
イヤだなんて言わせない, 不许说不要, 愛情無法擋, Iyada Nante Iwasenai, Never Say No.
Anzu currently works part-time at a beach house however when it comes to serving male customers, she can't help but be cold and shy. When she accidentally spills a drink on one of them, a male co-worker saves her who ends up being her childhood friend Rei. Anzu is happy to reconnect with Rei, however, Rei might be after a bit more...?
Jun-ai Labyrinth, Pure Love Labyrinth
Ogiwara Umi is an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl with an extraordinary older brother. Ogiwara Haruto is an up-and-coming star actor, and everywhere he goes girls call his name. This would be difficult for any little sister, but Umi has it particularly hard ~ she not only has a brother complex, but she’s actually in love with her brother! But perhaps the more important question is ~ does Haruto feel the same?
飼主は悪魔 -  饲主是恶魔
Il existe une légende selon laquelle les femmes aux cheveux rouges seraient des sorcières. A cause de cette légende, Nora, jeune fille aux cheveux rouges, doit malheureusement subir les critiques et la peur des personnes de son village. Un jour, un prêtre du nom d'Albrecht Ebel arrive au village et semble s'intéresser à Nora........ Que veut-il exactement ?
カムナガラ, Kamunagala, Kamunagara: Rebirth of the Demonslayer
Kugaya est un adolescent qui vit avec sa tante, Sakuri. L'entraîneur de kendo de son lycée, Narugami, lui demande de rejoindre l'équipe de kendo, mais lorsqu'il rencontre la nouvelle fille, Takemi, sa vie prend une tournure surnaturelle et il est propulsé dans une bataille épique contre les démoniaques "Intrus". "Himuka"... et le Clan des Epéistes... tout cela est trop lourd à porter pour un lycéen !
Kanojo no Tokutouseki -  彼女の特等席
Situé dans un petit restaurant à la périphérie de la ville, le seul client est une belle femme masquée qui a des habitudes étranges quand elle mange.
Un spin-off de Kanojo Okarishimasu avec l'adorable personnage secondaire, Sakurasawa Sumi !
Kazuya Kinoshita est un étudiant plutôt banal qui vient de se faire larguer par sa petite-amie, qui a décidé d'aller voir ailleurs. Effondré, se sentant plus bas que terre, il décide d'installer sur son téléphone la nouvelle application en vogue, Diamond, et de louer une nouvelle copine pour se sentir mieux. Il tombe sur une certaine Chizuru Mizuhara ; une jeune fille qui, à première vue, a tout pour lui plaire.
警視庁特犯課007 -  Keishichô Tokuhanka 007
Le département spécial 007 comprend les plus extraordinaires investigateurs de l'histoire. Fuyuki décide de devenir membre de ce département et elle en est parfaitement capable ! Elle a toutes les qualités requises....... Son coéquipier n'est autre que le séduisant et froid Kuze. Toutefois, à eux deux, ils pourraient bien devenir la brigade la plus crainte de tous !


Un homme creuse un tunnel pour s’échapper de prison afin de retrouver son fils malade à l’hôpital. Dans cet établissement pénitentiaire, il fait la rencontre d’un bambin lui demandant de devenir son père. Mais que fait un enfant dans une prison ?
機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダム 鋼鉄の七人 -  機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダム 鋼鉄の7人 -  Kidou Senshi Crossbone Gundam Koutetsu no 7 Nin -  Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Koutetsu no 7 Nin
While in their usual patrolling duty, the Crossbone Vanguard managed to find jovian forces trying to kill an escapee. While rescuing the woman, they happen to stumble in Jupiter's newest "wipe out the entire world" scheme. Unlike the previous times, they actually are too late to organize counter measures and there is almost no hope of stopping them due to many adverse circumstances. ...The pirates must now fall back on desperate plans, taking huge risk while trying to stop the abominable "Zeus Thunder" project before mother Earth is completely engulfed by the flames of war.
