
Inside of every human lie dormant superpowers. When these powers are awakened, some people use them for evil. Others use their power to stop those who commit evil deeds. One cruel boy named Hiruko has taken over his high school by using his superpowers. The students live in fear of him, until the day a mysterious transfer student, with his arm wrapped in a giant cast, arrives to stop him.
Kazura, un employé ordinaire remporte un jour à la loterie 4 mille millions de Yens. Pour fuir les demandeurs d'argent, il se réfugie dans une maison dans un coin reculé.
高崎くんは求愛中毒 最後の恋は甘くとろけて
テイクオフ (ひない菜月)
From Shoujo-Sense: While working as a monitor in the all-but-abandoned school library, first year Mei finds herself captivated by a mysterious boy with hair the colour of the setting sun. Never expecting to see him again, she's surprised when he shows up the next day, only to fall asleep and end up rushing out of the library suddenly and without a word... Who is he, and where does he go at the same time each day?
Octoppi's Original Sin, Takopi no Genzai, Takopi's Original Sin, タコピーの原罪
Takopi, un alien, atterrit sur Terre dans le but de répandre le bonheur sur la planète. Takopi fait la rencontre de Shizuka, une fillette qui ne sourit
妖神记 -  Yaoshenji -  Yêu Thần Ký -  TODAG
Le monde qui entourait les Saintes Montagnes Ancestrales était occupé par les créatures du Blizzard et ceux qui y vivaient étaient isolés de l'extérieur depuis des centaines d'années. On disait que, quand l'humanité était à son apogée, elle était composée de puissants empires qui s'étaient depuis effondrés. Cependant, grâce à son emplacement bien dissimulé, une ville fut préservée de "l'Age Sombre" si bien que malgré les assauts incessants des créatures, elle survécut aux guerres dévastatrices et fut reconstruite encore et encore. Ses murs cent fois rebâtis s'élevaient tel un monument invincible ! Cette ville représentait l'espoir de l'humanité, on la nommait... La ville de la gloire !chaps supprimés au fur et à mesure des sorties en france des tomes
テイルズ オブデスティニーディレクターズカット-儚き刻のリオン- -  テイルズオブデスティニー ディレクターズカット -  -儚き刻のリオン- -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanaki Koku no Lion -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanakikoku no Lio
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
La capitale Impériale De Regnum a su maintenir la paix lors de la dernière guerre. Mais doucement des personnes avec "des pouvoirs mystérieux" commencent à faire leur apparition. La population est effrayée par ces "anomalies" et le pouvoir en place vote une loi afin de promulguer la capture de ces derniers. Ruca, le fils d'un simple marchand, se rend soudainement compte que son corps aussi renferme ces pouvoirs...
Fonons. Essential components of all matter on planet Auldrant.Ages ago, a new type of fonon was discovered—the Seventh Fonon. Its discovery threw humanity into chaos, for if one could use the Seventh Fonon, one could learn the future. Wars over the Seventh Fonon raged across the lands, ending only when the miasma—a poison from within the planet—covered the entire world. This is when Yulia appeared.A fonist skilled in prophecy, Yulia saw thousands of years into the future and foresaw a way to seal away the miasma. With the guidance of her prophecies, humanity sealed the miasma deep within the planet.Over two thousand years passed.The world is ruled by Yulia's prophecy, known as the Score. People believe in the coming “unprecedented prosperity” promised in the Score, never straying from the path set forth in the Score which will lead them to that prosperity. They look to the Score as revealed by the Order of Lorelei, the religion Yulia founded, and hold that the greatest virtue is to follow the Score faithfully.Yulia's Score tells of a young man who is necessary in order to bring “unprecedented prosperity.” His name is Luke fon Fabre. An heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, he was kidnapped as a child by the kingdom's enemy, the Malkuth Empire. Since his return he has been confined to his family's manor for his own safety. He has no idea of the evil that now draws close.
Terresia est un monde dont les habitants vivent paisiblement grâce à la bénédiction de l'Arbre Géant. Un jour, ce monde est attaqué par le Dévoreur (un démon venu d'un autre monde) qui en détruit la terre. Les habitants de Terresia vivent dans la peur de perdre leur monde. L'Arbre Géant qui protégeait Terresia et ses habitants du Dévoreur s'affaiblit et perd ses pouvoirs. Kanonno vit dans la petite ville d'Ailily et est une apprentie de la Guilde nommée Ad Libitum dont le but est d'aider les habitants et de faire régner la justice.
