
On August 10 of 2019, humanity received a signal, which was verified for its integrity by hundreds of scientists, from an alien life form containing one message: let us meet on Mars on July 7, 2035. Thus began the creation of a space agency representing Earth as a whole named ST&RS. From there, things progressed quickly with man re-landing on the moon in 2022 and constructing many space stations orbiting Earth and the moon. The Space Academy was created to train the upcoming generation of ST&RS.The same August 10th that Earth received the message, Shirafune Maho spoke his first words and it was “Mars.” Since then, Maho has been an astronomy freak who has nothing but the universe on his mind. He decides he is going to apply for the Space Academy along with his childhood friend, Hoshihara Meguru, and recent transfer and super smart classmate, Amachi Wataru. The trio begins their almost impossible journey of being accepted into the school where only 1% of the applicants are allowed into the academy.
This is a short, delicate BL oneshot that’s quite pretty. It’s about budding affection, a mysterious young man we meet in a greenhouse, and the give-and-take of a relationship.
Chotto dake Zeitaku na Jikan wo -  Akai Sea Glass -  Wish Upon A Glass -  Red Sea Glass
Furuya Utako est timide et réservée, mais à cause de sa taille (172 cm), elle se remarque facilement. Elle pense tout le temps à Harada Naoyuki, le garçon populaire qui s'assoit à côté d'elle en cours et veut devenir ami avec elle. Elle est surprise par son attitude directe, mais petit à petit, ils vont se rapprocher...
Furuya Utako is shy and reserved, but because of her height (172cm), she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her mind is constantly plagued by thoughts of Harada Naoyuki, the popular boy who sits next to her in homeroom and claims that he'd like to be friends. She is a bit surprised at his straightforward attitude, but slowly the distance between them is starting to close...
STAR BLACKS ~スターブラックス~
In 2999, all people of the world had forgotten the existence of God. A seventeen year old girl in high school, Kisaki Aragaki, has been close to the Church’s Sister as a mother. One day Kisaki saw the Church being dismantled by workers and she encountered an Oni (Japanese demon) out of a worker’s body. Her father, Kenzo confessed that Kisaki is a reincarnation of her ancestress who fought against Oni with a Japanese saber called Katana of Oni. Then Kisaki took the inheritance of Katana of Oni and faced down the Oni.
Cette série, suite de star ocean 2nde story et de star ocean blue sphere, est le manga s'inspirant du rpg du même nom. 400 ans se sont écoulés depuis que les 10 sages ont échoué dans leur entreprise de destruction de l'univers. La fédération galactique a déjà exploré un tiers de la voie lactée et continue de l'explorer dans son insatiable quête de pouvoir. Mais cette avancée technologique est un prémice à la fin de l'humanité. L'histoire commence quand Fayt Leingod accompagné de son amie d'enfance Sophia Esteed, partent en vacances avec les parents de Fayt, célèbres biologistes, dans la station balnéaire Hydra IV Grantier. Alors qu'il se promenait dans l'hôtel, la station est attaquée par des vaisseaux inconnus. Séparé de ses parents, puis de Sofya, Fayt se retrouve seul sur une planète inconnue après que sa capsule de survie se soit endommagée...
STAR WARS: Hanransha-tachi
Mato no Hoshikuzu -  魔都の星屑
A sci-fi story about peep rooms, digital angels and a group of mysterious guys called "Serene". Nozomi earns money though street fights but one day, he meets a stronger guy and loses. He becomes the slave of the mysterious guy and has to work in a peep room. by Gillando
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -  鋼鉄天使くるみ -  钢铁天使
From ADV:The time is the Taisho Era (1912-1926) and the incredibly powerful android, Steel Angel Kurumi, created by a brilliant scientist, was supposed to have used her super-human strength on behalf of the military. However, Kurumi cannot be activated by her makers, and lies in the machine equivalent of a coma.Nakahito, the son of practitioners of the magical technique called "Onmyo Way," stumbles upon the inert goddess, and struck by her amazing beauty, gently kisses her perfect lips. With this kiss, the Steel Angel Kurumi comes to life, and Nakahito becomes her master. The gorgeous and voluptuous Kurumi will now do anything to protect her master.But first, critical questions about Kurumi's origins must be answered: "Why and where was Kurumi created?" "Who created her?" Nakahito and Kurumi set out on a dangerous search to find the answers to these questions and along their journey they are forced to ask an additional question: "Who is behind the insidious activation of other Steel Angels whose only mission is to destroy the beautiful Steel Angel Kurumi?"
Steel Ball Run -  STEEL BALL RUN
SÉRIE 7 : Roulement à billes en acierL'histoire se déroule aux États-Unis en 1890 et suit Johnny Joestar, un ex-jockey paraplégique, et Gyro Zeppeli, maître d'un art mystique appelé le Spin, alors qu'ils rivalisent avec un grand nombre d'autres dans la course Steel Ball Run : une course folle à travers les États-Unis pour un grand prix de 50 millions de dollars.Steel Ball Run décrit une nouvelle continuité en dehors de celle décrite dans la partie 1-6 de la série. En plus des fonctionnalités de base de JoJo telles que Stands, l'histoire est marquée par de nombreuses références à la série originale.Traduit avec
Steins -  Gate: Heijikyokusen no Epigraph -  Steins -  Gate - Heijikyokusen no Epigraph -  Steins -  Gate: Heijikyokusen no Epigraph -  Steins -  Gate: Heiji Kyokusen
Stellarium黎明之前 -  ステラリウム
Kanata is a scientist. After his former love died he became a workaholic and alcoholic. He is working on an experiment when he accidentally makes a mistake and a boy suddenly appears. He tried to shake off the boy's existence by trying to dispose him because he is no human but his friend stopped him. Their relationship started to broad anew journey when Kanata gave him a name, but deep inside his heart Kanata feels an incredible pain caused by the reality that appear before him, a boy came from nothing whose resemblance with his former love is undeniable...

