
Physician In Charge -  You are a Physician in Charge whom I Love -  主治医
From Fantasyshrine:1-3) Physician In ChargeDue to an accident, which caused his memory loss, Tomoya doesn't remember his family nor his lover, Iori. However, it never changed Iori's love for Tomoya! As Tomoya's primary physician, Iori brought Tomoya to the U.S. for treatment, as well as a new start for their future together?4-5) The Thorn In The HeartContinues the story of Sou and Sugino.Extra) Dr. Yagi's Clinical Records
Depuis 2078 l'espèce humaine a évolué en une race dote de capacité surnaturel ,
Kenji Yashima has been receiving hand-made snacks from his neighbour, Shuko Kojima, who moved in when he was seven. Shuko was good at everything, and what he doesn't understand is why she would bother with a guy like him.
The story takes place in a city-state enclosed by the sea. Merchants and adventurers alike gather within the city known as the "world's treasure house". It is a city of endless possibilities and dreams. Here it is that the somewhat odd story of an adventuress and her happy-go-lucky friends unfolds.
宿命のパートナー -  Man of Ice
A fake engagement with despicable man! Berrie meets her stepbrother Dawson whom she detests so much at her friend's party. A billionaire Dawson, with his still arrogant and domineering attitude, proposed her with an unexpected offer. Which was to act as his "fiance" for a certain amount of time...
しゅくれん~銀の森の鬼, 宿恋~銀の森の鬼, 宿恋~銀の森の鬼~, Shukuren, Shukuren ~ Gin no Mori no Oni
Legend has it that when the heart of a demon dies, his body changes into silver… When a woman, betrayed by her lover, and a demon who does not trust humans meet, the wheel of life and death begins to turn for their fatal love...!

Shuna no Tabi

Shuna's JourneyThe Journey of Shunaシュナの旅修拉之旅
Une histoire réconfortante de sortie de chez soi, de lutte contre l'énorme opposition, de persévérance malgré elle et d'amour. Un manga original présenté en aquarelle couleur par le célèbre metteur en scène d'Anime Hayao Miyazaki.
There's an urban legend about a hero that is able to take out entire groups of delinquents. People have only seen the hero's back, where there's an X upon the hero's clothes. A friendless yankee type girl wearing an X on her back, Kinami Shino, may be this hero. She forcefully makes friends with Batsumaru, a boy with red and white hair, dragging him unwillingly into the world of violence. But is Shino really the hero or are things a little more complicated?
瞬間ライル -  瞬间触电
修羅の門, Gate of Carnage
The story is about Mutsu Tsukumo, a young and normal looking youth who challenges great foes to prove that his style of fighting is the best in the world. His Ryuha, or fighting style is called Mutsu Enmei Ryu. A style that is said to have never lost in its 1000 year history. Tsukumo not yet a perfect fighter also increases his strength as the story progresses.
修羅の門異伝 ふでかげ
修羅の刻 -  修羅の刻―陸奥円明流外伝 -  修羅の刻(とき) -  修羅之刻 -  Shura no Kiza -  Shura no Koku
Hell's Warrior & the Maiden -  Ra Zoku -  The Nude Tribe -  修罗&处女 -  修羅と乙女
From ShoujoMagic:Story 1: Hell's Warrior & the Maiden (Shura to Otome)Kayono's first serialized work.One day, a man named Shiryuu appears before Komomo, the daughter of the master of a Japanese-style dancing school. After insisting on becoming a disciple, Shiryuu begins living under the same roof as Komomo. Komomo then comes to be charmed by his beauty and kindness. But Shiryuu has a startling secret and a reason for wanting to romance Komomo quickly. What price will he pay for his interference?Story 2: The Nude Tribe (Ra Zoku)"The Nude Tribe is a race of people who, so long as weather permits, spend their everyday indoor life in the complete and utter nude."Ami is an aspiring model who's commanded by her manager to join the La Tribe as a means of getting her to stop blushing at every photo shoot. The embarrassment and discomfort factors are minimal... until Ami forgets that she's naked and opens her front door to greet a handsome neighbor! But Ryuuichirou doesn't mind -- and for an unusual reason!!


しゅらばら! -  修罗场之恋 -  Shuraba Lovers!
Kazuhiro notre héros est un gentil garçon. Il rêve d'une chose : avoir une petite amie. Les filles l'apprécient pourtant... Mais chaque fois qu'il s'entend bien avec une fille, elle finit par lui demander de transmettre ses sentiments à un autre garçon. Au final, Kazu n'est qu'un cupidon malgré lui... Un jour, il craque et évacue ce qu'il a toujours gardé au fond de lui, pensant qu'il est seul, mais il était épié par sa camarade de classe Hoshikawa, qui se révèle être très mignonne. Alors qu'il ne s'y attendait pas, elle lui demande de sortir avec lui... Et dans la même période, 2 autres filles qu'il connaît lui font la même demande ! Est-ce là son rêve qui se réalise ? Vous verrez que tout ne se passe pas comme il l'aurait espéré...
Shuriken & Pleats
Après la réforme sociale de Restauration de Meiji, beaucoup de samouraïs furent contraints à la clandestinité et quittèrent le Japon pour l’occident. Parmi les descendants de ces guerriers apatrides, se trouve Mikage Kirio,une jeune ninja reconvertie en garde du corps.Elle assure la protection de James Rod, un riche philanthrope et au fil du temps une relation père-fille se noue entre eux.À la mort de son “père adoptif”, Mikage lui fait la promesse de retourner au Japon pour vivre une vie normale. Ce qui va s’avérer plus compliqué que prévu...
Êtes-vous vraiment la personne que vous prétendez être ? Ne vous êtes-vous pas transféré(e) dans un monde virtuel ? "Pourquoi la vanité est-elle aussi forte que la mort ?" - MALRAUX
しゅてんどうじ, 手天童子, Legend of Shutendoji, Shutendoj
Ryuusei is a photographer specialized in erotic themes who has lost his inspiration. Until, one day, he comes across Yoshiuki, a middle aged insurance agent, and strikes a weird deal with him. With such an unusual subject, will Ryuusei be able to feel again the thrill of capturing the moment through his lens?