テイルズ オブ ザ ワールド レディアント マイソロジー -  TOW レディアントマイソロジー -  TOW Radiant Mythology
Terresia est un monde dont les habitants vivent paisiblement grâce à la bénédiction de l’Arbre Géant. Un jour, ce monde est attaqué par le Dévoreur (un démon venu d’un autre monde) qui en détruit la terre. Les habitants de Terresia vivent dans la peur de perdre leur monde.L’Arbre Géant qui protégeait Terresia et ses habitants du Dévoreur s’affaiblit et perd ses pouvoirs. Kanonno vit dans la petite ville d’Ailily et est une apprentie de la Guilde nommée Ad Libitum dont le but est d’aider les habitants et de faire régner la justice.
Tales of Vesperia - Furen Seinaru Hakugin no Kishi, Tales of Vesperia ~Flynn, The Holy Silver Knight
A side story for Tales of Vesperia that focuses on a Knight of the Empire, Flynn Scifo.
Tales of Xillia dj - Naraba, Tales of Xillia dj - Swimsuits & Lingerie, Tales of Xillia dj - Then..., The Form a Dream Dreamed Someday Takes
- A Swimsuit 3 Years Later and Best Lingerie 2 Years Later3 years later, Elise is around 15. Together only with Alvin, they go to the beach. Alvin's in for a (n obvious) surprise: She's wearing a swimsuit. He makes a promise... - Then...The sequel to Swimsuits & Lingerie. The promised day of 3 years later has come. Alvin and Elise share a tender moment together after their wedding ceremony, conveying how much they love one another.
テイルズ オブ エクシリア SIDE -  MILLA
テイルズ オブ エクシリア2
Tales of Xillia 2 is set one year after the events of Tales of Xillia, in Elenpios, which currently remains in harmony with Liese Maxia. However, due to the two world's differences in culture and terms of opinion, they also remain in opposition. Elenpios is a highly technological world where the residents live in prosperity. The residents of Elenpios continued to fear the people of Liese Maxia by calling them "monsters" due to their ability to use Spirit Artes, which are rare skills in Elenpios. After the events in Tales of Xillia, mana begins to decrease in both worlds, which causes the Liliale Orbs to lose their power, and they are later replaced by Arrowcell Orbs.We follow the story of a twenty-year-old man, Ludger Will Kresnik, currently living with his older brother in a city called Trigraph in Elenpios. He excels in cooking. During his first day of work, his brother, Julius, is nowhere to be found, which begins putting him in debt.Based on the role-playing game of the same name by Bandai Namco Games.
テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア 導きの刻 -  Tales of Zestiria - The Time of Guidance
Legends tell of a race of divine beings known as Seraphim, whose unseen influence is felt throughout the world. Those with the ability to commune with the Seraphim became known as "Shepherds", the most pure-hearted of which could even be granted a Seraphim's power. While some would praise these empowered Shepherds as living paragons, others would fear their strength and call them demons. Sorey is a young human who has spent his entire life in The Divine Forest, a holy place where he lives in harmony with many Seraphim. Enraptured by the legends within an ancient tome, he makes daily excursions into a nearby ruin in the hope of learning more about the Seraphim and their history, along with his Seraphim childhood friend Mikleo. One day, he is trapped by a cave-in alongside his friend and a young knight named Alisha, who is investigating a series of natural disasters that have been plaguing the world. When Sorey discovers that the Seraphim may be involved, he resolves to leave his home alongside Mikleo and Alisha in order to find the truth.


Tama Hagane
Hayato est un lycéen qui pratique le kendô avec peu de ferveur, contrairement à sa voisine Sakura qui s’applique avec passion. Alors qu’ils découvrent un vieux sabre dans la remise de la maison de Hayato, les deux amis sont brusquement projetés dans le passé...Et plus précisément en 1864, une période agitée dans l’histoire japonaise où se heurtent les partisans de l’Empereur et ceux du Bakufu (le gouvernement militaire). Dans ce milieu hostile où ils sont poursuivis par des tueurs, Hayato découvre que le sabre qui était dans sa remise n’est pas ordinaire et que lui-même détient une force hors du commun. Heureusement, car il en aura bien besoin pour tenter de regagner son époque...
