
Oz -オズ- -  Оз (Токио Сейго)
In a not too distant future, the world is confronted with a host of issues: pollution, resource depletion, population expansion, and so on. In response, the Japanese government developed sensory simulation capsules (“beds”) and successfully launched a virtual reality program — “Gaia.” Interestingly, the designers omitted the concept of pain from the program, and as a result, there are no such things as pain or death in this new virtual world.On a day that started as any other, Oono Yuuri stumbles across a mysterious card, which sets off a chain of strange events that evolve into a tale of conflicting dreams, unlikely friendships, and reluctant vengeance.
オズの摩天楼; Oz no Matenrô; Skyscrapers of Oz
Mari Kudoh et son partenaire Yoichi sont deux superbes "hommes à tout faire", comme ils préfèrent s'appeler eux-mêmes. Leur dernière mission vient de la femme vindicative d'un important PDG. Elle est bien déterminée à humilier le concubin de son mari, un beau jeune homme nommé Yu Kaito. Mais avant même de débuter sa mission, Mari sauve sa future cible d'une embuscade... et lui offre refuge dans son propre appartement.
おざなりダンジョン -  奇兵大冒險 -  Commonplace Dungeon -  Dragon Ozanari Moka? -  Jovens Guerreiros (Brazilian Portuguese) -  Ozanari Danjyon -  Slapdash Dungeon -  The Dungeon
Martial artist Min Deul-le finds herself trapped in the body of Dorothy, the magician, and embarks on an adventure in the fantasy world of Ozland.


Quand elle se réveille, Fuka ne se souvient de rien et se retrouve dans un endroit inconnu.Soudainement, un homme aux cheveux argentés apparaît et lui pointe son épée au visage pendant que la ville entière s'enfuit dans la confusion.Je suis sur le point d'être tuée — au moment où elle se résigne à cette pensée, une main lui est tendue afin de la sauver...
オズのかかし使い -  The Scarecrow of Oz
An eccentric witch chooses a useless scarecrow to be her familiar, but why? A fantasy romance that resounds in the heart!
天使向前走 -  P☆えんじぇる -  Mirai ni Kiss
* Contains a oneshot called Mirai ni Kiss - Meiko, a 14 year old Robotics genius, travels a hundred years forward in time. However, the future is completely different from her sweet daydreams.
Pの悲劇 -  The Tragedy of P
Related Series Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou (Adapted From)
PとJK -  Police & Joshi Kousei -  Policeman and High School Girl
Megu is in love with Funaki-senpai, the object of admiration of all the girls in school. However, she can only look at him from afar. One day, Megu happened to pick up Funaki-senpai's underwear!!! Will this give Megu a chance to get closer to the guy of her dream?
プライベートアクトレス 替身天使 -  P.A. (Private Actress) -  PA -  Private Actress
From Anime Waves: Shiho is a "private actress" who works for a production company. She also does personal assignments that needs her to pretend to be a different person. She takes on assignments for people and takes on the personality of the person who they are pretending to be.
Baby It's You -  P x P -  PXP
From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Himeno Ruri is Vice President of the School Council at Seiou Academy! Recently, at a council meeting, a strange matter has come up: "P", the mysterious thief for hire. Who is he, and why does he only steal particular items? Originally included in this manga is a oneshot called Baby It's You: Because of her beauty and status as a school idol, Akami is somewhat forced to take part in a school play. Only problem Akami has is that, the role she's suppose to do is a ''male'' role and she isn't experienced in acting at ALL.
Eriko wonders if Shino is just going out with her so that Eriko will do her homework for her.
ピーツー!, 玩乒乓, P2 - Let's Play Ping-Pong, P2!, P2! Let's Play Ping Pong
Hiromu is a boy with a small and weak body, he is untalented in any sports, and failed to get into any clubs. But surprisingly, he found talent in the sports called ping pong 
P2 - Let's Play Ping-Pong -  P2! -  P2! ーlet’s Play Pingpong!ー -  P2! Let's Play Ping Pong -  P2! ─let's Play Pingpong!─
Hiromu is a kid who is slow and bad in sports; despite that, he really wants to do sports. After a day full of failures trying to get to a sports club, he gets to the ping pong club. In the ping pong club he meets someone named Kawazue who is the ace, and he tells Hiromu he can’t join the club, because he probably failed every other club and is underestimating the ping pong club. A friend of Hiromu called Otome who wants Hiromu to get into a club merges in the middle of the conversation and has a match against Kawazue for Hiromu joining the club, but she loses. After that, and a lot of begging, Hiromu plays against Kawazue. If he loses, Otome becomes the ping pong club manager. He almost loses, but than he remembers he always gives up and it’s time to stop giving up. Then he shows wits when Kawazue was about to go, Kawazue got back to the game, just to fall for a smash counter Hiromu who never before played ping pong set up for him, and so he got a point… And entered the ping pong club. Summary by ThE WoRm.
Pachin Girl -  パチン娘
A story about a working girl who plays pachinko (Japanese pinball) by the mangaka behind Tsurezure Children and Kanako's life as an assassin, serialized in DMM Pachi Town.The 'Pachin' part of the title refers to the sounds of the balls in the pachinko machines.[url=][img][/img] Author/Artist’s Twitter[/url][img][/img][url=] Author’s Pixiv[/url]
Manin Chikan Densha TS Sennyuu Mission!
Brief Summary: Nothing yet!