Kidō Senshi Gundam-san Yottsume no Kan, Kidou Senshi Gundam-san: Itsutsume no Maki, Kidou Senshi Gundam-san: Mittsume no Maki, Kidou Senshi Gundam-san
A Gundam 4-koma.Volumes in the Kidou Senshi Gundam-san series:1. Saisho no Maki2. Tsuki no Maki3. Mittsume no Maki4. Yottsume no Maki5. Itsutsume no Maki6. Muttsume no Maki7. Nanatsume no Maki8. Nippon Saihatsuken9. Yattsume no Maki
機動戦士Ζガンダ Define
Ensign Reccoa Londe has provided the AEUG with information regarding possible mobile suit development at the civilian colonies of Green Noa. Lieutenant Quattro (Char Aznable) with his wingmen Lieutenant JGs Apolly (Andy) and Roberto (Ricardo) head to the colony to investigate. On Green Noa 1, Kamille Bidan is rushing to the spaceport where the Temptation, a ship a former One Year War ace is on, is docking. He’s hoping to get an autograph from the famed Captain Bright Noa. As Bright explains that he’s on duty, Jerid and company interrupt the two. Jerid smacktalks Bright for receiving a two rank demotion upon refusing to join the Titans and grabs Kamille’s photo saying he should sign it as an elite member of the Federation. The two get into a scuffle and Kamille is hauled off for questioning. Matosh questions Kamille about being an AEUG insider but just then he’s freed after his story checks out. Just as the handcuffs come off, the Gundam MK-II crashes into the building…

Kiken Mania

Nono, une jeune fille de 15 ans, déteste les playboys à cause d'une malheureusement expérience avec l'un d'eux. Désormais, elle veut sortir avec un homme sérieux et honnête ! Alors quand Akkun, 25 ans, se confesse à elle, c'est comme un rêve qui devient réalité ! Mais... l'aime-t-il vraiment ?
Nabana who thought she is an orphan was shocked when her grandfather before dying, told her that she has a brother! She went to the address given and found 2 guys at the doorstep. Which one is actually her brother? The blond haired Aoi or the dark haired Beni?!
万相之王 -  Absolute Resonance
Li Luo est le meilleur élève de l'Académie Nan Feng, surpassant ses pairs. Cependant, il est né sans manifestation et s'est lentement fait distancer par ses camarades de classe. Lorsque Li Luo utilise la solution laissée par ses parents pour résoudre son problème d'absence de manifestation, il se retrouve dans une mauvaise situation : " cinq ans de service pour le pays ou la mort ". Entre le ciel et la terre, il y a des manifestations. Et moi, Li Luo, je vais devenir le roi des manifestations.
きらきらひかれ -  Kira Kira Hikare -  Twinkle, twinkle and get hit
Mizuno Iruka is a high school girl who spends her every day perfectly peacefully and ordinarily. She has someone she likes, but she always looks at him only from afar. Then one day, Moriyama-kun, the one she’s always admired, asked her out surprisingly, and they’re suddenly getting closer!! But is there a deep reason behind it…?! - Divine Sanctuary
恋じゃないのダ!, 爱情无所惧, It Is Not Love!, Love Trauma
Because of a strong trauma in the past, Nanno is a coward when it comes to love. When she was a 6th year in elementary school, the boy she loved threw away her love letter. As a result, Nanno thinks she can't love anymore. But she finds she is interested in the boy who joined the same committee as her... However, what will she do when she finds out he is Tsuzuki, the one who caused her trauma?!
Love Laboratory (NANAJIMA Kana)
"I'm in love with him but... he's in love with her." How will this complicated love end?
恋のチャイム -  Love's Chime
If you could hear what other people's heart are saying, what is it that you want to hear the most?
四分之一的恋情 -  恋する1/4 -  Koi Suru 1/4 -  Koi Suru 1/4th -  Koi Suru One Fourth -  In Love One-Fourth -  1/4 tình yêu (Vietnamese)
Impossibility: Yoshida Miake is a charismatic first year high school student that is in love with her best friend whom she had known all of her life. The only problem that occurs is the fact that he has no interest in her whatsoever. Heartbroken, she finds comfort from "Mr. Black" and slowly begins to develop feelings for him. But how would a she develop a relationship with a person that exchanges kisses for lunch?
恋は舞い降りた; Love Came Dancing Down
Chapitre 01: Bien avant sa naissance il a été décidé que l'héritier de la famille Haku, Reion, serait fiancé à l'enfant le plus jeune de la famille Koku, Kaen. Pour sa venue à l'âge adulte et la cérémonie de mariage, Reion visite la maison de la famille Koku. Toutefois, Reion n'est plus le garçon qu'il avait d'abord vu en images, mais un homme débordant de confiance. En outre, Reion laisse échapper ces mots: «Je suis aussi épouvanté que vous l'êtes, de ce mariage entre deux hommes."Une Romance Orientale par Sakufu Ajimine.Chapitre 02: La Fabuleuse légende orientale - partie 1.Alors qu'il part chercher des fleurs dans Un lieu interdit qui sert de frontière, Renju découvre un Jeune homme blessé, Katsuragi, venu de l'autre côté. Ils se donnent par la suite rendez-vous tous les jours au même endroit.Chapitre 03: La Fabuleuse légende orientale - partie 2Renju est malade et Katsuragi, connaissant la raison de l'état du jeune homme, décide de se rendre chez lui et d'affronter le grand-père de Renju. De plus, il a une autre mission à accomplir…Chapitre 04 : Histoire d'amourShion, successeur de la province de Koku, vient chercher Gii après trois ans de séparation, alors qu’ils devaient s'enfuir ensemble. Mais Gii ne compte pas pardonner si facilement.Chapitre 05: La faille au paradisUne révolution s'est produite au pays de Fusou, sous la directive de Nacchi, garde du prince, Suou. Séquestré par Nacchi, Suou ne sait plus comment se comporter face à un cet homme dont il était amoureux, mais qui a tué sont père.
