
若旦那にご用心, Be Careful of the Young Master
The publishing house told the freelance writer, Shouji Tatsuru, “If you can get an exclusive on one of the resorts that rejected the “Young Master Special” interview, you can be our contractual employee.” That’s how Tatsuru met the third generation of Harebare House, Kuga Nanami. Nanami challenged Tatsuru to work as a free labor in the resort for a month before he agreed to have the interview. Tatsuru accepted and thus began his busy life. Did sparks fly between them or it’s actually love at first sight?

Wakai Josei

Jeune femme
Yuki est une jeune fille qui a fui de chez elle et cache un lourd secret. Hébergez par sa tante dans l'internat d'un lycée, elle rencontra beaucoup de gens qui lui apporteront beaucoup. Des liens spéciaux se nouerons, des amitiés naîtrons et des remises en questions s'imposeront mais tout pourrais changer si son passé la rattrape. Que cache-t-elle ? Pourquoi est-elle partie de chez elle ? Une aventure humaine et surprenante vous attend.
わかメン ~The Mineral Boys~
At the bottom of the beautiful ocean, there are beautiful seaweed brothers... A secret seatopia that makes girls throughout Japan happy is discovered! [ANN]

Wakari No hi

Synopsis : Une courte histoire d'adieuLien pixiv de l'artiste :
Quand la jeune Emily Blake a innocemment embrassé le très séduisant Comte italien Rafaël Di Salis, elle ne se doute pas un instant de ce que lui réserve le destin. A la mort de son père, et selon sa volonté, elle accepte sous contrat, d'être la femme du comte, jusqu'à son 21ème anniversaire.Le comte Rafaël a attendu longtemps. Il a gardé ses passions sous un contrôle de fer pendant deux ans - sa jeune épouse étant jeune, il ne voulait pas la réclamer jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit devenue femme. Mais à présent, elle est en âge.Elle sera sienne !
Webcomic Fantastique coréen de Kim Yong-Hwan, pas de résumé pour le moment.
Saving the life of the girl he loves, Sahu incidentally turns into a zombie. And now he's trying to survive in a stone jungle, believing that one day he will sing for the world.
Réveille-toi -  guerrier
Je suis devenue la bienfaitrice d'un groupe de guerriers...Cinq guerriers, qui se retrouvent scellés par du mana, apparaissent devant Kakana, une pharmacienne, et lui demandent de les guérir. Alors que les forces impériales sont lancées à leur poursuite pour les attraper, Kakana peut-elle guérir les cinq hommes en toute sécurité et retrouver sa vie paisible d'origine ?
The pharmacist Kohaku, who works at the drugstore "Seishindo," goes to get some herbs with his snake Hakkaku. One day, Kohaku gets attacked by a man-eating spirit and his chest is torn open. As his heart is about to get eaten, the one who saves him is Hakkaku in human form.
Vivre avec une fugueuse DLO-11 -  Living Together with a Runaway Girl DLO-11

Wakusei Honey

Blind x Doll -  Sakai Mayu Tanpenshuu -  Saigo no Bansan -  Puri☆Bari -  2-banme ja Dame nan desu ka -  Torikago Kyoushitsu -  Planet Honey -  Wakusei Honey -  Blindoll -  Flag -  Blind Doll -  BlindxDoll -  酒井まゆ短編集 メリーバッドエンド
Recueil de oneshots.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Lucifer BH, Samidare - Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Samidare's Planet, Star of Samidare, The Lucifer and Biscuit Ha
The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' role model that Noi had hoped for. 
Walk -  on -  Water
Pour gagner de l'argent, Ed a décidé d'entrer dans le monde de la pornographie sous l'alias Tommy. Dés le début, il a été convenu qu'il soit top mais suite à des événements, il finit par accepter d'être bottom. Et qu'en est-il de son premier partenaire ? Ce n'est autre que le légendaire Glenn McQueen !
Pairing: Riku x Sora
ワルキューレ ロマンツェ 少女騎士物語, Walkure Romanze: Shoujo Kishi Monogatari
Walkure Romanze's story revolves around Takahiro Mizuno, a student studying at an academy with jousting as its main focus for sport. Takahiro acts as an advisor to the riders of the sport. Takahiro goes through each day tediously until the time of the annual competition draws near. Due to some odd circumstances, his childhood friend Mio Kisaki is enrolled into the competition. As she has never even rode a horse once in her life, Takahiro senses the fear in his friend and becomes Mio's coach.
ワルキューレロマンツェ 少女騎士物語 -  Valkyrie Romanze -  Walkure Romanze - Shoujo Kishi Monogatari (NO.Gomesu)
In the Middle Ages, jousting was a duel between knights who put their prides on the line in an effort to take down their opponent in one sweeping blow. Even with the changing of time, jousting is still being done. In one country it has gone from "duel" to "sport" and everyone, girls as well, is encouraged to become knights and take up the sport. One girl, Celia, is no exception. It was through jousting that she met her first love, a jousting student named Takahiro in her youth. However, before she could talk with him, tragedy struck in the form of a jousting accident and he returned to his country before she could approach him. Years pass and Celia has become a strong young woman. Attending Winford Academy, she studies the art of jousting as well as how to become a knight. It is a new school year and she sees Takahiro among the new students. Will she be able to approach Takahiro this time? Will she become a knight? Only time will tell as the story unfolds.
Kokoro Kosaka is shocked when her recently deceased classmate comes back to life in the form of a stuffed wallaby toy! How will she handle this new companion and what are his reasons for returning from the dead?