Still Sick

Shimizu Makoto, a well-paid R&D lead for an industrial firm, has a secret - she draws and sells gay fanfiction on her days off. But when her sweet summery colleague, Maekawa, accidentally enters her secret world of girls who like other girls, Shimizu has to come face to face with some serious realisations… and deal with just how much of a weirdo Maekawa is!
A professional baseball manga by Harold Sakuishi, the author of Beck.Taiko Busujima is a powerful young pitcher looking to make it into the Japanese big leagues, but what he didn't count on was being signed to the Keihin Athletics, the cheapest and worst team in the league. Can he help turn the Athletics around and (gasp) win the pennant?A gripping, edge-of-your-seat story loaded with Sakuishi's brand of wacky humor.
OL-san ga Neko wo Hirou Hanashi -  OLさんが猫を拾う話。
An OL thinks she's picked up a normal homeless cat, who turns out to have the ability to transform into a catgirl wearing a high school uniform.(Source: NicoNicoSeiga, translated and edited)
Toaru yakedo shōjo no hanashi -  История о некой Обожжённой Девушке -  とある火傷少女の噺
すとれんじマンション, 怪人公寓, 스트레인지 맨션, bt公寓, Strange Apartment
Sadashima fell in love with a handsome senpai while she was in high school, but didn't have the guts to tell him before he graduated and moved away. When Sadashima graduates the next year, she follows her senpai, Shirahai, to Tokyo and manages to move in next door. She totally believes that the two of them can now hook up, and can't wait to knock on his door to 'coincidentally" find themselves neighbors.She's flabbergasted to find a woman answering Shirahai's door, and then blown away to find out the woman is Shirahai! He's had a sex change!
ストラヴァガンツァ-異彩の姫- -  异彩的公主 -  La Stravaganza
Les hommes vivent presque en sécurité derrière de hauts remparts, ce qui les protège des créatures du monde extérieur.Derrière les murs de la capitale du royaume, Mitera, vit une drôle de jeune guerrière dénommée Claria. L'histoire débutealors qu'elle se balade dangereusement seule dans la forêt, elle y fait la rencontre de plusieurs bêtes féroces, dont unhomme-lézard qui la traite avec une étonnante gentillesse. Mais ce que tout le monde ignore, c'est que Claria est enfait la reine du royaume, la reine Vivian !
Strawberry Fields wo Mou Ichido -  ストロベリー・フィールズをもう一度
"Je suis ton futur [i]amore[/i]-ton amant !"Avec ces mots, Pure Sakurasaka fait irruption dans la vie d'Akira Kouno. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas qu'elle dise venir de six ans dans le futur, Pure insiste sur le fait que dans son temps, elle et Akira sont fiancés ! C'est une affirmation impossible, d'autant plus qu'Akira a renoncé à la romance en 3D, se contentant de se plonger dans des jeux de rencontre en 2D. D'ailleurs, pourquoi une personne aussi mignonne que Pure s'intéresserait-elle à une solitaire comme elle ?
Ichigo Kissu -  ストロベリィキス
“Even though he’s this close, I can’t reach him at all.” A popular male model, Nashiro’s parents died and he was passed around from relative to relative until he arrived on the doorsteps of Mitsuki’s home. Entranced by his smile, Mitsuki has always been in love with him. However, he’s well-known for dating beautiful women, and she doesn’t feel up to par with these girls. Will she ever be able to make him look at her?
Kanata vit depuis peu dans un dortoir et tout allait bien jusqu’à ce qu’il entende de drôles de bruits dans sa chambre. Serait-ce des fantômes ? Ces bruits empêchent rapidement Kanata de dormir. Que fera Onda, son camarade de chambre, pour régler ce problème ? D’où viennent ces bruits ?
An Original Comic by an artist from Thailand.
Aoi Nagisa is a new transfer student to St.Miatre,one of three all-girl academies on Astraea Hill.She finds herself lost on the first day,and runs into Hanazono Shizuma, a beautiful and highly respected senior among the students. Shizuma kindly offers her help, while Nagisa is stunned into silence by her beauty. This is the beginning of a highly enjoyable and romantic shoujo-ai story,with many colorful characters adding spice to the story with their adorable antics,and a must-see for all yuri fans. -Discontinued-
its about a girl who hates strawberri and love her school nurse

