
空の下屋根の中, Dalam Atap di Bawah Langit, Inside Our Roof Beneath the Sky, Sora no Shitayane no Naka
NEETs are people who have chosen not to be part of society due to personal problems or just straight-out laziness. This story is centered around a certain young woman who has become a NEET right after high school without even realizing it. In her case, though, it's not that she doesn't want work - but rather that there is not a single job out there which can fulfill her very specific criteria...Oh, least her mother understands her!
ソラオト, 送別天使, Hanaoto, Hane Oto, Kimi Oto, Kimioto, Sora Oto, Soraoto
"Heaven" is a company. The job of the "Messenger of Death" is to deliver the souls of the dead to heaven. The Messengers of Death are ranked according to ability. Uka, a "Rank C" dropout, is normally an average, easy-going high school girl. One day, she is teamed up with Tsumugi, one of the "Rank A" arrogant elite!
空と原, Sora & Hara, Sora to Hara - Two Block
Harasen, a single, lonely 37 years old highschool teacher, is unable to cope the departure of a student, who is also his subject of unrequited love. Faced with a love sickness, he returns to the clubbing scene to start a fresh where he tangles up with a very troublesome guy...
空色海岸, 蓝色海岸, Sky Blue Beach, Sky-Blue Shore, Skyblue Shore
Sakurai Tomo is a highschool girl who lives in a town close to a beach. One day as she was getting molested on the bus, she gets rescued by a classmate(?!). However, the key holder dropped by her rescuer held the same Agate that she has gotten from a boy in her past?! Is he the same person?!
ソラオト -  送別天使 -  Hanaoto -  Hane Oto -  Kimi Oto -  Kimioto -  Sora Oto
From Midnight Scans: "Heaven" is a company. The job of the "Messenger of Death" is to deliver the souls of the dead to heaven. The Messengers of Death are ranked according to ability. Uka, a "Rank C" dropout, is normally an average, easy-going high school girl. One day, she is teamed up with Tsumugi, one of the "Rank A" arrogant elite!
それが君になる -  All You
Un jour, Amane tombe nez à nez avec You, le portrait craché de son amour de jeunesse...
El credo de la chica eterna
La universitaria Yugi Momoka gusta de hacer cosplay con el nick de Momo-sama, para ser elogiada en sus redes sociales, intentando llenar sus inseguridades. En su corazón guarda la añoranza de haber continuado siendo una adolescente mimada por toda la eternidad... Un día recibe la invitación de la fotógrafa freelance Kou para participar en su álbum de fotos, pues quedó maravillada por lo hermosa que es la joven cosplayer.
Sore wa Yappari ai Kamone! -  Sorewa Yappari Ai Kamone -  それはやっぱり愛かもね; 这就是爱吗
Katsuse Rin, un lycéen pénible qui enfreint toujours les règles, finit par tomber amoureux d'un membre du comité de discipline, Kuramare Fukaten. Ils rencontrent des problèmes quand Katsuse veut entretenir leur relation plus ouvertement, alors que Karamare ne veut pas que sa vie scolaire soit affectée par sa vie privée. Katsuse et Karamare seront-ils capables de surmonter cela et d'être heureux en se prenant dans les bras, en s'embrassant et en ayant des sorties de couple comme le veut Katsuse ? Ou Kuramare sera-t-il trop effrayé d'être surpris par les lycéens qui l'admirent, forçant Katsuse à passer à quelqu'un d'autre ?
Even So -  Ayumu Draws Closer to the EndgameАюму всё равно станет ближеそれでも歩は寄せてくる그래도 아유무는 다가온다
Ayumu n'avouera ses sentiments à sa senpai seulement s'il la bat dans une partie de Shougi.Bien que le jour de la victoire semble très très très très loin, il va essayé de gagner par bien d'autres moyens.
そして僕は途方に暮れる -  そして僕は途方に暮れる 2nd
Newbie manga editor Hatori Sekima has always admired the well-known shoujo mangaka Honda Yuki sensei, hoping one day to work with Honda sensei. But when Sekima finally gets the chance with work with Honda sensei, he discovers that this Honda sensei is not the cute girl he imagined, but a handsome man who seems to be 'interested' in him immediately...
