
Ring ni Kakero (Mise tout sur le ring !) est l'histoire du jeune Ryûji Takane qui n'a jamais pu oublier son père, un boxeur à l'avenir prometteur décédé la veille du combat de sa vie. Aujourd'hui, Kiku, grande soeur de Ryûji, s'échine à faire en sorte que celui-ci accomplisse ce que leur père n'avait pu qu'effleurer. Les deux enfants abandonnent leur pauvre mère pour Tôkyô non sans lui faire la promesse solennelle de revenir plus forts. Pris en charge par un ami de feu leur père, Ryûji entame son irrésistible ascension vers les sommets de la Boxe. Il misera tout sur le ring !
Jadis, Ryuji Takane, Ishimatsu Katori, Kazuki Shinatora, Takeshi Kawai et Jun Kenzaki qu'on appelait la Génération d'Or du Japon, avait remporté tous les tournois et avaient, ainsi, hausser le Japon à l'élite mondiale de la boxe face à de nombreuses nations tel que les USA, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, la France, les Shadow, la Grèce, les Dieux de l'Olympe... .Vingt ans plus tard, après la dernière confrontation entre Ryuji et Jun, une nouvelle génération naquit avec Rindo Kenzaki le fils du regretté Jun Kenzaki et de Kiku Takane, la sœur aînée du regretté Ryuji Takane qui a apprit l'art de la boxe avec Katori Ishimatsu et qui réunira également Iori Shinatora, le fils de Kazuki Shinatora, Kyô Kawai le fils de Takako Kawai, la sœur aînée de Takeshi.
Tomo, une jeune fille de première année de lycée est toujours dérangée par quelqu'un. Ce quelqu'un s'installe toujours dans sa chambre, petit confort qui lui permet d'évacuer le stress en quelque sorte. Ces amis d'enfance eh ben... Il va y avoir un anniversaire qu'ils n'oublieront pas facilement !
Chouhana, étudiant de 20 ans, est un papillon volant librement et n'a jamais été capturé. Elle est toujours entourée d'hommes et tous semblent être sous son contrôle.Cependant, sa vie change quand elle rencontre son voisin, un homme de 33 ans ...
臨死!!江古田ちゃん, Near Death!! Ekoda chan
Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan is a fun and dark a 4-koma manga about the real (?) life of the author, a single woman in Tokyo who drifts through relationships and works at various hostess clubs and the like. Lots of commentary on “birds of prey” (moukin), girls who use their cuteness and affect stupidity in order to try to score men (against whom the author is constantly fighting).
りせっと!, Reset!
Hiro is an ordinary first-year student who enjoys her quiet school life. One day, she picks up a drawing by Toshinou Kyoko which causes her classmate Aoi to mistake Hiro for the artist. Unable to clear up the misunderstanding, Hiro is persuaded to create a doujin game together with Aoi-chan.
Histoire alternative : Trigun Badlands Rumble.One Shot pour célébrer la sortie du film Trigun.L'histoire se concentre sur Rai The Blade, l'un des Guns Gung-Ho, qui vit dans une petite ville-plante.
God Bless My Justice -  Risky Society
A rookie to a society of people with supernatural abilities must prove himself (and his love) to his superior. Released in volume 1 of the Finder series, Target in the Viewfinder.
理想の恋人 -  理想的恋人 -  Ideal Lover
From Blissful Sin: Riku suffered a traumatizing experience after coming out and has since chosen to avoid love. That is until the super-confident and dominating pretty-boy, Yoshimi, walks into his life. He deliberately targets Rikufs weaknesses, but what are his true intentions? This is a story of discipline, guidance and affection that fills both the heart and body of the handsome and brutish Yoshimi and the naturally timid Riku.

Ritou no Umi

Isolated Island's UmiLost at SeaRitounoumi
Dans un lointain archipel du sud se trouve un paysage luxuriant et calme au milieu d’un océan de corail. Voici l'histoire d'un magnifique île baignée dans le soleil, ses habitants et une fille qui a été élevée par l'océan.
リッツで夕食 -  A Wild Affair -  Idol Dreams
From Dark Horse: Quincy wouldn't have seen this coming in her wildest dreams. What ordinary girl-next-door would? One minute you're sitting down to tea in your kitchen, talking with a friend, and the next-the man of your dreams comes knocking at your door, and he's looking for YOU.Quincy never expected to be swept off her feet by a gorgeous, world-famous pop star, but now that it's happening, she's not sure she's the right one for him. Swept up in the glamorous thrill of it all, Quincy is worried that it's all happening a little too fast, not to mention her concerns that she's really not the right girl to call a sexy superstar her boyfriend. It's a good thing for Joe that his desire to be with her is as strong as his star appeal!
Heisuke just came into town and the first thing on his to-dolist is chasing pretty girls, which causes him to get punched in the process. After reaching the house he'll bestaying at he sees a girl trying to sneak inside. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to legitimately grope a girl, he attempts to stop this intruder only to find out that it's thesame girl who punched him earlier; not only that, but her name is Umi and she just happens to be one of the three sisters who live in that house along with their mother. The next day Umi finds out that Heisuke is a boxer whose skill is only eclipsed by his lecherousness. Follow Heisuke as he tries to find out which desire is stronger, his desire for boxing or his desire for girls! 
Beware of the Rival -  ライバルに気をつけろ -  爱情趴趴走
1-2)Rival ni Ki wo Tsukero (Beware of the Rival)Ren is in love with his younger cousin Sakae and has been for quite some time. On the day he plans on confessing he witnesses Kunimi, Sakae's classmate, confessing to Sakae. Upset that Kunimi stole Ren's perfect moment to confess he decides to find out who the guy is and hopefully what Sakae's answer was. When Sakae leaves the two together Kunimi tells Ren he knows Ren loves Sakae and that he will never hand Sakae over to Ren. The battle to win Sakae over is ON!3)Koishitatte ii janai (What's wrong with being in love?)Mei and Shouta are childhood friends. Mei is very clumsy and a little clueless so when he wants to move out of his parent's house and live alone, Shouta moves in with him. One day Mei comes home early and sees Shouta touching himself... while calling Mei's name! Everything changes after that...4)Suki Suki (Love Love)Toshikazu is very possessive over his lover, Hibiki. Hibiki starts to feel smothered but what will happen when he finally wins some freedom?Extra: Ren and Kunimi from Beware of the Rival are back for a short side story. Ren is always complaining about being the bottom but when he finally gets a chance to top Kunimi, things don't go as planned...