Koibana! - Koiseyo Hanabi, KOIBANA!戀愛吧花火, Love Story! Fall in Love, Hanabi
国士無双!!, 國士無双!!, Kokushimusou!!
There is a hidden island that is a mecca for martial artists. There are different reasons people go there--because they want to become amazing at their art, or simply because they come from a family known for martial arts and they are sent there by their parents. In any case, new arrivals sign a contract that they can't leave for 10 years, and that contract is strictly enforced. Within the complex, there is a forbidden area...Ro is a new arrival, and he was hoping to hone his skills. However, it seems to him that he's gaining nothing, and is just being required to drag himself down to the level of his inferior peers. One day, he opens the door in the forbidden area, and finds a boy who had been trapped there for ten years. The boy remembers little of his life before, and Ro names him "Kid." Kid is determined to leave the complex and search for his father. Maybe if Kid can get help from Ro and other new friends he makes, such as a sad, bullied young girl named Mugi, he will be able to begin his search! [tethysdust]
Falling Love with you tonight -  Konya Shousetsuka Sensei to Naisho de -  Tonight, With the Novelist Teacher in Secret -  今夜、小説家先生とナイショで
2-Part Oneshot before it got serialized.After losing her parents at a young age, Uiko comes to find solace in exchanging letters every Christmas with a picture book author known only by the pseudonym “Kuma-san”. 10 years later, unable to pay her university’s tuition fees and on the brink of having to drop out, she comes in contact with a popular novelist named Fujimiya Hiiro, and now works as his assistant to save up enough money. What does the future have in store for her?Spanish[spoiler]Debido a la muerte de sus padres cuando estaba en primaria, Uiko-chan vive con su abuela pero debe afrontar problemas económicos. Su apoyo emocional ha sido escribirle cartas de fan al personaje de un libro infantil, "El Señor Oso". Ahora en la universidad, ella debe valer por sí misma... y cuidar de su abuela. Justo cuando estaba a punto de ser expulsada de la universidad por no poder pagar la matricula... aparece frente a ella este apuesto hombre, es un novelista famoso, pero... ¿Por qué se interesó en ella?[/spoiler]
この中に1人、妹がいる!, 三人行必有我妹, 其中一个是妹妹, 其中1个是妹妹, 3人行必有我妹, Who Is "IMOUTO"?
As his father's will, Shougo was transferred to an academy where a lot of girls attend. "while attending an academy find a girl that will be your partner" in other word his father's will was Shougo to make a girlfriend. However he found about that there is his little sister separated from birth and he doesn't even know how she look like. Then in Shougo's birthday, he received a cake from unknown sender, and his cellphone's ring tone rings. "Happy birthday, Onii-sama. I adore you very much." it looks like his sister is also attends to this academy, and try to get closer to him without letting him know who she is. Can Shougo "properly" reunite with his little sister, and make a girlfriend!?
今夜、ミスターで -  今夜让我拴住你 -  It waits with tonight "Mr." -  Konya, Mr de -  Konya, Mr. de
From Yaoi Is Life: You know...I was in love with you. There was a reason for Chika, employed and hosted at the gay bar “Mr.”, to not be able to return to his hometown. It has to do with one of his childhood friends, Kyouhei, but...? Besides the title work “Tonight, at Mister“, also contains an unnumbered chapter « Welcoming Morning » and the story describing the adult love of “Mr.” owners, Yuudai and Momo, “Goodbye Mister”.
Even if your mouth is torn Kuchi ga Saketemo Kimi Niwa 口が裂けても君には
Miroku-san, la femme à la bouche fendue, doit épouser Kouichi, un lycéen, pour maintenir son existence, car sa famille est responsable de l'entretien des superstitions depuis des générations. Pour ajouter, il semble y avoir une autre raison pour laquelle il semble plus que disposé ... Miroku, cependant, préfère utiliser sa propre force plutôt que d'emprunter celle des autres. Ainsi, ils établissent un contrat comme suit. 1. Pendant une période d'essai d'un an, ils doivent agir comme s'ils étaient mariés. 2. Si elle parvient à lui faire peur dans l'année, l'engagement sera rompu.
口が裂けても君には (2018)