« La cigale », sous ce pseudonyme se cache un tueur à gages désabusé et impulsif. Dans les bas-fonds, la seule évocation de son nom fait trembler les plus endurcis des mafieux. Mais qui est vraiment cet assassin et quelles sont ses motivations ? Courage… Confrontation… Détermination… Laissez-vous emporter dans une valse ensanglantée pour le découvrir.
円舞曲は白いドレスで -  Waltz in A White Dress -  White Waltz
At the beginning of the XX century, the relationship between England and Japan was strained. England wanted to extend its influence over Japan, and Japan wasn't willing to let any other culture pass its borders. Koto, though, a Japanese girl, didn't care if the people she meets have almond shaped eyes or not, or if they wear a kimono or a western dress. Actually, she is fascinated by this foreign way of life that brings so many innovations into Japan. More than anything else, it's the clothing that seems to grab her attention, as she wants to become a tailor and create dresses for women of every culture. Unfortunately though, she's a woman, so she knows her dream will end as soon as she gets married. She will have to start acting like a noble and a respectable woman would. In fact, she is betrothed to Masaomi Kidoin, the second born of one of the most important and oldest families of Japan. The day she's told she will marry Masaomi, Koto attends a ball at the British Embassy and meets Sagitto, a half English and half Indian spy that captures her imagination and heart. But can their love story have a happy ending when the British and the Japanese are tracking down Sagitto because they want him dead, and Koto is forced to live a life that doesn't fit her?
ワルツのお時間 -  华尔兹舞的时间 -  Let's Dance A Waltz -  Time to Waltz
From Chibi Manga: Minami dango is the son of a dancer but he hates dance. Tokumura Himeai is called by everyone "princess". Those two will met...
Début du XXème siècle. Les relations entre l'Angleterre et le Japon sont tendues. L'Angleterre voudrait étendre son influence sur le Japon, mais celui-ci ne voulait pas laisser d'autres cultures pénétrer ses frontières.Koto, une japonaise, ne se souciant pas si les personnes qu'elle rencontrait étaient japonaises ou non. Elle adore fabriquer des vêtements pour femme de toutes les cultures et voudrait devenir couturière. Malheureusement, elle est déjà promise à Masaomi Kidoin, le second fils d'une des plus importantes et plus vieilles familles du Japon. Alors, son rêve s'achèvera dès qu'elle sera mariée. Elle l'apprend le jour où elle doit aller à un bal à l'Ambassade britannique. Là, elle rencontre Sagitto, un espion métisse anglo-indien, qui captura son coeur.
Myriad Ancient God King ; Vạn Cổ Thần Vương ; 万古神王
Tué dans sa vie passée par l'empereur Zun, il renaît de nouveau à l'époque où il était au lycée. Sa renaissance coïncide avec les grands changements survenus dans le monde dû à la récupération de l'aura. Redevenu un adolescent, il suit un nouveau chemin et protègera ses amis et ceux qu'il aime. Quand il n'aura plus la volonté d'avancer, ils lui donneront la force d'aller jusqu'au bout.
ワナわなキス -  Wana Wana Kisu -  Wanna Wana Kiss -  Wannawana Kiss
1) Wana wana kiss: From Attractive Fascinante: Nagi and Natsuki became good friends because of a mischievous act Natsuki did. Nagi fell in love with Natsuki and started taking care of him. Natsuki didn't realize his own feelings and ran away from Nagi after they spent a night together. What would Nagi do to make Natsuki return to his side? 2) The god's lamb NOTE: contains shota. 3) Bed 4) Bully 5) Akkun and Onii-chan 6) I'm sorry 7) Wana wana kiss side's story: Nagi 8) Afterword
ワンダル・ワンダリング!, 魔童历险王顽达, Wandal Wandering
The long-eared people has always lived harmoniously in their community. One day, a child of the fearsome round-eared people suddenly appeared in their village. Due to a misunderstanding, the child became infuriated and transformed into an adult with tremendous strength. The usually peaceful village was thrown into chaos due to the child's presence.
Fujishima, le "chien enragé", se voit accorder une seconde chance après s'être sacrifié pour sauver un chien.
Notre héroïne continue son voyage à travers le temps, portant avec elle les souvenirs de 3 milliards d'années.Quand Emanon retrouve enfin son frère jumeau dont elle a été si longtemps séparée, des confessions sont faites et des secrets sont révélés, ce qui la fera méditer sur sa façon de vivre et la nature même de son existence.
Pinocchio冒険エレキテ島, Bouken Erekite Tou, Bouken Erekite-tou, Bouken Erekitetou
After her grandfather's death, Mikura chose to continue their island express courier service. With her seaplane and her adventurous cat, Endeavor, she lives life as she chooses. Soon, Mikura becomes very interested in a mysterious island that seems to move around, according to local legend. After some extensive effort to determine the island's whereabouts, she manages to get a brief glimpse of it from the sky. Now that she knows it's real, she's determined to find the island again, no matter what it takes! 
ワンダリングワンダーワールド -  漫步奇妙世界
A student is going to a large, popular theme park called "Wandering Wonder World," and he's really excited to see the cleaners there, who zip around on rollerblades. When he follows someone into an off-limits area, he finds that the theme park is actually supernatural! Now that he has seen the dark side of the theme park, what will become of him?