ロウきゅーぶ! -  Rou Kyou Bu!
Subaru a toujours joué au Basket, mais après être entré dans un lycée spécialement pour faire partie de leur club de basket, le capitaine du club disparait, laissant derrière lui des rumeurs selon lesquelles il se serait enfui avec une jeune fille du primaire! Le club devant fermer ses portes, Subaru se retrouve à entraîner des jeunes filles du primaire pour leur clubs de basket et l'une d'elle, Tomoka, l'intéresse particulièrement...
Angels (KINUTANI Yuu) -  Angels at the Planetarium -  Biting Summer Play -  Carogna -  Clash! Revenge of Hunk Kung Fu vs. Ugly Kung Fu! Find a Groom! -  Dragon'
Robot is a series of books containing the art of various Asian artists, created by Range Murata.
Les Engrenages du Destin !! -  Rockman 11 : Les Engrenages du Destin !! -  Rockman 11: The Gears of Fate!! -  Mega Man 11
Mega Man X
Taken from manga: Because I know that humanity will have to wage many wars against evil in the future I am leaving behind the strongest reploid in history... Because this world is currently at peace it is my sincere hope that he will not be forced to embark upon such a battle. However unfortunate as it may be I fear that when the time for war comes, he will have no choice but to become ruler of the world.
Megaman X4 -  ロックマンX4
Megaman X4 video game in Manga Form.
六花の勇者 -  Rokka no Yūsha -  Rokka no Yusha -  Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers
A series of three oneshots. Each with a romantic plot and twist of a love that shouldn't happen.
ロマンチスト エゴイスト
One day, Riku finds a mysterious message on her table from a boy with the initials Y. N., stating that he likes her. Riku’s hoping Y. N. is the star of the school, Nakao Yoshiki-kun, but could he be interested in a girl like her? She wants to ask Nakao-kun if he was really the one who wrote the message, but there’s this guy who keeps trying to get in her way…

Rome Rome

Être une femme au foyer n'est pas facile, surtout si vous avez affaire à un mari imbécile, deux enfants téméraires, une mère dont le hobby est de décapiter les zombies qui, eux, essayent toujours de vous manger. Un conte hilarant et bizarre du roi de gag manga : Kenji Hamaoka !
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri -  Ron Kamonohashi : Le détective dérangé
Ce duo inhabituel fait éclater la vérité cachée au grand jour ! Ron Kamonohashi, un détective privé aux prises avec de sérieux problèmes, et Totomaru Ishiki, un détective de police au cœur pur mais peu passionné, font équipe pour résoudre les mystères les plus déroutants ! Une histoire policière passionnante pour une nouvelle génération d'Akira Amano, créateur de "Reborn !" et de "Ēldlive" !
The 3rd oneshot in Yuri Tengoku Anthology. [From Lililicious]: In Rooftop, a girl confesses her love to her crush many, many times, but her crush thinks that she's just saying it out of pity.
ルート・ダブリュー・ピー・ビー, ルートW.P.B., √W.P.B., Root WPB
One day, as Suzuri was walking past a river, she suddenly saw a HUGE peach slowly flowing! Due to the fact she has not eaten since the start of her journey, she decided to just conclude the huge peach was a god sent and did the most logical thing anyone would have done - eat it. However, just as she had her first bite, a young male jumps out of the peach! And before Suzuri knows it, she’s the 18th master to Momo who could do anything that Suzuri commands! What kind of danger would they encounter on their journey as they face a god that goes by the name Kyuui? And what dark secret does Momo have?!
ロウきゅーぶ!, 萝球社, Ro-Kyu-Bu!, Roukyuubu!
Subaru has only ever wanted to play basketball, but right after having transferred to a high school specifically to play in their basketball club the team captain, whom Subaru looked up to as a hero, vanishes leaving behind rumors that he ‘eloped’ with a grade-schooler! The team is disbanded and the members are shunned by their schoolmates. In the middle of this Subaru’s aunt, who teaches grade school, asks Subaru to come coach a girl’s basketball club at her school. At first Subaru wants nothing to do with it, but the determination and drive of one of the girls on the team gives him a change of heart.
浪漫倶楽部 -  Roman Club
A mountain spirit is strangely attracted to the club members of the Roman club in the high school near her shrine … and thus begins all their adventures into the unknown.
A short 5-chapter story set in the future, about a boy and his passion for motorcycles.