Soshite Ai ni Naru -  Then Comes Love -  そして恋になる -  陷入熱戀中
The beautiful yet aloof Midori and the very outgoing Takahiro are college friends. One day, during a drinking party, the astute Soejima senpai finally got Midori to admit that he is gay, even though he was trying to ignore that fact. As he slowly comes to terms with his own homosexuality, he also discovers the truth behind his friendship with Takahiro.
そして今宵は君に酔う -  今夜我想喝醉 -  Tonight, I want to be intoxicated by you
From Shoujo Addiction: Koga Nana is the new office worker who's really terrible at this kind of work. Since she's always making mistakes, she feels down more often than not. But she keeps on working hard because of Shibano-kaichou
卒業生-冬-, 卒業生-春-, Sotsugyosei, Sotsugyosei - 2nd Season, Sotsugyosei - 3rd Season, Sotsugyosei - Fuyu, Sotsugyosei - Haru
Hikaru est élève dans un lycée privé pour garçon. En cours de musique, sa classe se prépare pour une chorale qui aura lieu dans quelques mois. Pour Hikaru qui fait partie d'un groupe, la tâche est plutôt aisée. Mais quand il réalise aux répétitions que Rihito - un camarade de classe discret et intelligent - ne chante pas, cela l'intrigue et lui propose alors de l'entrainer. Mais tandis qu'ils passent de plus en plus de temps ensemble, Hikaru réalise à contre-coeur que les efforts de Rihito sont pour Harasen, leur professeur de musique.
General Temporal Enterprise Representative President's -  Private Secretary Tanaka Seiji -  Seiji Tanaka -  Seiji Tanaka Secretary to the Managing President -  General Time Industries -  Sougou Jikan Jigyou Gaisha Daihyou Torishimariyaku Shachou Senzoku Hisho
Nagato Tokioka est l'ultime fainéant qui n'a aucune aspiration future. Mais lorsque Seiji Tanaka, un secrétaire de guerre du futur, prétend que des assassins du futur ont l'intention de le tuer, la vie de Tokioka va changer à jamais.
苍海决战, 蒼海訣戰, God Save The Empress
The island nation of Tsushima is comprised of 3 different races of people. The Akitsu race is the majority and comprises of 80% of the population, the Shiomi population comprises of the upper 10% and the Oina race, most known for their tail and neko mimi (cat ears), makes up the remaining small percentage. Tsushima is also known for its relatively strong military force.Mikasa Sanekiyo, formerly of the Sakune family, was adopted by a family after his parents and grandparents passed away. His older stepbrother, Mitsukiyo, is already an accomplished military commander and Sanekiyo looks up dearly to him for moral and emotional guidance. Following in his footsteps, Sanekiyo is accepted into the navy academy as the top chair of his class. Little does he know how discriminatory the Akitsu are against the other two races and how hard the training is going to be. Sanekiyo has to learn how to be a great leader and overcome these obstacles if he plans to lead the navy fleet someday.
蒼界のイヴ, Eve in the Gelasian
It was supposed to be just a regular daily bus drive to their high school for Watanabe Sheena and her friend Yuk, but when the bus enters a thick fog, the unexpected happens and the bus gets transported to another world that seems prehistoric. With the bus driver gone, the only other passengers on the bus in this mysterious world are all high school girls: Izumi, Ayu, Kyoka, Anna and Jessica. With no cell phone or internet signal, they are completely cutoff from their world. To make things worse, they see hundreds of glowing eyes of predators at night waiting for the girls to make a mistake. How will seven high school girls survive in this treacherous place and get back safely to the real world.
[From Lililicious]: Sound is an all-color short in which a scared girl relies on her friend for comfort, a friend who cares for her deeply.
創聖のアクエリオン 未来神話, Aquarion: Mirai Shinwa
11 years ago, a disaster occurred on Earth. This awakened The Wings of the Fallen Angel Clan, which preys for humans and reduced the population of the world to a mere 2 billion inhabitants. They’re not hurt by human weaponry. The only things that are able to combat The Wings of the Fallen Angel Clan are the man-shaped soldiers - Aquarion. And now, Kamishiro, a young man with mysterious "Elemental Powers" stood up to oppose The Wings of the Fallen Angel Clan. Do lives of billions of people on Earth rest in the hands of one person?
