yama-fu-tan, Yamafutan, Yamafuutan
First story: "Kunoichi Kokihei"This story begins the year before the Battle of Sekihagara, in the pleasure quarters of the capital.Kagerou, a real beauty who is a child of the Ootani family, meets five of the most powerful men of the Uesugi clan while serving at a brothel.
Yamada-san can't be a gyaru -  山田さんはギャルになりきれない
Yamada-san wants to be a gyaru, but she doesn't know how to become one
山本善次朗と申します, 我是山本善次朗, 我的名字是山本善次朗, Between the Worlds, I am called Yamamoto Zenjirou, Tôi là Yamamoto Zenjirou, Yamazen
Hotate is a 10 year old girl who was living at her grandmother's house since her mother died. One day her grandmother tells Hotate that she can't care for her anymore because of her age and that she's going to have to live at her uncle's house. After moving to her uncle's house, she attends a new school, but things aren't easy because of her special ability to see the dead. Can she make friends with students in her new class? And what's the secret behind the bond between her and her uncle...?!
やまとの羽根, Yamato no Hane Badminton Story
Daichi Yonekawa thinks that badminton is a girl's sport and is forced to practice with his twin sister, Yuki. Daichi finds himself playing Taka Tsubahara, the Japanese Junior Champion, because he is too bored "practicing" with his sister. He soon discovers the thrill of playing badminton and even quits his soccer team to practice badminton full time. He now aims to play against Taka Tsubahara once again but this time on equal grounds...
Maiko est enfermée dans un ascenseur d'un hôpital désaffecté par sa prétendue amie qui aime le même garçon qu'elle. Seulement, des personnes ont disparu dans cet immeuble et leur corps n'a jamais été retrouvé, que va-t-il arrivé à Maiko ?
The Dark Tome,闇異本
Le quatrième volet de la série Ihon.
闇に哭く鬼―傀儡奇譚・昏い獣, Crying Demon in the Darkness, Yami ni Naku Oni - Kugutsu Kitan Kurai Kemono
Kyou is the last of the Puppet Masters, with the power to defeat the Dark Demons that feed on negative emotions. He travels with his two guardian Light Spirits to rid the world of the Dark Demons, knowing that only then will time resume for him. Yet, overshadowing every victory lies the truth behind the slaughter of his clan and the fate of his best friend...
暗键师, 闇鍵師, 암건사, Jyonosuke, Yami Kagishi, Yamikagisi
The shogunate installed by the Tokugawa is abiding order, the people live in peace and in a relative prosperity.However, the dark part of the human heart does not cease to arouse their cupidity : it is the ideal doorway for all demons that, by possessing humans, seek to pass into their world.Exorcising these demons is Jonosuke's mission, the master of keys. Known for being the best locksmith of Edo, Jonosuke uses particular locks to put the wicked spirits under lock and key. With the help of the bewitching O-kin, a divine who uses unorthodox methods, Jonosuke is going to meet during his demon hunt some notables of his time, who will prove to be precious allies when he faces a plot aimed at the upper spheres of State.
Le shogunat installé par les Tokugawa fait régner l'ordre, le peuple vit dans la paix et dans une relative prospérité. Pourtant, la part sombre du coeur des hommes ne cesse d'exciter leur cupidité : elle est la porte d'entrée idéale pour tous les démons qui en prenant possession des humains, cherchent à passer dans leur monde. Exorciser ces démons, c'est la mission de Jônosuke, le maitre des clefs. Connu pour être le meilleur serrurier d'Edo, Jônosuké use de cadenas un peu particuliers pour mettre sous les verrous les esprits malfaisants. Avec l'aide de l'envoutante Okin, divinatrice aux méthodes peu orthodoxes, il va au cours de sa chasse aux démons, rencontrer des notables de son temps, qui s'avèreront de précieux alliés lorsqu'il s'agira de faire face à un complots visant les hautes sphères de l'état...