Anime description: Takemoto Takeru, an ordinary high school student, encounters a strange light during a bike delivery for his part time job. When he stops and searches the surroundings, he notices a cute girl named Hikari climbing out of a sparkling cocoon in the forest. Takeru instantly falls for her at first sight, but was interrupted when suddenly a monster appears at the same spot and attacks the girl. This is the beginning of adventurous and exciting days for Takeru, the mysterious girls, Hikari and Akari, his childhood friend Nishino, Mari, and his classmates.
Kyouji, est étudiant à l'université, celui-ci peut sembler froid et distant, mais il a en fait un cœur d'or. Un jour de pluie, il ramène chez lui un renard blessé, pour découvrir le lendemain un étrange cosplayer dans son lit ! D'où vient ce type, pourquoi Kyouji ne comprend pas un mot de ce qu'il dit, et que fait-il ici ?
In front of detective Dobin Kim, who has the ability to 'open' anything, a criminal 'locker' who 'locks' anything appears. The 'opener' struggles to catch the 'locker' in front of the important truth, one-of-a-kind relationship, and 'locked up' of a genius talent helplessly...!
Jhonny es un criminal que no fue condenado, por lo que decidió pasar la hoja y comenzar negocios 100% legales. Sin embargo su pasado no solo se opondrá en mantener su estabilidad sino que toda su vida podría desmoronarse si él se permite enamorarse de la persona equivocada.
Lee Dojun, un jeune employé de bureau, obtient un pouvoir hors-norme après avoir été transféré dans un monde parallèle semblable à celui de l'ancienne Corée. Après un moment d'inattention, il réapparaît dans son monde d'origine... Avec une surprise !
Adapted From Neon Genesis Evangelion. A short story in the lives of the young Evangelion pilots. One hot day, Shinji gets into a fight with his apartment-mate Asuka, due to her revealing clothing. Will Shinji be able to figure out how to patch things up with her?
Jeong Hyun and Han Seong were friends, but ended up having a "contract relationship" due to Hyun's confession. Hyun, who has a dream where he breaks up with Sung(Seong), will later find out that it was a prophetic dream...?!
A 16 year old boy, Hiroshi Kuzumi, has recently moved into a new town in the mountains. The town is separated into new and old streets by the river, and many mysterious local cultures still remain. Although confused and enjoying his new life, one person kept her distance from him: class committee member Kushinada Nemura. In their few encounters she gave him a word of advice: "Stay away from the old streets. (Source: wikipedia)
Panty and Stocking aren't your normal girls. They are ghost fighters. And to top it off they are angels. Angels filled with humans desires what kind of adventures will they have as they fight off evil.
For her birthday present, she wishes she could be an ordinary girl. She commutes to Rose Academy in Usuyami Town. She is Little, a beautiful 114-year-old vampire. Her brother Radou watches her, there's a werewolf servant Inukai, and the magical boy Shinji. The ghost that threatens Little's school life has appeared.
Song Yao est un lycéen dont les parents ont mystérieusement disparu il y a 4 ans. Il s’occupe des tâches ménagères et vit seul depuis cet accident. Il a aussi cet étrange sentiment que quelqu’un le suit depuis un long moment…
The emotional entanglement between Lin ChenXiu, a video gamer captain, with a gloomy childhood, and Yu Moxiang, a dedicated and enthusiastic team player. The story begins with the two bravely fighting forward in a team that is not being favored.
Written by Mia In a land where a barrier surrounds them, that land is the only "world" known to them. One day when a piece of the barrier breaks, Simon witnesses something no one else has ever seen. A starry sky with an unfamiliar light. When he tries to explain what he saw, no one believes him. When he gives up trying to convince everyone what he saw was true, he comes across a girl coming out of a Mecha head. Where did this girl come from and what does she want with Simon?
A re-imagining of Gurren Lagann. In this alternate version of TTGL, Simon lives in Tepelen city and dreams of becoming a Gunmen pilot after having seen the stars through a crack in the sky. One day, he comes across a strange small Gunmen. The hatch opens, and out comes a beautiful girl named Nia.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Gurren Gakuen-Hen (Gurren School Edition) manga that re-imagines cast of TTGL Robot Mecha in a parallel world, at a high school. The people are the same, situations are a bit different with more Ecchi-ness and fanservice for male and female readers. This more or less pokes fun at not only the Anime in general, but also many school based Mangas
C'est un playboy paresseux, sournois, vulgaire et irrévérencieux. De la maison close de Lichun à la Cité interdite, le petit sournois Wei Xiaobao a franchi toutes les étapes malgré les dangers inhérents. Il ne connaît pas les arts martiaux, mais le monde martial et la cour impériale deviennent des jouets entre ses mains. Comme le dit le proverbe : Passer les dangers étape par étape, et ramener les beautés à la maison étape par étape.
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