サウスプリンス・ノースプリンセス, サウス・プリンス☆ノース・プリンセス
Once upon a time, there was a lazy crown prince named South of the Shield kingdom. He had spent the rest of his days ditching classes and reading picture books. One day, however, the king was ill and it was time for him to step up and replace his father and fulfill his duty as a king-substitute.
L'histoire d'un moineau sud-africain qui devient ami avec une Bernache cravant.
南方的鸟和北方的鸟, Nanfang De Niao He Beifang De Niao, Ngỗng trời và Sẻ nhỏ, Southern Sparrow & Northern Brant
L'histoire d'un moineau sud-africain qui devient ami avec une Bernache cravant.
Sparkling Days -  Pika Pika Days -  ぴかぴかdays
Toukitou-sensei doit écrire un second livre après le succès de son premier. Kushima-san, son éditeur, doit veiller à tout prix à ce qu’il l’écrive, mais Sensei est en panne d’inspiration, les étincelles qui lui avaient permis d’écrire le premier tome ont toutes disparues. Comment faire pour les retrouver ?
ぴかぴかdays (白松) -  Pikapika days
( NEKO DREAM YAOI) Le prince Aron Vaughn déteste le surdoué Quinton Underwood, et ce sentiment est absolument réciproque. Aron s'efforce de faire expulser Quinton sans l'aide de son père, le roi. Il vaincra son ennemi par ses propres moyens ! Mais au fil des ans, les deux garçons ne cessent de se chamailler, ce qui change leur relation autrefois difficile et les mène vers un territoire nouveau et inconnu qu'aucun des deux n'est sûr d'être prêt à affronter. Sont-ils des ennemis ? Sont-ils des amis ? Ou sont-ils plus que cela ?
S・A スペシャル・エー, S・A Lớp học ưu tú, S・A(スペシャル・エー), S.A特优生, SA, Special A, S•A
Her whole life, Hikari Hanazono has been consumed with the desire to win against her school rival, Kei Takishima--at anything. He always comes out on top no matter what he does, and Hikari is determined to do whatever it takes to beat this guy!At age 6 Hikari lost to Kei in an impromptu wrestling match. Now, at 15, Hikari joins "Special A," a group of the top seven students at a private academy, for the opportunity to trounce the guy who made her suffer her first defeat.
Supaishi Reshipi
Tsubaki Beniko, 16 years old. After being rescued by the handsome prince of the school Kendo Club, Shirotae Shiki-kun, she fell in love with him! But even after becoming a couple, Beniko sees him always distant, and she wants him to be more like a boyfriend should be! But once Beniko's childhood friend, Kurosu Yui-kun, comes back, maybe that'll be the time for Shiki to show his real feelings for her!
Bareteru! Kakuteru Naito -  バレてる!カクテルナイト -  暴露了!雞尾酒騎士
Let's just say my best friend's... a magical girl.The Cocktail Nights are popular, secretive battle maidens who cleanse the people of their stress. No one knows of these girl's true identity... well they shouldn't! Only I, Riku Daichi (long time unrequited), knows of one of their secret identities. But we have to keep it under wraps. Presenting a love-comedy with confidential-levels of mistakes!
Bunretsu Lover -  分裂ラバー
“If my true heart leaks, I wonder what feelings I will convey...” In this world, if your dissatisfaction rate reaches a certain level, your "Split" will satisfy your desire for you; Fission Syndrome.Makoto, a first-year high school student who fears Splitting and confessing to his crush, was accustomed to keeping his feelings hidden… Until, one day, in front of Makoto's eyes, his crush develops Fission Syndrome?! Moreover, it was a terrible Split that appeared...Received a grand prize at the 3rd Manga Box Editorial Club. "I can't hide my thoughts in this world," the Split Love manga is finally published!

Sports Girl

Hook your favorite sport!
Une femme en sueur est une belle femme ! Arts martiaux, natation, cyclisme, athlétisme... Les filles qui font de l'exercice sont sexy.