Stray Dog

Il y a longtemps, un scientifique créa une nouvelle forme de vie : les chiens militaires. Ces êtres, mi-homme mi-bête, possèdent l'intelligence d'un humain et les capacités physiques d'un chien de combat. Afin de s'assurer leur obéissance, le scientifique priva les chiens militaires de leur liberté. En effet, une fois le pacte conclut, les chiens ne peuvent aller contre la volonté de leur maître et doivent leur dédier leur vie. Fultac est un guerrier borgne qui a un jour rencontré un de ces êtres et l'a adopté, une femelle aux yeux d'ors, . 3 ans après, le lien qui unit le maître et son compagnon va être mis à rude épreuve, alors qu'un chasseur de prime se lance à la poursuite de Fultac...
Agencja Egao - nikt nie wie skąd się wzięła i kto właściwie ją założył. Pracują w niej ludzie, jak i magiczne osobniki, których zadaniem jest dbanie, by zwykli ziemianinie nie zobaczyli nikogo spoza ich rasy. Raimei oraz reszta Servamp'ów, oprócz uganiania się za magicznymi stworami, musi dbać o portal między wymiarami, by przypadkiem ktoś przez niego nie przeszedł i nie zniszczył czasoprzestrzeni. Siedmioro wampirów, właściwie przez dwadzieścia cztery godziny musi dbać o portal, przerzucający do innego wymiaru, jednak pewnego dnia dwoje z nich postanawia się zbuntować przeciwko porządkowi panującemu na tym świecie, chcą doprowadzić do prawdziwego Ragnaroku, a w tym samym momencie wampir Lenistwa świętuje urodziny ostatniego narodzonego wampira - Chciwości."
The captain of Shinsengumi’s first troop has not been performing well. It’s making his comrades worry, and they assume that his “condition” was because of love. Does love make one weaker? Or otherwise?


Take a peek into the lives of the roommates Keiko and Ran, living and stretching together!