

TSUYOSHI Daremo Katenai -  Aitsu ni waTSUYOSHI 誰も勝てない、アイツには
つづきはまた明日 -  明天的明天 -  To Be Continued Tomorrow
Haruka et Saya passent leurs journées à vivre en paix avec leur père dans une petite ville. Mais le jour ou un nouveau voisin débarque, de mystérieux évènements se produisent. Curieusement, ils semblent tous être reliés à la mère d'Haruka et Saya, qui est décédée il ya quelque temps...
In Love With An Idiot, Ni Que Aizhe Yige Ta, Nǐ Què Àizhe Yīgè Tā, Yet You Love a Guy Like Him, Yet You're In Love with an Idiot, คนโง่ที่ไม่เคยมีรัก, 你却爱着一个SB, 你却爱着一个他, 你却爱着一个傻逼
Après avoir eu le coup de foudre pour Li Yu, le meilleur ami de son frère, Jian Su-Young commence à utiliser toutes sortes de stratagèmes pour séduire cette beauté au visage froid, et ses méthodes de séductions sont sans fin. Alors qu’il pense avoir touché la corde sensible de Li Yu, il découvre que Li Yu s’est servi de lui pour lui donner un avant-goût de la trahison et la douleur...


C'est le récit de deux hommes, deux soldats d'une guerre mystérieuse, qui doivent se battre et survivre dans une jungle hostile, sous les tirs incessants de l'ennemi. Il se trouve par hasard que l'un deux est un robot et qu'il apprendra à son ami la véritable signification "d'être en vie" et de la "camaraderie".
Moonlight Cafe -  Tukikageカフェ
Shingo is engaged and his fiance want to meet his parents, but Shingo is reluctant because of a family secret. His mother is in reality his father, he had a sex-change surgery and later married a man, that now is Shingo stepfather. Also Shingo parents own a transvestite bar, his mother being one of the star, the other being all transvestites, one of then having a love interest in Shingo, that is trying to hide that part of his life to his fiance and office coworkers. Shingo also have other secret, he have phimosis, and need to have a circumcision to correct the problem before to marry his fiance. Knowing of this problem one of the transvestites recommend him a doctor that do works for them, and is very discrete. When he goes to the surgeon, the transvestites disguise him as a woman, so he can leave the bar being unnoticed and go to the clinic for the circumcision. The doctor screws it up and thinks Shingo have asked for a sex-change. Seems circumcision is an euphemism for sex-change in the transvestite slag. The surgery is irreversible and Shingo have to start a new life as a woman, working as a OL, and having a lesbian relationship with his fiance.
Yuuta Takenata has dreamed of being a gymnast ever since he was a little kid, so when he gets into high school he starts the Boy's Rhythmic Gymnastics team. Then, the club advisor forces them to take the delinquent Azuma Wataru under their wing. He's loud, whiny and has absolutely no interest in gymnastics. Yuuta just gives up on him, telling to stop coming to the practices. But when Wataru accidentally causes one of the members to break their arm, he has to start training so they can take part in the competition.
タンブリング (MIZUKAMI Wataru)
Yuuta Takenata has dreamed of being a gymnast ever since he was a little kid, so when he gets into high school he starts up the "Boys Rhythmic Gymnastics" team. He works hard and gets enough members to compete, but then the club adviser forces them to take the delinquent Azuma Wataru into they're club. He's loud, whinny and has absolutely no interest in gymnastics. Yuuta just gives up on him, telling to stop coming to the practices. But when he accidentally causes one of the members to break his arm, Azuma has to start training so as to take his part in the competition.
波霸钓手, 釣りチチ渚, Tsuri Chichi Nagisa
Shinta loves nothing more than girls, their school uniform, and their breasts. On the other hand, Shirasu was desperately looking for more members for the Fishing Club. Shinta, as the new transfer student, becomes the target of Shirasu for the Fishing Club. She persistently requests that he join the Fishing Club, but he strongly refuses because he has no interest in fishing. However, his joining of the Fishing Club becomes inevitable when he is saved from bullies by the well known “Tsuri-Chichi” Nagisa, apparently an expert in fishing. She has superb skills in fishing to a point where she can use her fishing rod as a weapon. Strong yet kind and having huge breasts, Nagisa becomes a trigger that changes Shinta’s perspective of fishing as she guarantees that Shinta has the potential of becoming a professional fisher.
ターニングポイント -  Turning Point (TAKANAGA Hinako) -  Punkt der Umkehr (German)
In the pursuit of his dream to become a successful writer, Sakuragi Keigo has become jaded and disillusioned. All he really wants any more is a good night's sleep, unburdened by the stress and pressure of his career. When he picks up a stranded Imamura Toshiki, a student looking for his own dream to follow, Sakuragi finds himself being inexplicably kind to the younger man. Why? Will Imamura be able to help Sakuragi sleep through the night?
Yuuki Narusawa, a college student looking for a tutoring job runs into Ryou Misaki, who is in search of a tutor who looks good in a maid uniform.
タキシード銀, 閃靈酷企鵝
T.V. Eye
Three short stories. A refrigerator, a camera, and a pair of twins... What do they all have in common? A little darkness and obscurity never hurt anyone...
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url]
Kaede devient la manager de son idole Susuran. Mais, en la rencontrant, elle se dit tout de suite "Ce n'est pas la Susuran que j'admire !" En effet, Susuran paraît égoïste et mesquine, mais à force de passer du temps avec elle, Kaede apprend à mieux la connaître...
ツイン・クロス 聖竜臨翔, Huyền Thọai Thánh Long, Thánh long tung cánh, The Advent of Nage
Once upon a time when gods' world is so close to the Earth. There are four god families symbolize East - West - South - North called Seiryuu, Byakko, Suzaku and Genbu. Kira is original god of Kouryuu - the central god family which is the most powerful. Someday, while travelling with his brother, Kira met with an accident which made him lose power and felt to the Earth. Later, while looking for the way to return Heaven, Kira met Shana and Senju. Shana is a boy who has a half of his body immortal, whose sister is kidnapped and he is on the way hunting his enemy. Senju is a female disciple of Sara - a predictor who has a half blood of god. After Sara was kidnapped by Seiryuu King, all of three persons also find the way come to Heaven so that save her and wipe out their enemies.