Shutter Love

Maki est une lycéenne dotée d'un grand talent pour la photo. Fascinée par le bruit du déclencheur, elle ne se lasse pas de prendre des clichés de Yumi, son amie (toujours à la recherche d'un prince charmant). Mais un jour, le chemin de Maki croise celui d'un photographe professionnel. Ce dernier, remarquant immédiatement son talent exceptionnel, va la convaincre de participer à un concours. Mais cette attention n'est pas dénuée d'intérêt... Quelle idée peut-il avoir derrière la tête ? Quelles expériences attendent Maki et Yumi, ces deux jeunes filles à peine sorties de l'adolescence ?
Shu7 -  Shuu Nana -  LoveChuu -  Koi no Kajitsu -  Sweet Little Winter -  周7
Collection de one-shots:1. Shuu 7 (7 Days of Week)2. LoveChuu (In Love)3. Koi no Kajitsu (Fruit of Love)4. Sweet Little Winter
Hibari is a young professional who works long hours and inevitably rides the last train home. It's not all bad. She also runs into the train station worker, Yokose. Yokose is kind and polite and is always looking out for Hibari as she often sleeps defenselessly (and with a bit of drool) on her way home. Their brief encounters are a bright spot in her hectic days.
Un manga basé sur le 'Shuuen no Shiori Project', une série de musiques par 150P. L'histoire sera centrée sur les jeux d'enfants et les légendes urbaines tels que les caches-caches solitaires, les paumes de singes et les doppelgangers.
Amuse-END park -  終園地
It started on a nice family trip with my beloved wife and children.I thought that this happiness would last forever.That is, until we got lost and stumbled upon this “amuse-END park”. Hidden pasts are revealed.Bonds are broken.Showing the darkness of human nature,This is a new horror series released by Shingo Honda, author of “Hakaiju” and “Kiriko”.Presenting the best “family collapse” horror.The title is a pun on amusement park, so there's no direct translation.closest English translation that I got is "amuse-END park"
収穫の十二月, 收获的十二月, Harvest December
Konno Masaki just recently moved to Tagami and has already stirred up a mess. The goddess of the land, Noshiro, lives alongside the people of the city and for some reason chooses Masaki as her mate. Without thinking about the consequences, he agrees to her demands only to regret it. At the same time, Towada Yuki, the only daughter of the wealthy family of Tagami, falls in love with Masaki and asks him to be her boyfriend. And like a fool, he agrees. Now Masaki has to juggle two of the most prominent members of the community, the goddess of the land and the member of the Tagami family, and prevent it from blowing up in his face.
Shukan Brick -  Weekly Brick -  本周狗粮推荐 -  週刊ブリック
About everyday interactions of an earnest Aritsuki and his rather assertive classmate Enokida, who likes invading his personal space just a little too much. Other classmates also appear every so often.See [url=]ch. 46.1[/url] for a basic character intro.Updated weekly (sometimes). Can be non-linear.[hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
週刊石川雅之, The National Bird of France, Weekly Masayuki Ishikawa
A collection of eleven short stories with a wide variety of subjects.1. Her Confession9. The National Bird of France
周刊少年Girl -  週刊少年ガール
Each of this manga's chapters features a new girl. The first chapter starts out with Ichikawa, who mysteriously has a shounen manga show up on her torso each week, a malady she shares with her male classmate, manga-fan Aoi. The second girl, Kawamura, notices that a boy in her class is suddenly being duplicated!
La vie n'est pas douce... Asaoka Yuuri, une aînée de l'Université, a échoué pour sa 49ème recherche d'emploi. Pendant l'examen de la 50ème compagnie, qui devrait être une célébration pour elle, elle rencontre Manabe Ryouji, qui est un garçon célèbre dans son Université. La première impression est horrible. Mais que va-t-il arrivé à Yuuri qui commence à être attirée par Manabe, qui a l'air cool et qui peut tout faire au point de devenir ennuyant...?!
糟糕足球少女 -  蹴球少女 -  Football Girl
Yuuki-kun, une star du football au collège, décide d’ignorer les recommandations pour la J-League qu’il a reçu afin d’entrer dans un club de lycée normal. Cependant, il se rend vite compte que le club du lycée est contrôlé par une fille un peu bizarre appelée Fujisaki Rin. Yuuki-kun aimerait quitter le club mais Rin a d’autres projets en tête et lui réserve de nombreuses surprises.
Cela fait maintenant 500 ans que l'humanité a disparu à cause des redoutables Bêtes. 500 ans que la Terre est laissée dans un état lamentable, preuve de destruction et d'anéantissement. Certaines races survivantes ont décidé de vivre sur des îles flottantes. Malheureusement, elles sont aussi menacées de mort par ces monstruosités, qui les guettent jour après jour. Seul un petit groupe de jeunes filles, des Leprechauns (synonyme de Lutins), peuvent manier des armes anciennes capables de vaincre ces créatures. L'histoire nous entraîne dans la lutte acharnée de ces filles, dont chaque combat peut facilement être leur dernier.. et de William Kumesh, le dernier humain de ce monde anéanti, qui se réveille après un long sommeil glacial...