
Ace Censorate
In a world where yin and yang has lost its balance and day merged with night, humans and monsters learn to coexist. Our hardworking censorates do their best to fight the ‘untamed’ monsters in this joyful story.
王爺你好賤 -  Prince -  You're Very Sly!
Elle faisait du shopping et l'instant d'après elle s'éveille dans un bain... de sang ?! Transportée dans le passé, Zhu Wu Xin commence sa nouvelle vie dans un monde inconnu empli de jalousie, de scandale, de prince et de romance.
湾岸 JUNGLE, 湾岸ジャングル, 湾岸JUNGLE, Gulf Jungle, Wangan Janguru
Compilation of 3 short stories:1) Wangan Jungle2) Pineapple 33) Jungle Box
湾岸ミッドナイト, 湾岸竞速
Hunk No.1 -  Wángpái xiào cǎo -  王牌校草 -  달콤살벌 연인
Un va-et-vient d'histoire d'amour sur un campus ! Ling Yu et Tang Jasmine sont condamnés, mais ils ne se connaissent pas. Lui, l'empêche de se rapprocher d'un autre homme, elle, elle, elle, elle, elle est victime d'un coup monté. Peuvent-ils éventuellement unir leur destin ?
Su Xiao était autrefois un dieu pauvre, mais il a accidentellement ravagé le mariage choisi par l'arbre du destin, il n'a alors pas d'autre choix que de descendre dans le monde des mortels et de se réincarner pendant dix vies pour réunir 9999 mariages.
わにとかげぎす -  深海鱼男
Tomioka Yuji is a 32-year-old night-shift guard for a mall. He works completely alone, so he often slacks off, exercising and hanging out on the roof. In some ways, the job is perfect for him, as he's always been terrible with people. However, he can't help feeling incredibly lonely and wishing he had friends. One night, he makes a wish for friendship on a falling star. Shortly after, he finds a strange note left at the door of the mall. It says, "within a year, you'll go mad and die." After this, his solitary life begins to change--some ways for the better, and some for the worse. At work, he notices an ominous silhouette in a nearby apartment building, watching him neglect his job. Who is the mysterious figure? Who sent him the creepy note, and why?
Kanzen Muketsu ni TorawareruTotally Captivated
"Je suis presque sûr que la chute des humains peut être entièrement attribuée à leur curiosité", telle est la philosophie d'Ewon Jung. En raison de sa curiosité et de sa "nature affectueuse", Ewon se retrouve en quelque sorte, après avoir trompé une fois de trop Jiho, largué et menacé de travailler comme gardien pour le nouveau petit ami de Jiho, Mookyul... qui se trouve être un chef de la mafia. Et ce n'est que le début des ennuis d'Ewon. Entre Jiho, qui brûle encore de l'infidélité d'Ewon, et Mookyul, chef de gang à la belle gueule qui commence à s'intéresser de près à lui, Ewon s'emmêle lentement dans un filet plus complexe que celui de la dangereuse pègre, comment y survivra-t-il ?
わんこナンバーわん -  Man's Bestest Friend -  Wanko Number Wan
Just after being dumped by his girlfriend for being wishy-washy, our hero meets a high school girl... with dog ears? Is she a dog? A human? She's wide open, rather naive, and with her around, it's just one crazy day after another. Romantic comedy author Hiroyuki Tamakoshi, author of "Boys Be", brings us the unlikely love story of a hopeless office worker and the extraordinarily beautiful girl who lives with him. Take care of your doggy!
Dog and Cat -  Dog x Cat -  わんことにゃんこ -  当狗爱上猫 -  调情系恋人
kahkoi naretai
A group of nerds aim to be 'cool' by competing in the Idols Singing Contest. Will they win or just stay as nerds? even though they look soo hot


Après 10 années d'entraînement, deux jeunes ninjas, ayant la capacité de se transformer en chien, sont enfin prêts à être testés sur le terrain. Ils trouvent leur nouveau propriétaire, Mitsuyoshi, qui les prend en pensant que ce ne sont que de simples toutous égarés. Il leur donne à chacun un nouveau nom, Hanzou et Hadzuki. Les deux ninjas, sous forme de chien, doivent le protéger contre les démons, sans qu'il ne découvre, jamais, leurs véritables identités. Malheureusement, dès le début, Mitsuyoshi rencontre Hadzuki sous sa forme humaine lorsque celle-ci le sauve d'une attaque de démons. Désormais, elle doit maintenir séparé, son aspect humain et son aspect animal, dans sa relation avec Mitsuyoshi. Ce qui se révélera bien difficile à cause de la menace constante des démons et de ses sentiments grandissants pour lui.
If you lose your consciousness at 12 o'clock of the 12th day of 12th month, then half of your soul will become a new person, or "Wanoja." One day a man bunks his head and half of his soul becomes a girl.
Watashi ni Hon, Utte Minai? -  Watashi ni Karada Utteminai? -  私に体、売ってみない?