Jun, élève je-m'en-foutiste, est tombé amoureux de Yûya, son "professeur particulier". Très vite, il se rend compte que Yûya est, lui-même, très amoureux de son grand-frère. Il utilise cette information pour forcer Yûya à coucher avec lui.
Taming a Tomboy -  The Taming of the Shrew -  Taming a Shrew -  말괄량이 길들이기
Un playboy du nom de Petruchio accepte une demande de séduction...? Que va-t-il alors se passer pour l'intrépide Catherine ?
Восхождение Героя Щита -  盾の勇者の成り上がり -  盾之勇者成名錄 -  T
Iwatani Naofumi est convoqué à un autre monde pour devenir l'un des quatre héros, à savoir le Héros du Bouclier. En partant avec une mauvaise popularité et étiqueté comme le plus faible, Naofumi s'est trouvé trahi le 3e jour de son aventure. Ayant perdu la foi et son argent, tout ce qui lui reste est son bouclier. Il a juré de se venger de ceux qui l'avaient trompé.
The Rising of the Shield Hero: Aiya Kyu Special Works 盾の勇者の成り上がり Aiya Kyu Special Works ~勇者の召喚~
1) Crossroad : Sol, fiance to Prince Ni, is about to have a wedding ceremony. Suddenly, she said she wanted to go for a trip and the idea was denied. She couldn't give up on the idea and tried to run away from the castle... Heart warming romantic love fantasy 2) Treasure 3) Mystery 4) Entrust!

Teach me love

Hitoriji me chōkyō ganbō
Rei est une lycéenne plutôt coincée, renfermée et distante avec les garçons. Elle évite comme la peste Mahiro, le beau gosse de la classe qui enchaine les conquêtes d'un soir. Suite au remariage de leurs parents, ils deviennent demi-frère et demi-soeur pour leur plus grand malheur. La vie à la maison devient compliquée car Rei ne cesse de reprocher sa frivolité au jeune homme. Mais cette dernière va s'avérer bien plus ouverte qu'elle ne le laisse penser...
医龍, 医龙, อิริว ทีมดราก้อน คุณหมอหัวใจแกร่ง, 醫龍Team Medical Dragon, Medical Dragon, Iryuu - Team Medical Dragon
低身長なギャルと高身長なドジ男 -  A Short Gyaru and a Tall, Clumsy Guy
天からの贈り物, Manten no Kiss, Sora Kara no Okurimono, The Gift from Heaven
Gift From HeavenHikari befriends a gentle boy named Seiji who suffers from a weak heart while she was hospitalized. She begins to fall for Tsukina, Seiji's twin brother, who has always sacrificed for his sick brother. Tsukina believes that Seiji is in love with Hikari and steps back from the two, much to Hikari's dismay. What will happen to the three? Reflect Me in Your EyesKaro is in love with her childhood friend Tetsuro, but he seems to be in love with her older sister, Touko. One day, Tetsuro injures his eyes and Karo pretends to be her sister to make him happy. Will she be able to tell him the truth, or are things not as what they seem? Full-Point Kiss Meru (14) has a big crush on her tutor, Yuuri (19). She repeatedly fails her tests, and makes a deal with him - if she manages to get 100 on her test, he'll kiss her. Will she succeed? I'm Head-Over Heels In Love With YouOn his first day of being in Osaka for university, Yuusuke is mistaken for a pervert after saving Suzuran from one on the train. To make up for it, Suzuran invites him over for a meal and they end up having a one-night stand. Yuusuke finds himself falling for Suzuran's bubbly and straightforward personality, but what are her real intentions? Is she just playing around with him? Gift From Heaven ExtraSeiji's real intentions are revealed in this 16-page extra
天よりも星よりも -  As High As The Sky & The Star
Mio Mizumori's parents die, and she goes to live with her cousin, Tadaomi Shijou. In the midst of mysterious events and dangerous attempts on her life, Mio discovers that she has power over the elements of nature... and a destiny to fulfill.
天元突破グレンラガン - 紅蓮学園篇 -  天元突破グレンラガン紅蓮学園篇 -  Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Gurren Gakuen-hen -  Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Gurren School Edition -  Tengen Toppa
From AnimeCouncil² : Gurren Lagann... School version, more ecchi and stuff, that's about it :D