Twin Roll

Twin Role -  ツイン ロール
Izumi va dans une école pas comme les autres... En effet, dans ce lycée, deux clans rivalisent avec pour but d'avoir un prix, d'un coté l'art et de l'autre la musique. Izumi du département d'art, alias Izu sur le net, a créé les images des musiques composées par un certain Kanon. Ce Kanon est en fait l'étudiant transféré Kaoru, fils d'un célèbre musicien. En secret, il est amoureux d'Izumi mais il veut qu'elle tombe amoureuse de lui et pas de son personnage en ligne ! Alors, il ne lui dit pas qu'il est Kanon. Quand la célèbre personne derrière son ordinateur se révèle être ton plus fidèle admirateur... Que doit-on faire quand la barrière entre le virtuel et la réalité se brise ?

Twin Slaves

Sur le marché secret des enchères d'esclaves, seuls les 1% les plus importants sont concernés. Des sœurs jumelles identiques attrayantes sont en vente spéciale. Grâce à l'homme qui remporte l'enchère, les filles deviennent plus sensationnelles et plus lascives. C'est leur seul et unique plaisir secret.
ふたつのスピカ, 麥穗星之夢, Twin Spica
This is a story about the teenage fantasies of Asumi, a girl who wishes to become an astronaut, and of her friends.One day, Lion's space vehicle fell from the sky and crashed, unfortunately killing Asumi's mother. Asumi then met the spirit of Lion, who told Asumi many stories of space. By listening to these stories, Asumi was inspired to realize her dream of becoming an astronaut.Embracing her dreams in her heart, Asumi is now in third grade of junior high school. It is time to decide her path for the future...
Sousei No Onmyouji
Dans le monde, les péchés de l'humanité se transforment en monstres : les "Impurs". Au Japon, le jeune Rokuro tente de trouver une activité qu'il pourrait pratiquer mais ne semble être doué que pour l'Onmyōdō, chose dont il ne veut plus entendre parler depuis la tragédie qui a touché son dortoir deux ans auparavant. Un jour, en rencontrant une jeune fille de son âge nommée Benio, Rokuro se retrouve emporté de nouveau et malgré lui, dans le monde de l'Onmyōdō.
Futago Yuri -  Близняшка Юри -  双子百合
The pre-serialization version of Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters, but with 100% less mutually unrequitedness.Досерилизационная версия "Неразделённых близняшек"
ツインズ ラビリンス -  ツインズラビリンス -  ツインズ・ラビリンス -  雙胞胎的糾葛 -  Twin’s Labyrinth
A light-hearted read with gorgeous characters (the twin semes with contrasting looks & personalities are super cool!) and wonderful pairings (yeah, each twin gets his own darling). Mildly angsty, craftily erotic, and lots of fluff--and a happy ending! Closely connected to ' Heart Strings '
ティンクティンク, ティンク★ティンク, テインク*テインク, Twink*Twink
Vanilla and Chocolat are twin gods of a peaceful tropical island. Short vignettes highlight their everyday lives in the magical setting.
ト ゥ イ ン ク ル
Two classmates joke around about their close relationship.
トゥインクルちぇりー, 櫻桃情人夢
Sakura always believe she would meet the mysterious guy again, whom she fell in love with eight years ago. But she only knows two things about him, which are that his name starts with the letter "K" and he has already left this city. One day, two transfer students... Kurokawa Sei and Azuma, who used to live here eight years ago, suddenly appeared. Not only that but they are twins as well?!
ティンクル☆くるせいだーすGogo!, Twinkle Crusaders GoGo!, Twinkle Kuruseidaasu
Pom can't figure out why his partner, Leaf, won't make stars. If Leaf won't make stars then, Pom can't do his job, which spells doom for both of their souls. Can Pom help Leaf overcome her sad past and her fears so they can both complete their jobs and win the favor of God?
ティンクルセイバーNOVA, Teinkuru Saber NOVA, Teinkuru Seiba NOVA, Tinkle Saber NOVA
Hayana and Aoi go to Misaki Academy, where their favorite pastime is to eat at all the local restaurants. Misaki is known for it's lax importance on rules, and while that means freedom, it can mean trouble. Hayana's lunch gets interrupted one day by a new club... the World Domination Club! (They're starting with the school lunch program and working outwards.) Luckily, Hayana gets some help from one of her teachers and joins the Ally of Justice Club as Twinkle Saber, sworn to defend the lunchtime (and truth and justice along the way) of Misaki Academy against the World Domination Club!
Shiina Sakuya, passionnée par les étoiles, a été recueillie par son cousin, qui est devenu son tuteur par la même occasion. Elle doit aujourd'hui fêter son anniversaire mais aucun de ses amis ne peut malheureusement se libérer pour cet événement. Kanade, son cousin, lui propose alors de le célébrer avec lui, ce qu'elle accepte avec joie. Après une dure journée de travail, la voici enfin de retour chez elle. Un jeune homme l'y attend, apparemment ami avec Kanade. Il répond au nom de Chihiro. Ce dernier est même venu avec un cadeau d'anniversaire. Au moment de se quitter, il semble même se confesser en connaître beaucoup sur Sakuya. Quelle bien étrange personne...