
ちっちゃな雪使いシュガー -  A Little Snow Fairy Sugar -  Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar
Saga is a tidy young girl, living an ordinary life with her grandmother in a pleasant small town. One day she comes across a tiny pink-haired creature who seems to be ill. Thinking it might be hungry, Saga feeds it and brings it home. The creature turns out to be snow fairy apprentice Sugar, a hyperactive, cheerful little fairy with magical skills and the ability to make snow...and she can only be seen by Saga! Now, what is Saga going to do with such a whimsical little thing invading her well-planned life, and will Sugar ever accomplish what she came to the human world for?

Tokyo LACKs

東京LACKs - 
Itsumi est une jeune fille qui a déménagé en ville avec le rêve de devenir violoncelliste. Un jour, happée par le son de sa musique, Warren, un mystérieux garçon, entre dans sa chambre par la fenêtre. Que leur réserve le destin après cette rencontre extraordinaire... ?