“That makes a grand total of 100 thousand dollars.” After Tsukasa’s mom is killed in a car accident, her dad becomes addicted to drinking and gambling. One day, he disappears, leaving Tsukasa with a debt of 30 thousand dollars. There’s no way a student like Tsukasa could get her hands on that much money! Eventually, debt collector Reiko shows up, inviting herself into Tsukasa’s home and telling her to pay up. She offers the young girl a way of getting cash fast: by selling herself to Reiko. “Want to sell me your body?” Tsukasa agrees without really understanding what that entails, and when Reiko moves in with her, their relationship suddenly takes an unexpected turn…
Hu Reum no longer has a family, and so now must go live with her cousins. Will she find her first love? Will she let barriers stand between it? So far, a pretty funny story with an ensemble of four guys (ranging in personalities) and the girl, Hu Reum.
Tori Ichihashi, a 10th grade student, has a strong sense of justice, and hates bad guys. Every night, burglars hover around the school which Tori goes to. Tori can't let it go unchallenged. 3 separate stories in all: 1. WANTE-D 2. First Step 3. The Wish Under Blooming Sakura Trees
Armelia est chanteuse. Alors que son groupe se produit chez le gouverneur général Lanceman, la jeune fille rencontre son neveu Luce. Armelia succombe au charme du jeune homme, mais son bonheur est éphémère puisqu’un peu plus tard dans la soirée, il est enlevé par le pirate Skulls. Elle se jure alors de retrouver son amour. Huit ans plus tard, déguisée en garçon, Armelia, qui se fait désormais appeler Alto, rejoint l'équipage de Skulls.
缉你, Cherry Blossoms in Spring, Haru wa Sakura
Shou wants to be a doctor, but female doctors are forbidden. Takao is a delinquent, whose bad reputation is known by many. Somehow these two people cross paths and a connection is made. Was it just a chance meeting or will something more come out of it?
ウオンテッド, WANTED 尾田 栄一郎短編集, Wanted! - Oda Eiichiro Tanpenshu, WANTED!-尾田栄一郎短編集
A collection of short stories drawn by Oda Eiichiro before One Piece became a major hit. Includes chapter called 'Romance Dawn' which was later re-envisioned as 'One Piece'.A Collection of One-shots by Oda Eiichiro done prior to the debut of One Piece.Titles included are:1) Wanted!2) God's Gift For The Future3) Ikki Yako4) Monsters5) Romance Dawn
ワークワーク, Wāq Wāq, WaqWaq
The world of Waq Waq is a place where machines attack the black-blooded humans, whose only defense are the Sakimori, humans chosen to partner up with the Goujin-zou, a race of machines that grow stronger when melded to humans. Shio and his Sakimori father, Al, upon entering a village, are attacked by the machines. As Al falls in battle, he leaves his son to become the new Sakimori and guardian of a mysterious young girl, believed to be god, found at the heart of the battle. Waq Waq is the story of Shio as he battles to protect what was entrusted to him by his father. Let the battle for God begin!
Almost five hundred years from now, life on Earth struggles to survive in the aftermath of an apocalyptic war. Beasterians, scientifically created human/animal mutants designed to be strong, disposable soldiers, are now the masters of the remaining humans. Humanity’s one hope is the birth of a savior who will lead them out of the darkness. Before that time can come, however, three angels, all superb warriors, must fight to save the life of the Holy Mother.
Sanctified, 战道成圣
童の草 -  童之草
The head of the ninja serving the Sanada house during the Battle of Nagashino Sarutobi Sasuke has been entrusted with an unpleasant task. He is the guard for Sanada Masayuki's second son Sanada Yukimura. Yukimura is a selfish conceited and insolent child and Sasuke despises him from the start. But as they spend time together and Sasuke foils various assassination attempts the two of them may find themselves becoming unexpected friends...
笑えない理由 -  The Reason Why She Can't Smile -  Why She Can't Smile
Kanako, is the resident class outsider. She has no friends, and her classmates talk about her behind her back calling her a "downer." However, she didn't always use to be like this. Back in elementary school, she was a cheerful, outgoing girl who loved to smile. This all came to an end one day when Eiji, the younger brother of her school tutor and a classmate of hers, told her that she looked "fugly" when she smiled. Even though he moved away soon after, she took his insult to heart and it's been two years since anyone's seen her smile. Now that Eiji's back in town though, what will become of her?!
不笑童子~108宗罪, 笑えぬ童子 ~108の業~, THE EMOTIONLESS SPIRIT - One Hundred and Eight Karma (Official Translation), Waraenu Warashi - 108 no Gou (Karma), Waraenu
A long time ago, a pair of twins were born. Back then, however, multiple births were considered unlucky, so one of the twins, a girl, was... crushed to death with a millstone, buried under the shade of a large mulberry tree. The girl's soul, lacking a fully grown spirit, could not reincarnate, and as such was forced to wander the world. Only after collecting 108 individual sources of human misery/worldly desire could she move onto the next world.
Pas de synopsis.
笑い話のようだ -  Warai Hanashi no You da -  Warai Hanashi no Youda -  Waraibanashi no Youda
笑って! 外村さん, 笑一个吧!外村桑, Smile! Sotomura san, Smile! Sotomura-san
嗤う石 -  A Laughing Stone Ghost -  Supernatural a Laughing Stone
Laugh Lady Kanoko, The Secret Notes of Lady Kanoko, Warau Kanoko sama
Although she doesn't get along with people very well Kanoko considers herself a perfect "observer". Her hobby is observing the students in her third year junior high class and keeping a journal of the classroom drama. But what will happen when Kanoko becomes involved with some of her classmates?