Dans une galaxie très lointaine... L'une des planètes qui la constituent donna naissance à un être avec un pouvoir si extraordinaire qu'elle attisait la convoitise de la galaxie toute entière et déclencha une guerre interplanétaire sans précédent. L'existence de ceux qui survécurent fut radicalement bouleversée. En particulier celle d'un jeune garçon aujourd'hui en quête de rédemption...
Kohei's girlfriend has found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with another woman. Follow what happens as Kohei left his girlfriend for another.


La peinture sèche, tout comme nos vies. Un chef-d'oeuvre sur la contemplation d'une peinture qui sèche, réalisé par /a/non.
水に絵を描く -  물에그림그리다 -  Mizu ni E wo Kaku -  To Paint on Water -  Mizu ni E o Kaku
Takahashi, Sango, Izmi, Horinochi, and Shinji. The five members to a school group called "Movie Research Club". When the club's to close down, they decide to create a movie as the end-of-the-club ceremony. However, with Izmi not wanting to do it the whole group collides?
Au début de la dynastie des Song (960-1127 ap. J.-C.), à la frontière occidentale de l'empire Tangut - un point tournant de la Route de la soie - de furieuses batailles se livraient. De courageux guerriers des Tangut et une étrange armée religieuse de l'Ouest se sont battus pour un objet sacré dont on disait qu'il était sacré. Conflits, conspirations et luttes religieuses - au cœur du champ de bataille, le "peintre de guerre intouchable" Tao Hui ne peint que la vérité !
貔貅饭馆,只进不出 -  捡到男鬼后脱单了 -  Quán Cơm Tỳ Hưu, Chỉ Có Vào Không Có Ra -  Píxiū Fànguǎn, Zhǐ Jìn Bù Chū -  Pixiu Restaurant, Only in but Not Out -  Pixiu Restaurant, Only Entering but Not Leaving -  Pixiu Fanguan, Zhi Jin Bu Chu -  Pixiu Bistro: One Way Entry
パジャマでおじゃま -  An Intrusion in Pajamas
Misaki Aguri is the only girl in the Judo team, and she has a crush on the Captain. One day one of her friends tells her of an old Chinese magic. That if the wears the same pajamas as her crush, that she will appear in his room! Just slide his picture under your pillow and TADA! However, things don't go exactly as planned...
Keisuke et Makura sont des amis d'enfance qui ont grandi ensemble presque comme frère et sœur.Un jour, en raison d'un malentendu, Makura quitte la maison en colère jusqu'à ce que la mère de Keisuke, inquiète du fait que Makura ne soit pas encore rentrée, envoi Keisuke chercher après elle.À contrecœur, Keisuke part la chercher, et il se retrouve au champ de tournesol, un endroit familier pour Keisuke. Heureusement, Makura y était. Keisuke la rejoint sur le banc et ils commencent à se remémorer des souvenirs.Lorsque Keisuke décide qu'ils devraient rentrer à la maison, il reçoit un coup de fil sa mère qui lui dit que Makura est dans le coma. Elle lui dit d'aller à toute vitesse aux urgences. Au même moment, il regarde Makura qui n'est plus debout mais qui flotte dans les airs.
パレス・メイヂ -  深宫恋语 -  Palace Meiji -  Paresu Meidi
Le palais du Bardo
"Même si je mourrais et renaissais, tu ne pourras jamais me quitter." Incapable d'accepter la folie et l'obsession de l'empereur, je me suis suicidé. Mais cent ans ont passé, et comme si le destin me jouait un tour, je me suis réincarné avec tous mes souvenirs ! J'ai juré de ne plus jamais le revoir, mais j'espérais que contrairement à moi, il aurait tout oublié... Pourtant, même en me donnant la mort, je n'avais pas pu lui échapper. Et désormais, je faisais face à la réincarnation de l'empereur une fois de plus.
Nai Ba Sheng Qishi -  Stay-at-Home Dad Paladin
Palepoli goes beyond the framework of standard four-panel manga and views its structure in new ways. Actually, Furuya knew nothing of conventional manga styles and methods when he started Palepoli. As a result, he created something that bore little similarity to other manga. Furuya notes that he selects his subject matter and methods with clear and precise intentions. I find it extremely rare for a manga artist to be this deliberate. A portion of Palepoli was featured in Secret Comics Japan.