
The era is the Taisho period (1912-1926). Kaibara Aria, who wishes to become a pianist, takes the examination to become a preparatory student at the Tokyo School of Music. The passion in her playing overwhelms her surroundings, like a ripple on the surface of water. It was then that Aria had an encounter with the son of the Nishimikado noble family, Natsuo, and learns and shocking truth... The youth of the maiden blessed by the god of music in this stream of musical romance! 
アルペンローゼ, 阿尔卑斯玫瑰, 雪岭飘零, Alpen Rose, Alpenrose, Julie et Stéphane
Seven years ago, Lundi found a little girl named Jeudi lying in a field of dandelions on the Alps. One day, they accidentally angered Count de Gourmont and so Jeudi was forced work as a maid in his castle. Lundi came to her rescue; however they nearly died when escaping. Set in the era of World War II, Lundi and Jeudi face many difficult situations as they search for the whereabouts of Jeudi’s parents.
天草时空旅人, 天草X, Amakusa1637
A group of friends during their Senior Trip upon the cruise ship Victoria, suddenly get pulled back in time and separated. The main character, Hayumi Natsuki, arrives in the year 1636. In Japanese history, Christian rebels revolted in 1637, led by a young man known as Amakusa Shirou, resulting in thousands of casualties. However, when Natsuki arrives in the past, she and her friend Eri discover that Shirou Tokisada is already dead. Meanwhile Natsuki, according to the village folk and Shirou's parents, looks exactly like their late son (never mind the fact that Natsuki is female).Natsuki, the kendo champion of her school, heir to her family's Hakuhouryuu kendo style, simply cannot stand by and watch innocent people be persecuted simply because they are Christian. Soon she even becomes known as an angel, sent from God, whose coming was prophesized 25 years before. But what will she do when old friends become new enemies?
シネマの帝国 -  星光伴我心 -  Cinema Empire -  Starlight In My Heart -  Vương Quốc Điện Ảnh
Il y a 10 ans le président du groupe Hokuto, une importante firme de cinéma, a recueilli une jeune enfant au pouvoir étrange de voir la destinée des gens. En grandissant, Kaori est devenue un membre de la famille mais elle insiste pour garder son uniforme de servante et sans que son secret soit exposé aux deux fils du président, elle l'aide dans son travail. Malheureusement la santé chancelante de celui-ci le condamne à une fin prématurée alors que personne ne s'y attendait, laissant derrière lui, un groupe sans leader. Son testament révélera que celui que Kaori choisira comme époux n'héritera pas de la compagnie. Un cruel dilemme opposera alors les deux frères tous deux amoureux de la jeune et jolie maid et également ambitieux envers le groupe, mais le choix, ne leur appartient déjà plus...
Une collection de trois histoires d'amour et surnaturelles :1) La Tempête du Désert : Quatre ans après la révolte contre la domination russe en Tchétchénie. Eimi trouve un mystérieux garçon qui parle japonais, tout comme son père. Parce qu'il ne peut pas se rappeler qui il est, elle l'appelle "Yuuji". Et les étranges pouvoirs de Yuuji disent à Eimi que son premier béguin est toujours vivant...2) Le jardin de roses sauvages : La paysagiste, Shindo Chika est entourée de mystère. Un par un, les gens qu'elle connaît sont blessés ou meurent subitement. Le seul indice qu'elle possède est un garçon avec un visage cicatrisé - qu'elle craint être un shinigami.3) Rencontre au coucher du soleil : Ryuugi rêve chaque année à son anniversaire d'une fille nommée Fumika qu'il aimait autant qu'un jeune garçon du nom de Sou, et un autre garçon nommé Keishi, qui le tue. Mais quand les gens de ses rêves continuent d'apparaître et qu'il commence à rêver d'événements ayant lieu pendant qu'il rêvait, alors il commence à se demander ce qui arrive exactement.
ふ・し・ぎ・のRIN -  ふ★し★ぎのRIN -  Fushigi no Rin -  Rin (AKAISHI Michiyo)
From MegKF: A young girl and a friend of hers are posessed by aliens.
姫100% -  Hime100% -  Super Girl -  Supergirl
From Ivyscan: Hime wants answers. How could her father, an expert driver, die in a car accident caused by his own carelessness? What about the mysterious note he left behind? What exactly is going on? Hime intends to find out!
プライベートアクトレス 替身天使 -  P.A. (Private Actress) -  PA -  Private Actress
From Anime Waves: Shiho is a "private actress" who works for a production company. She also does personal assignments that needs her to pretend to be a different person. She takes on assignments for people and takes on the personality of the person who they are pretending to be.
天よりも星よりも -  As High As The Sky & The Star
Mio Mizumori's parents die, and she goes to live with her cousin, Tadaomi Shijou. In the midst of mysterious events and dangerous attempts on her life, Mio discovers that she has power over the elements of nature... and a destiny to fulfill.
Eien Kamoshirenai
From Esthétique: Kosumo has a serious medical condition that has kept her in the hospital ever since she was a child. Since Kosumo's blood type is rare, it impossible to find a donor. While Kosumo is on the verge of death, out in the city, the 99th Generation Miko, Himiko-sama, gets into a terrible accident while trying to save a child. She is rushed to the hospital, and there her fate crosses with Kosumo's. When the hospital discovers that Himiko has the same rare blood type as Kosumo, they decide to make her a donor, since Himiko is sure to die as a result of the accident. Kosumo recovers and moves back to Tokyo, but later finds out that Himiko's blood isn't the only thing flowing inside her…